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Oral presentation – 15 min.,

discussion – 5 min.

The conference was supported by RFBR № 16–06–20186 г



24 May




Institute for the history of material culture RAS, 18 Dvortsovaya emb.


9.15–10.00 Registration

10.00 Welcome speech

V. A. Lapshin, Director of Institute for the history of material culture

E. N. Nosov, Scientific director of Institute for the history of material culture

S. A. Vasiliev, Chief of the Paleolithic department, Institute for the history of material culture


10.10–13.00 Morning session

Session 1: dedicated to centenary of the birth of L. Y. Krizhevskaya

Chair: S. A. Vasiliev

A. A. Vybornov, E. Yu. Girya, G. V. Sinitsyna, V. Ya. Shumkin Liya Yakovlevna Krizhevskaya: a thorny and a joyful way of Teacher

T. M. Gusentsova L.Y. Krizhevskaya – a scholar

A. V. Kolesnik On the way to Rostov

N. A. Aleksashenko Beyond the letters’ lines

A. F. Gorelik, A. V. Tsybryi, V. V. Tsybryi L. Y. Krizhevskaya and pre-pottery Neolithic in the south of Eastern Europe (modern state of research)


11.00–11.20 Coffee break


Session 2: Neolithic – Eneolithic from the forest zone of Ural to the steppes of the Don basin

Chair: V. E. Shchelinsky

V. S. Mosin The Neolithic period in the southern Urals: L.Y. Krizhevskaya’s researches and contemporary investigations

L. L. Kosinskaya L. Y. Krizhevskaya and Neolithic of Ural region

A. V. Baratskov, A. A. Vybornov, A. I. Yudin, I. N. Vasilyeva, M. A. Kulkova, P. A. Kosintsev, T. Goslar, B. Philippsen Algay – new site of the neolithic of steppe zone

V. V. Stavitsky Territory and local variants of elshanskaya ceramic tradition

N. S. Berezina, A. Y. Berezin Distribution of elshanskaya ceramic tradition in the Middle Sura basin

I. G. Tolpygina Pit-comb ceramics of the middle Volga region in the survey of L. Y. Krizhevskaya and pottery analysis in the framework of historical-cultural approach


12.50–13.00 Discussion


13.00–14.00 Lunch


14.00–18.20 Evening session

Chair: V. S. Mosin

L. N. Mylnikova Pottery from funeral-ritual Neolithic complex Vengerovo-2A (Barabinskaya forest-steppe)

V. T. Kovaleva, S. Y. Zyrjanova Boborykinskaya culture: a history of research and its contemporary state

N. L. Morgunova, N. P. Salugina Cultural and chronological position of Bronze Age pottery from the Turganik settlement in the Orenburg region

E. N. Dubovtseva, D. V. Kiseleva, S. E. Panteleeva Complex investigation of Sintashta pottery from the Kamenny Ambar fortified settlement

I. N. Ezepenko, M. I. Tkacheva Morphological and technological features of Early Neolithic pottery in the Upper Dnepr River basin (Strumel–Gastyatin type)


15.30–15.40 Discussion


15.40–16.00 Coffee break


Chair: N. L. Morgunova

A. A. Kulichkov, R. V. Smoljaninov The Upper Don Settlement Ksizovo 6: the techniques used in the production of Ksizovo ceramics

M. N. Zheltova, M. A. Kulkova, O. V. Yanshina Clay handicrafts of Paleolithic sites of Eastern Europe: problems of analysis and interpretation

V. E. Shchelinsky, P. B. Vandiver Clay cup from cultural layer of Paleolithic sanctuary in Kapova cave: the first experiments in production and use of clay handicrafts

B. I. Muhametdinov Methods of stylistic analysis of ceramic decor in the framework of historical-cultural approach

I. F. Vitenkova Reconstruction of ways of pottery making of ceramics from Karelian sites


17.30–17.40 Discussion


17.40–18.20 Poster session

Chair: O. V. Lozovskaya

E. S. Yakovleva Neolithic pottery of the site Kedrovy mys I

N. L. Morgunova, M. A. Turetskii, М. А. Kulkova, L. A. Nesterova Turganik settlement in the southern Cisural: stratigraphy, planigraphy and radiocarbon chronology

L. V. Kuptsova, V. I. Muhametdinov Morphology and technology of the Srubna-Andronovo ceramics from burial sites of Orenburg Urals

Y. A. Emelianova Technological aspects of the ornamentation of Northern Baikal type of vessels

E. N. Dubovtseva, M. A. Kulkova Technology of pottery making on the sites of Barsova Gora (Surgut) due to technical-technological, petrographic and geochemical analysis

E. Aliev Bronze age pottery of Nakhichevan

D. E. Kichigin Cords’ impressions on ancient pottery of Baikal area: ethnographic parallels

V. L. Bondarenko, T. V. Oleynik New Finds of Eneolithic – Bronze Age from the Low Kharkov River


18.20–18.30 Discussion


18.30 – Buffet reception


25 May




The State Hermitage Museum, Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre (37 Zausadebnaya str.)


9.30–13.10 Morning session

Session 3: Ancient ceramic technologies of Eurasia

Chair: A. A. Vybornov

Yu. B. Tsetlin, V. E. Medvedev, E. V. Volkova, O. A. Lopatina Neolithic pottery of the Lower Amur region: selected results

I. N. Vasilyeva, A. A. Vybornov The centres of early Neolithic pottery in Don-Volga steppe and forest-steppe areas

M. Spataro, A. A. Vybornov, K. M. Andreev Pottery technology in the early Neolithic Elshanskaya culture


Session 4: Methods of ancient pottery investigation

N. Yu. Petrova Estimating the proportion of broken shell temper in pottery paste

N. P. Salugina Identification of shell in the composition of ancient ceramics: criteria for distinguishing a natural or artificial character

D. Jan Petrographic study of vegetal temper in Early and Middle Neolithic pottery in Lower Normandy (France)


11.05–11.20 Discussion


11.20–11.40 Coffee break


Chair: Y. B. Tsetlin

N. N. Skakun, V. V. Terekhina Experimental works’ significance in the study of ancient pottery

E. V. Volkova, Y. B. Tsetlin On the study of ancient ceramics fi ring regimes

V. V. Ilyushina On the problem of the identification of organic solutions in ancient ceramics

M. Barray, G. Fronteau, C. Hamon New methodological perspectives for the study of Neolithic ceramics: The Paris Basin case during Middle Neolithic

M. V. Ivanischeva, M. A. Kulkova Results of micromorphological analysis of early Neolithic pottery of the Southern Onega lake


13.00–13.10 Discussion


13.10–14.10 Lunch


14.10–18.00 Evening session

Chair: I. Clemente Conte

N. G. Nedomolkina, H. Piezonka Ceramic complexes of the Veksa River from the 6th mill BC (North-Western Russia): new spatial and statistical approaches

N. V. Kosorukova, M. A. Kulkova Pottery of the early Neolithic site Karavaikha 4 in the Vozhe Lake basin: typology and petrography

T. A. Khoroshun Complex research of Late Neolithic – Early Eneolithic ceramics in Karelia (4th–3rd mill BC)

E. L. Lychagina, N. S. Batueva Analysis of the Neolithic pottery of the Kama region via a historical-cultural approach

K. B. Kalinina, E. G. Starkova Painting layer composition and paste investigation of Tripolye pottery with the use of SED-EDX


15.15–15.30 Discussion


15.40–16.00 Coffee break


Chair: M. Spataro

S. N. Skochina Traces of surface treatment on pottery of koshkinskaya culture pottery from the site Mergen 6

I. Clemente Conte, N. Mazzucco, D. C. Solana, M. M. Holgueras The toolkit for pottery production and repair in Prehistory

M. Dębiec, T. Saile Šárka in Volhynia

M. A. Kholkina Vessel modelling techniques in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland in the Early Metal Period

D. E. Kichigin Modeling process of senogdinsky type vessels on the basis of forming operations traces (Baikal region)


17.40–18.00 Discussion


18.00 Excursion to exhibitions in the Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre of the State Hermitage Museum


26 May




The State Hermitage Museum, Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre (37 Zausadebnaya str.)


9.30–13.00 Morning session

Session 5: Neolithic-Eneolithic ceramic technologies

Chair: H. Piezonka

E. V. Volkova «Fatianoidnaya» pottery (similar to Fatianovo) and its cultural interpretation

J. Ripoche Towards the Genesis of the Early Bronze Age in Brittany and interactions along the Atlantic coast with reference to the «chaîne opératoire» (c. 2200–1700 BC)

I. V. Kalinina Method and interpretation in the study of the oldest pottery

J. S. Baldi For an epistemological innovation in the approach to past technical traditions: proto-historic north-Mesopotamian Coba bowls as a case study

G. N. Poplevko Some problems of complex investigation and reconstruction of ancient pottery


11.00–11.10 Discussion


11.10–11.30 Coffee break


Session 6: Physical and natural scientifi c methods in the study of ancient pottery

Chair: M. A. Kulkova

11.30–11.40 O. Craig, C. Heron, J. Meadows Introduction to the session

O. Craig The innovation and development of pottery in the Japanese archipelago

C. Heron, O. Craig, A. Luquin, V. J. Steele, A. Thompson, G. Piličiauskas Patterns in pottery use in the southeastern Baltic, 3300–2400 Cal BC

E. Oras, O. Craig, A. Lucquin, A. Kriiska, L. Lõugas Lipid analysis of the earliest pottery in Estonia

P. Debels Understanding pottery use through technofunctional, tribological and experimental approaches


12.50–13.00 Discussion


13.00–14.00 Lunch


14.00–18.00 Evening session

Session 6: Physical and natural scientifi c methods in the study of ancient pottery

Chair: C. Heron

N. Tarifa Mateo, N. Moraleda Cibrián, A. Rosell Melé, X. Clop García, E. Gassiot Ballbè Functional study of pottery from Cova del Sardo (Catalonia, Spain) (4800–2100 cal BC): the earliest evidence of Neolithic high mountain settlements in Southern Europe

J. Vieugué Pottery function and food habits of early neolithic societies in eastern Mediterranean (6900–5700 cal. BC): chronological and regional variations

J. Meadows, O. Craig, E. L. Kostyleva, M. A. Kulkova, O. V. Lozovskaya, N. G. Nedomolkina, E. Oras, H. Piezonka, G. I. Zaitseva AMS radiocarbon dating of prehistoric pottery in North-Eastern Europe – progress and challenges

K. Nordqvist, T. Mökkönen New radiocarbon dates for early pottery in North-Eastern Europe

O. Seitsonen, D. V. Gerasimov, M. A. Kulkova Reservoir effects on the Early Neolithic ceramic 14C dates from Karelian Isthmus, Russia

M. A. Kulkova, T. M. Gusentsova, A. M. Kulkov Technology and the radiocarbon age of pottery from the Podolje1 site (Southern Ladoga area)


15. 50–16.00 Discussion


16.00–16.20 Coffee break


Session 7: «Chaînes opératoires», ancient masters and society

Chair: D. Binder

16.20–16.30 Demoule J.-P. Introduction to the session

M. Budja The inventions and reinventions of ceramic technology and pottery production in prehistory

S. Manem, M. Vander Linden Transmission and innovation of ceramic traditions of early farming in Europe. A method based on the macro-traces analysis

F. Giligny Operational sequences reconstruction of pottery manufacturing during the Neolithic in the Paris basin: The example of Neauphle-le-Vieux and Balloy Les Réaudins in the 5th millennium BC


17.25–17.40 Discussion


27 May




The State Hermitage Museum, Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Centre (37 Zausadebnaya str.)


9.30–13.00 Morning session

Session 7: «Chaînes opératoires», ancient masters and society

Chair: F. Giligny

A. N. Mazurkevich, M. A. Kulkova, E. V. Dolbunova Operational sequences of early neolithic pottery making of the site Rakushechny Yar (7th mill BC)

X. Clop García, L. Salanova, M. R. Estrada Aliberas Raw materials, «ways of doing» and artisan traditions in the Mediterranean Basin between c. 7.000–4.000 cal BC: considerations from the development of an investigation project

L. Gomart, M. Gabriele, L. Drieu, D. Binder, S. Azoulay, A. Burr, F. Convertini, G. Durrenmath, J.-M. Lardeaux, A. Pasqualini, C. Manen, M. Regert, C. Vérati Early Western Mediterranean Impressed Wares (Early 6th millennium cal BCE): sourcing, production, uses and transfers. Design of new interdisciplinary research and fi rst results at Pendimoun rock-shelter (Alpes-Maritimes, France)

P. M. Kozhin, I. V. Palaguta LBK pottery: technology and ornamentation

L. Gomart, L. Hachem, C. Hamon, F. Giligny, M. Ilett Pottery manufacture and subsistence: an integrated technological and socioeconomic approach to LBK villages

V. A. Manko Flint and ceramic complexes: models of correlation


11.00–11.40 Final discussion

Chair: M. Budja


11.40–12.00 Coffee break