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Dear colleagues!


Institute for the history of material culture of RAS
The State Hermitage Museum
Povolzhskiy State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities
Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of RAS
National Center for Scientific Research (UMR 8215 CNRS-Universite Paris 1)


invite you to take part in the international conference


which will take place 24-27 MAY 2016 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia


The conference is devoted to the 100-anniversary of Russian outstanding researcher Liya Yakovlevna Krizhevkaya (30.05(12.06).1916-27.04.1995). The contribution made by L. Krizhevskaya in investigation of Neolithic-Eneolithic of the steppe and forest steppe' zones from Northern Black Sea to Transurals will be discussed on the conference.

The major part of the conference will be devoted to the discussion about methods of analysis of the oldest pottery, which allows reconstructing ceramic manufacture, as well as cultural processes in the Past. Discussion of following themes is proposed:

  • - integrating archaeological science in the study of early pottery from the Urals to the Baltic. Ceramic analysis remains an important component of the application of the physical and natural sciences to archaeology. This theme will highlight recent work and will illustrate how these approaches can be combined to address major research questions, namely the innovation, dispersal and use of pottery vessels by hunter-gatherers and the impact on pottery use of the introduction of domesticated plants and animals;
  • - results of historical-cultural approach application in study of Neolithic pottery, elaborated by A. A. Bobrinsky. Its methods are based on binocular microscopy analysis, tracology and experiment. Results of these researches include description of cultural traditions, existed in the milieu of the inhabitants under consideration;
  • - ceramic technology reconstruction by application of "chaines operatoires" analysis (basing on archaeological and ethnographic data). Different parts of "chaine operatoire" might be determined by various factors - cultural, natural, functional. This analysis could allow distinguish communication networks among different societies and inside them.


Venue: Institute for the History of Material Culture and The State Hermitage Museum (Saint-Petersburg, Russia).

Languages of the conference: Russian and English (with synchronous translation).I


Applications for participation in the conference should be sent till 20 December 2015 to e-mail , including title of the presentation, authors names with their affiliations, and abstract (up to 400 signs).


Proceeding of the conference will be published in English and Russian. I Texts up to 6000 signs with 2 white and black illustrations (600 dpi) are to be sent before 15 February 2016. Article submission guidelines will be represented in the 2nd informational letter.



Organizing and scientific committee:

Dr. Vladimir A. Lapshin, Director of Institute for the History of Material Culture of RAS (IHMC of RAS), Russia

Dr. Evgeny N. Nosov, Scientific director, Institute for the History of Material Culture of RAS, Russia

Dr., prof. Mikhail B. Piotrovsky, Director of The State Hermitage Museum, Russia

Dr. Vyacheslav E. Shchelinsky, Head of the Experimental-tracological Laboratory of IHMC of RAS, Russia

Dr. Sergey A. Vasiliev, Head of the Department of Paleolithic, IHMC of RAS, Russia

Dr., prof. Aleksandr A. Vybornov, Head of the Department of Russian history and archaeology, Povolzhskiy State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities, Russia

Dr. Asya V. Engovatova, Deputy Director of Institute of Archaeology RAS, Russia

Dr. Olga V. Lozovskaya, IHMS of RAS, secretary of the conference, Russia

Andrey N. Mazurkevich, General curator of the Department of archaeology, The State Hermitage Museum, Russia

Ekaterina V. Dolbunova, The State Hermitage Museum, Russia

Dr. Evgeny Girya, IHMS of RAS

Dr. Dmitry V. Gerasimov, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of RAS, Russia

Dr. Marianna A. Kulkova, Assistant professor, Herzen State University, Russia

Dr. Yury B. Tsetlin, Institute of Archaeology RAS, Russia

Dr., prof. Francois Giligny, Trajectoires. De la sedentarisation a I'Etat. UMR 8215-Universite Paris-1, France

Dr., prof. Carl Heron, University of Bradford, UK

Dr., prof. Oliver Craig, University of York, UK

Dr. John Meadows, University of Kiel, Center for Baltic and Scandinavian archaeology, Germany


Technical secretary of the conference - Evgenia S. Tkach, IHMS of RAS, Russia


If you have any questions, please, contact us




With best wishes,

Organizing committee



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