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Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS

Institute of Archaeology RAS

French-Russian International Associated Laboratory ARTEMIR

Institute of History of the Material Culture RAS

Academic Scientific Program “Historical Heritage of Eurasia: New Values”










April 9th , 2017, Sunday




Excursion to the Brilliant Chamber at the Hermitage Museum and later on a bus tour to The Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve.


April 10th, 2017, Monday


Russian Geographical Society (10A, Grivtsov Pereulok)

10:00–10:30 Registration of Participants

10:30 Conference opening

Welcome address by Dr.Sc. Yuri Chistov, the Director of the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS.


Consul Général de France, M. Thibaut Fourrière.

Directeur délégué de l’Institut Français de Russie, antenne de Saint-Pétersbourg М. Alain Hélou.


Morning Session 11:00–13:00

Moderator Ekaterina Devlet


11:00–11:25 Nicholas Conard, Darya Presnyakova. Aurignacian figurines from the caves of the Swabian Jura and their implications for origins of art.

11:25–11:50 Andrei Sinitsyn. Personal ornaments and mobile Paleolithic art: typology and/or style.

11:50–12:15 Oscar Fuentes, Geneviève Pinçon. Images et espace culturel pendant le Magdalénien moyen: continuités et discontinuités de l'art du Roc-aux-Sorciers.

12:15–12:40 Catherine Cretin, Jean-Michel Geneste, Hugues Plisson, Viacheslav Molodin, Lydia Zotkina, Dmitry Cheremisin. Nouvelles découvertes sur le site de Kalgutinskyï Rudnik (République de l'Altaï, Fédération de Russie). Réflexion sur leur technique de réalisation et leur âge possible.

12:40–13:00 Discussion.



Afternoon Session 15:00–17:00


Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) 3, University Emb.

Moderator Geneviève Pinçon


15:00–15:25 Gerhard Bosinski. La différence entre les animaux chassés et les animaux représentes au Magdalénien.

15:25–15:50 Jill Cook. The making, imagery and significance of the Magdalenian ivory sculpture known as ‘the Swimming Reindeer’ from Montastruc, France in the collection of the British Museum.

15:50–16:15 Gennady Khlopachev. Representation peculiarities of animal and human images among the Paleolithic figurines from Eastern  Europe (from the MAE RAS collection).

16:15–16:40 Olga Zhmur. Paleolithic art: information potential of artefacts and the possibilities of conservator’s contribution in their studies.

16:40 – 17.00 Discussion.


Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) 3, University Emb.

Ground flour, Round Hall

17:00 Presentation of the album: “Upper Paleolithic: images, symbols, signs. Catalogue of portable art and unique Upper Paleolithic finds from the Kunstkamera collection” / Publishing Editor G.A. Khlopachev. SPb.: MAE RAS, 2016. 384 p. (ground flour, Round Hall)

Reception (The Japanese Hall).


April 11th, 2017, Tuesday

Morning Session 10:00–13:40

Moderator Gennady Khlopachev


Russian Geographical Society (10A, Grivtsov Pereulok)


10:00–10:25 Andrei Polyakov, Sergei Vasiliev, Evgeny Girya. The discovery of the Final Paleolithic mobiliary art in the Upper Yenisei area (the engraved pebble from the Irba 2 site).

10:25–10:50 Ludmila Lbova, Pavel Volkov, Ekaterina Lipnina. Techniques and methods of decorating of the Siberian Paleolithic anthropomorphic figurines from Malta.

10:50–11:15 Martina Lazniekova-Galetova. L’etude technologique des objets de parure en ivoire gravettiens en Moravie (République tchèque).

11:15–11:40 Konstantin Gavrilov. The iconography and archaeological context of female figurines of the Eastern Gravettian.

11:40–12:05 – Coffee break.

Moderator Nicholas Conard


12:0512:30 Claire Lucas. Decoration on Magdalenian weapons from the Aveyron valley (South-Western France).

12:30–12:55 Vladislav Zhitenev. Painted plaques from the Kapova cave and the Talitsky site.

12:55–13:20 Alexander Pakhunov, Ekaterina Devlet. Colors of the Kapova Cave: from visual analysis to accurate data.

13:20–13:40 Discussion.


Afternoon Session 15:0017:00


Russian Geographical Society (10A, Grivtsov Pereulok)


Moderator Serge Cassen

15:00–15:25 Svetlana Demeschenko. Сompositions in the Paleolithic art.

15:25–15:50 Ewa Dutkiewicz, Sibylle Wolf, Nicholas Conard. Aurignacian portable art of the Swabian Jura: new documentation methods and perspectives on the markings.

15:50–16:15 Oscar Fuentes, Geneviève Pinçon. Les usages de la 3D dans l'étude de l'art pariétal des grottes et abris ornés: apports et limites à partir de différents exemples.

16:1516:40 Ekaterina Devlet. The Sikachi-Alyan petroglyphs’3D analysis: natural landscape and stone relief.


Posters 16:40–17:40

Moderator Andrei Sinitsyn

Poster presentation and discussion – 5 min

Natalia Belousova, Alexandr Fedorchenko, Maxim Kozlikin. Serpentine personal ornaments from the Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages of the Anuy River valley (Gorny Altai).

Ekaterina Bocharova, Vasily Kovalev, Ludmila Lbova. Visualization of art objects from the site of Malta (maсrophotographs and 3D photogrammetry).

Danir Gainullin, Nikolay Grigoriev. Removal of modern graffiti from Shulgan-Tash walls (Kapova cave). Brief analysis for 2015-2016.

Kirill Dneprovsky, Elena Sukhorukova. Technologies of the ancient Eskimo art (from the collection of the State Museum of Oriental Art).

Mikhail Zheltov, Maria Zheltova. Engraved slate plaques from the upper layer of Kostenki 1.

Kair Zhumadilov. 3D-scanning as a method in rock art research.

Darya Kozhevnikova. Musical instruments from the Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages of the Transbaikal.

Larisa Kulakovska, Vitali Usik, Gennady Khlopachev, Olga Zhmur. Upper Paleolithic site Doroshivtsy III: ivory artifacts.

Sergei Lev, Konstantin Gavrilov. Paleolithic Danae: a masterpiece from the excavations at Khotylevo 2 in 2016.

Sergei Lisitsyn. Anthropomorphic ivory figurine from the Gravettian site of Borshchevo 5 at Kostenki Borshchevo region on the Don River.

Olga Lozovskaya. Art activities of Mesolithic and Neolithic hunter-gatherer-fishers at the Zamostie 2 site: bone, stone, wood. Archaeological context.

Andrei Tabarev, Darya Ivanova, Yoshitaka Kanomata. Mobile Art and Ritual Attributes in the Ancient Cultures of the Pacific (The Russian Far East and South America).

Anastasia Timofeeva, Artur Laskin, Yuri Svoiskiy, Ekaterina Romanenko, Amina Fakhri, Alexandr Pakhunov, Ekaterina Devlet. Tracing of the 3D-models: rock art reliefs from the Far East.

Alexandr Fedorchenko, Svetlana Shnaider, Aida Abdykanova. Technology of stone personal ornaments making of the site of Obishir 5, layer 2 (the western Central Asia).

Natalia Chairkina. Eneolithic art of the Transurals area.

17.40–18:00 Discussion.


April 12th, 2017, Wednesday

Morning Session 10:0012:00

Moderator Sergei Vasilev


Russian Geographical Society (10A, Grivtsov Pereulok)


10:00–10:25 Vyacheslav Kotov. The phenomenon of the use of natural forms in the Paleolithic of Eurasia: the so called ‘pebble sculptures’.

10:25–10:50 Lydia Zotkina. Technological aspects of the engravings from the Les Combarelles Cave.

10:50–11:15 Laurent Lescop. The picture in the mirror: elements on survey, spaces, scales and chronotopy.

11:15–11:40 Serge Cassen. Object-signs and signs of the object. Stone rings and axes iconography in the Neolithic of nothern France.

11.40–12.00 Сoffee break.

12:00 – Film on Prehistoric Art Studies: “L'énigme du Grand Menhir”

12:55–13:15 Discussion.


Afternoon Session 14:30–17:00

Moderator Ludmila Lbova


14:30–14:55 Vladimir Shirokov. Animalistic motifs in the art of the Kolokolnaya (Serpievskaya 2) Cave in the southern Urals.

14:55–15:20 Svetlana Savchenko. Antler staff head in the shape of a fantastic beast from the Middle Trans-Urals.

15:20–15:45 Mikhail Zhilin. Antler staff head in the shape of a fantastic beast from the late Mesolithic level of Ivanovskoye 7 site in the Volga-Oka interfluve.

15:45–16:10 Evgeny Kolpakov. Elk-headed batons.

16:10–16:35 Alexandr Fedorchenko, Maxim Kozlikin, Natalia Belousova. Ornamented bone pieces from the Early Upper Paleolithic assemblages of the Denisova Cave (the Altai Mountains).

16:35–17:00 Final discussion.


Список участников / List of participants


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