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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / Археологические вести / Annotations of issues / "Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 38. Аннотации

"Археологические вести". Спб., 2023. Выпуск 38. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 38 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2023. — 240 c.: ил.




Выпуск 38 журнала «Археологические вести» посвящен 125-летию со дня рождения А. А. Иессена. Статьи подготовлены на основе докладов, прочитанных на первом междисциплинарном научном симпозиуме СТЕК № 1 (сырьё — технология — культура), который состоялся 24–25 февраля 2022 г. в ИИМК РАН (Санкт-Петербург). Тема симпозиума — «Развитие металлопроизводства и культурный прогресс в эпоху палеометалла на Кавказе и сопредельных территориях». Часть «Жизнь и творческое наследие А. А. Иессена» объединяет работы, посвященные различным областям научной и экспедиционной деятельности ученого, а также осмыслению эпохи, в которую он жил и работал. В части «Новые открытия и исследования» публикуются статьи современных исследователей, касающиеся Кавказа и Северного Причерноморья эпохи палеометалла. Часть «История науки» представлена обстоятельной работой по анализу взглядов самого А. А. Иессена и его предшественников на периодизацию и хронологию майкопской культуры, а также публикациями двух неизвестных ранее работ ученого.

Issue 38 of the Archaeological News is dedicated to the 125th birth anniversary of A. A. Iessen. The papers are prepared on the basis of the lectures delivered at the first interdisciplinary scientific symposium of STEK No. 1 (raw materials– technology–culture) platform which took place on February 24–25, 2022, at IHMC RAS (Saint Petersburg). The subject of the symposium was the “Development of metal production and metalworking during the Palaeometal Age in the Caucasus and adjacent territories”. The first section “Life and scientific heritage of A. A. Iessen” unites the works devoted to different spheres of the scientific and expedition activities of the scholar, as well as to the purport of the epoch in which he lived and worked. In the second section, studies of modern scholars are published concerned with the Caucasus and Northern Black Sea littoral in the Palaeometal epoch. The section “History of Science” is represented by a circumstantial work on analysis of the views of A. A. Iessen himself and his predecessors on the periodization and chronology of the Maykop archaeological culture, as well as by publication of two previously unknown works by the scholar and commentaries to them.


Кашуба М. Т. А. А. Иессен в ИИМК: вчера и сегодня (СТЕК № 1. К 125-летию со дня рождения исследователя)

Аннотация. В работе рассмотрены вклад и значение трудов «рыцаря археологии» А. А. Иессена в изучении энеолита — раннего железного века Северной Евразии, особенно Юга Восточной Европы и Кавказа. Кратко описана биография и представлен научный путь ученого. Приведены оценки современников его идей, гипотез и разработок. Важным его достижением, среди многих других, является разработанное, апробированное и введенное в археологическую науку понятие «очаг металлургии и металлообработки». Плодотворными оказались работы исследователя по майкопской археологической культуре. Благодаря трудам А. А. Иессена в отечественной археологической науке, в том числе в ИИМК РАН, были сохранены, развиты и выведены на современный научный уровень исследования по металлопроизводству и металлообработке Восточной Европы и Кавказа (научная группа под руководством В. С. Бочкарёва). Закономерно, что работа новой площадки научного взаимодействия СТЕК (сырьё — технология — культура) началась с симпозиума «Развитие металлопроизводства и культурный прогресс в эпоху палеометалла на Кавказе и сопредельных территориях», который был посвящен 125-летию со дня рождения А. А. Иессена.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, «рыцарь археологии», преисторическая археология, историко-металлургическая тематика, Северная Евразия, ГАИМК/ИИМК, современный научный поиск, СТЕК (сырьё — технология — культура).

Kashuba M. T. A. A. Iessen at IHMC: yesterday and today (STEK No. 1. To the 125th birth anniversary of the researcher)

Annotation: This work considers the contribution and significance of the efforts of the “knight of archaeology” A. A. Iessen in studies of the Eneolithic – Early Iron Ages of North Eurasia, particularly the south of East Europe and Caucasus. The biography and scientific life of the scholar are briefly described. Evaluations of his ideas, hypotheses and designs by his contemporaries are presented. An important achievement of the scientist, among many others, is the notion of a centre or “hearth of metallurgy and metalworking” elaborated, tested and introduced into the archaeological science. The activities of the researcher aimed at studying the Maykop archaeological culture also have proved to be fruitful as well as the research of the pre-Scythian period in the Northern Black Sea littoral and Caucasus. Owing to the works of A. A. Iessen, studies on the metal production and metalworking in East Europe and the Caucasus were maintained, developed and brought to the modern scientific level in the national archaeological science, including the activities at IHMC RAS (archaeological research group headed by V. S. Bochkarev). It is logical that the work of the new platform STEK (raw materials–technology–culture) for academic interaction was started by the symposium “Development of metal production and metalworking during the Eneolithic epoch in the Caucasus and adjacent territories” which was dedicated to the 125th birth anniversary of A. A. Iessen.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, ‘a knight of archaeology’, prehistoric archaeology, issues of historical metallurgy, North Eurasia, GAIMK/IIMK, present-day scientific research, STEK (raw materials–technology–culture academic interaction platform).




Кушнарёва К. Х. И. А. Орбели и сотрудники Эрмитажа: А. А. Иессен (Подготовка текста Н. А. Лазаревской)

Аннотация: Данная публикация представляет собой краткую заметку К.Х. Кушнаревой об А. А. Иессене, которая была написана в 1999 году к 35-летию со дня его смерти. Текст подготовлен к публикации Н.А. Лазоревской.

Ключевые слова: К.Х. Кушнарева А. А. Иессен, Эрмитаж.

Kushnaryova K. Kh. I. A. Orbeli and assistant scientists of the Hermitage Museum: A. A. Iessen (Preparation of the text by N. A. Lazarevskaya)

Annotation: This publication is a brief note by K. Kh. Kushnaryova about A. A. Iessen written in 1999 for the 35th anniversary of his death. The text was prepared by N. A. Lazorevskaya.

Keywords: K. Kh. Kushnaryova A. A. Iessen, The Hermitage Museum.


Алёкшин В. А. Ненаучные проблемы отечественных археологов (конец 1920-х — начало 1950-х гг.)

Аннотация. В статье научная деятельность А. А. Иессена (11[23].07.1896, Санкт-Петербург — 31.03.1964, Ленинград) рассмотрена сквозь призму охватившего Россию в первой половине XX в. цивилизационного кризиса, обострение которого в конце 1920-х гг. явилось следствием краха большевистских надежд на мировую революцию и форсирования воспитания нового человека — строителя социалистического общества. Начиная с рубежа 1920–1930-х гг. руководство ГАИМК, контролируя издания, выходящие под ее грифом, не допускало публикаций, содержащих противоречащие марксизму идеи. Череда непрерывных административных преобразований Академии в 1929–1937 гг. также отрицательно влияла на результаты работ сотрудников ГАИМК. Недобрую память оставила о себе и дискуссия по вопросам языкознания, развернувшаяся в общественных науках СССР в начале 1950-х гг. Таковы были исторические реалии, в которых протекала жизнь А. А. Иессена и других исследователей его поколения. И все же они нашли в себе силы целеустремленно заниматься наукой и делать выдающиеся археологические открытия.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, ГАИМК, ИИМК, ЛОИИМК, древняя металлургия, культура, цивилизационный кризис, политические процессы, репрессии, дискуссия по вопросам языкознания.

Alyokshin V. A. Non-scientific problems of national archaeologists (late 1920s — early 1950s)

Annotation: The scientific activities of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Iessen (11[23].07.1896, Saint Petersburg — 31.03.1964, Leningrad) as one of the most prominent archaeologists studying the Caucasus began in the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK) on December 1, 1929, at the height of the civilisational crisis that expanded in Russia in the first half of the 20th century. The aggravation of this crisis in the end of the 1920s was provoked by the crash of the bolshevik hopes for the world revolution and forcible upbringing of new man — the builder of the socialist society. Both resulted in intensifying of the persecution of that part of the population of USSR (the so-called enemies of the people) on whom the authorities put the responsibility for their own miscalculations and errors in the management of the national economy. The ruling circles demanded from the population not only loyalty to the new authorities but also a public expression of the devotion to them and a continuous approval of their internal and foreign policy. The citizens who holding their tongue attempted to keep silent were under suspicion of insincerity, secretiveness and enmity toward the socialist state and the ruling party. Since the turn of 1920s–1930s the management of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK) when controlling its publications did not tolerate any ideas contrary to the Marxism in them. Thus it directed the national archaeology to the course of a biased treatment of the artefacts. The sequence of continuous administrative transformations of the Academy in 1929–1937 also influenced negatively the results of the activities of the GAIMK workers. An unkind memory was left also by the discussion on the issues of linguistics unfolded in social sciences in the USSR in the early 1950s. Such were the historical realities in which the life of A. A. Iessen and other researchers of his generation occurred. Nevertheless they found the strength to continue their studies and make outstanding discoveries.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, GAIMK, IIMK, LOIIMK, early metallurgy, culture, civilisational crisis, political trials, persecutions, discussion on the issues of linguistics.


Кузнецова В. Н. Материалы А. А. Иессена в рукописном отделе научного архива ИИМК РАН

Аннотация. В статье представлен обзор материалов А. А. Иессена, хранящихся в научном архиве ИИМК РАН. Собрание позволяет проследить творческий путь ученого: от работ в экспедициях своего учителя А. А. Миллера к собственным крупномасштабным исследованиям.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, научный архив ИИМК РАН, археология Кавказа.

Kuznetsova V. N. Documentary evidence by A. A. Iessen at the Manuscript Department of the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS

Annotation: This article presents a review of documents composed by A. A. Iessen and kept in the Scientific Archives of the (IHMC). The collection of this evidence allows us to trace the creative life way of the scholar: from the work in the expeditions of his teacher A. A. Miller to his own large-scale researches.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, Scientific Archives of the Institute of the History for the Material Culture, archaeology of Caucasus.


Медведева М. В. Две поездки А. А. Иессена в Майкоп и его окрестности в 1930-е гг.

Аннотация. Научные поездки А. А. Иессена в Майкоп по заданию ГАИМК в 1933 и 1935 гг. положили начало исследованиям известного кавказоведа в этом регионе. В архиве ИИМК РАН сохранился комплекс оригинальных документов, связанных с командировками А. А. Иессена в Адыгею в начале 1930-х гг. Переписка, дневник 1933 г., краткий отчет 1935 г., фотографии — все эти архивные материалы дают важную информацию о первичном этапе формирования интересов ученого к майкопским древностям, позволяют уточнить причины, даты и маршруты проведенных исследований, а также показывают состояние археологических памятников Майкопа и округи в начале 1930-х гг.

Ключевые слова: история археологии, ГАИМК, А. А. Иессен, г. Майкоп, Азчерзолото, фотографии, архивные документы.

Medvedeva M. V. Two journeys of A. A. Iessen in the 1930s to Maykop and its surroundings

Annotation: The investigations of archaeological sites of Maykop and its surroundings came to be an important direction of the scientific activities of A. A. Iessen in the Caucasus. The first two scientific journeys of the scholar to Adygea took place on a commission of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (GAIMK) as early as in the beginning of the 1930s, however the circumstances and archive documents concerned with them until now are little known. In 1933, A. A. Iessen departed for Maykop within the frame of his activities in the Commission of Metals attached to the Committee for the works on GAIMK new developments. The main goal was searching of gold sources and information on the history of the use of gold because the Caucasian region had been long known through its numerous gold finds from ancient sites. There is preserved A. A. Iessen’s field diary from the trip of 1933 where he described in detail the route and the gained information. Of special importance is the package of photographic evidence. In October of 1933, prior to the Sudak expedition, A. A. Iessen visited Adygea and for two weeks from October 4 to October 20 carried out archaeological surveys there. In addition to the main task, he registered the state of preservation of archaeological monuments and chose promising sites for further investigations. A. A. Iessen’s group passed along the Belaya River and then travelled over the Pseashkho pass. For the purpose of reconnoitring the history of the settlement of the region they also explored the sites near Hadzhokh, village of Novosvobodnaya, village of Borakayevskaya, village of Dakhovskaya, settlements of Guzeriplya, Kamennomostky and Khamyshka. The second trip of A. A. Iessen to Maykop took place in 1935 for checking the information of the Caucasian Preserve about illicit excavations of kurgan cemeteries. On the commission of GAIMK, A. A. Iessen visited Maykop in the course of his return from the Sukhum expedition. Afterwards he composed a report for the President of GAIMK where he described all the details of his trip. A. A. Iessen found out in 1935 that the illegal diggings of the ancient barrows were carried out by workers of the Azcherzoloto Company directed by its management with the purpose of extraction of gold in the form of objects found in the basins of the Belaya, Malaya Laba and Bolshaya Laba rivers. Common efforts succeeded to stop the mass plundering of archaeological values. Afterwards, some finds replenished museum collections, however the fate of most of them is unknown, as well as the archaeological context of their discovery. The materials from the trips of the early 1930s clearly suggest that even then A. A. Iessen felt a serious scientific interest in investigation of Maykop antiquities. Every time, basing on the results of his trips, A. A. Iessen proposed to GAIMK to start regular archaeological investigations of the region under consideration in cooperation with local institutes but practical works began only in 1950.

Keywords: history of archaeology, GAIMK, A. A. Iessen, city of Maykop, Azcherzoloto Company, photographs, archive documents.


Григорьева О. В. О деятельности А. А. Иессена в Таманской экспедиции ГАИМК (1930–1931 гг.)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается участие известного археолога-кавказоведа А. А. Иессена в Таманской экспедиции ГАИМК (1930–1931 гг.) в первое десятилетие его научной деятельности. Разведочный отряд экспедиции под его руководством провел широкое обследование Таманского полуострова и собрал обширные сведения, послужившие основой для создания первой крупномасштабной археологической карты полуострова. Эти исследования стали важным этапом становления молодого ученого. Полевое изучение причерноморских древностей расширило его научные интересы и привлекло внимание к решению непростых проблем греческой колонизации Северного Причерноморья.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, Таманская экспедиция ГАИМК, А. А. Миллер, Таманский полуостров, археологические разведки, археологическая карта.

Grigoryeva O. V. About the activities of A. A. Iessen in the Taman expedition of the GAIMK (1930–1931)

Annotation: The article discusses the participation of the famous Caucasian archaeologist A. A. Iessen in the Taman expedition of the GAIMK (1930–1931) in the first decade of his scientific life. The reconnaissance detachment of the expedition under his leadership conducted a wide survey of the Taman Peninsula and collected extensive information that served as the basis for creating the first large-scale archaeological map of the peninsula. In turn, these studies served as an important stage in the formation of a young researcher. The field study of the Black Sea antiquities expanded his scientific interests and drew attention to the solution of difficult problems of the Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea region.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, Taman expedition of the GAIMK, A. A. Miller, Taman Peninsula, archaeological surveys, archaeological map.


Вахтина М. Ю. Взгляды А. А. Иессена на доколонизационные контакты в Северном Причерноморье в свете современных исследований

Аннотация. В 1947 г. в Ленинграде вышла монография А. А. Иессена «Греческая колонизация Северного Причерноморья. Ее предпосылки и особенности». Научная концепция, сформулированная в этом исследовании и развитая в дальнейшем специалистами в области классической археологии, оказала значительное влияние на отечественную науку: на ее основе интерпретировались археологические данные, она определяла и общий подход к пониманию колонизационного процесса в регионе. Позже эта система взглядов подверглась обоснованной критике. Принимая справедливость отказа от глобальной теории «двухсторонней» колонизации, следует признать не только огромную роль взглядов А. А. Иессена, но и актуальность отдельных положений его концепции, а также «широту» его подхода к проблеме в целом.

Ключевые слова: греческая колонизация Северного Причерноморья, греки, варвары, концепция А. А. Иессена.

Vakhtina M. Yu. Views by A. A. Iessen on pre-colonial contacts at the Northern Black Sea Coastal Region in the context of modern research

Annotation: A small-scale monograph by A. A. Iessen “Greek colonization of the Black Sea Coastal Region. Its background and specificity” was published in Leningrad in 1947. Perhaps no one book appeared in the past-war period has affected significantly the development of the native Classical archaeology. It determined for several decades the main trends in understanding of the base problems, connected with the initial period of the land development of the Northern Black Sea Area by the Greeks. The conception by A. A. Iessen presented in his monograph offered to study the Greek colonization of the region as a “bilateral” process, in which an active role played not only Greek colonist, but also representatives of local tribes. In his research was analyzed all the archaeological material testified contacts with the locals available for that time. A. A. Iessen based first and foremost on the summary of finds of early Greek imports found in barbarian sites, published by T. N. Knipovich (Книпович, 1934); in her fundamental study the dating of the Greek pottery finds actual for that period was given. A conception formulated by A. A. Iessen was developed later in the works of Soviet scholars (Blavatsky, Boltenko, Kallistov and others) and for a rather long time stayed dominating in the native science. So the views by A. A. Iessen made a rather strong influence on the approaches to the problem of the Greek colonization in Russian science in 50s — 60s years of the 20th century and on the forming the theory of a special “emporial” period for the Northern Black Sea Coastal Region, which preceded the foundation here Greek colonies. Later this system of system of persuasions drew well-grounded criticism, first of all in lectures and publications by representatives of so-called “Leningrad” scholar school (Доманский, 1965; Брашинский, Щеглов, 1979). However backing away reasonably from the base principles of Iessen’s theory, we should point the actuality of its certain theses in modern times, as well as to value its great role in the forming a perspective school in modern science studying various aspects of the complicated interactions between Greek colonists and local population of the Northern Black Sea Region.

Keywords: Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea Coastal Region, Greeks, barbarians, contacts, conception by A. A. Iessen.


Соболев В. Ю. И не только Кавказ… О работах А. А. Иессена на Северо-Западе России

Аннотация. Статья посвящена участию и результатам работ А. А. Иессена в составе отряда по палеоэтнологическому обследованию Ленинградской области в 1926–1927 гг.

Ключевые слова: Новгородская земля, средневековье, Палеоэтнологический отряд, А. А. Иессен, погребальные памятники, культура длинных курганов.

Sobolev V. Yu. Not only the Caucasus… The studies by A. A. Iessen in North-Western Russia

Annotation: In 1925–1926, P. P. Efimenko organized a Palaeoethnological investigation of the Leningrad Province (Leningrad Oblast since 01.08.1927). The main tasks of the works included the compilation of a catalogue of palaeoethnological sites, their field investigation and recording of their condition. The field works were conducted by postgraduate students and trainees of GAIMK: P. N. Schultz, A. A. Iessen, N. N. Chernyagin, G. P. Grozdilov, B. A. Koishevskiy, L. S. Generalova, G. F. Debets and other young researchers. In 1926–1927, A. A. Iessen carried out three surveying investigations in the Luga and Gdov uyezds (districts) and a short visit to the surroundings of Veliky Novgorod. These studies revealed a number of early mediaeval kurgan groups and zhalnik cemeteries of the Old Russian period; several fortified settlements and other archaeological sites were surveyed and their plans drawn.

Keywords: Novgorod Land, Middle Ages, Palaeoethnological Group, A. A. Iessen, burial sites, culture of long kurgans.


Библиография работ А. А. Иессена (Составитель Л. М. Всевиов)

Bibliography of works of A. A. Jessen (Compiler L. M. Vseviov)




Черленок Е. А., Осташинский С. М. Горизонт постоянного обитания энеолитического слоя навеса Мешоко

Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу непортативных объектов энеолитического слоя навеса Мешоко. Выделяется четыре группы объектов: западины, глиняные площадки, ямы и полы. В стратиграфическом отношении большая часть их относится к нижнему горизонту культурного слоя. Взаимное расположение объектов свидетельствует о существовании двух типов пространственной организации жилого пространства, один из которых, по нашему мнению, связан со строительством постоянного жилища.

Ключевые слова: энеолит, Северо-Западный Кавказ, непортативный объект, открытая жилая зона, жилище.

Cherlenok E. A., Ostashinskiy S. M. The horizon of permanent habitation of the Eneolithic layer in the Meshoko rock-shelter

Annotation: During investigations of the lower horizon of the Eneolithic layer in the Meshoko rock-shelter, diverse non-portable objects were discovered. These are represented by four groups: depressions, clay platforms, pits and floors. The reciprocal positions of the objects allow us to distinguish two types of the organization of the dwelling space. One of these types, in our opinion, is related with the construction of a permanent dwelling. Because of the incompleteness of the investigation, a reconstruction of this structure is difficult. Two variants are supposable: 1) a nearly square onechamber building open from south-east side with clay platforms adjoining each other; 2) a dwelling constituted by two sub-square sections: one with the surface formed by clay floors and the other with densely adjoining platforms and the fill of the depression.

Keywords: Eneolithic, North-Western Caucasus, non-portable object, open living zone, dwelling.


Бочкарёв В. С., Климушина А. И. К вопросу о классификации и культурно-исторической интерпретации кладов металлических изделий эпохи бронзы Северо-Западного Кавказа

Аннотация. В работе анализируется функциональный состав кладов металлических изделий эпохи бронзы Северного Кавказа и сопредельных степных территорий. На основании анализа составов кладов и их сравнения с аналогичными памятниками соседних регионов (в качестве примера приводятся клады срубной культуры) предлагаются классификация кладов и их возможная культурно-историческая интерпретация.

Ключевые слова: функциональный состав кладов металлических изделий, эпоха бронзы, Северный Кавказ, культурно-историческая интерпретация.

Bochkarev V. S., Klimushina A. I. The problem of classification and cultural-historical interpretation of the Bronze Age hoards of metal objects from the North-Western Caucasus

Annotation: This paper is devoted to analysis of the functional composition of hoards of metal objects from the Northern Caucasus and the neighbouring steppe areas (Crimea, Don River region, Lower Dnieper region) where hoards with objects of the North-Caucasian type also have been found. The sites under consideration are dated to the epochs of the Middle and Late Bronze Age and embrace the chronological range from the late 3rd to the early 1st millennium BC. Analysis of the functional composition has demonstrated that the North-Caucasian hoards of the Bronze Age had a certain structure which possibly was changing in the course of time. However its basis always was constituted by the following categories: chopping tools (axes, celts), agricultural implements (sickles) and wood-working tools (chisels, adzes). Except for one case (Bylym complex), cult objects and ornaments are absent in the hoards; weaponry (daggers, spearheads etc.) is rather rarely encountered. This composition of the hoards, in the present authors’ opinion, reflects the established trend in the spheres of consumption and production of metal artefacts. In these complexes, those metal objects were stored and kept which were most needed in the economy of the local population. Hoards of this type can be called economic ones or, considering their high numbers, ordinary hoards. Beside them, the materials under consideration include treasures also of other types, the emergence of which was not caused by economic factors.

Keywords: functional composition of hoards of metal objects, Bronze Age, Northern Caucasus, cultural and historical interpretation.


Сычева О. В. Серия металлических кинжалов позднего бронзового века с берега реки Ярыксу (Дагестан)

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы 19 бронзовых кинжалов, которые входили в коллекцию предметов из разрушенного могильника, расположенного в бассейне реки Ярыксу (Дагестан). Даны характеристики изделий, проведен анализ металла, сделана типология. Ареал распространения таких клинков концентрируется на территории так называемого восточного варианта кобанской культуры. Датируются кинжалы концом II — началом I тыс. до н. э., а именно XII–IX вв. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Северный Кавказ, Дагестан, поздний бронзовый век, кобанская культура, бронзовые кинжалы.

Sycheva O. V. A series of Late Bronze Age metal daggers from the Yaryksu River bank (Dagestan)

Annotation: A collection of archaeological objects was retrieved in 2018 from a disturbed cemetery of the Late Bronze Age in the surroundings of the village of Simsir situated in the basin of the Yaryksu River, Kazbek district of the Republic of Dagestan. The collection is constituted of 160 items including ornaments (bracelets, pendants, beads, pins, and buttons), weaponry (arrowheads, spears, daggers and axes), chisels, and ceramic ware. Some objects have been lost. The most representative series consists of 19 bronze daggers (Fig. 1; 2; 3, 1–3). All the daggers have a blade of a nearly triangular form and flat section. An essential difference between the daggers is found only in their part where the hilt was attached. According to this feature they are divided into two types (tanged specimens and those without a tang). S. V. Khavrin performed X-ray fluorescent analysis of this series of blades using an ArtTAX (Bruker) spectrometer. Analysis of the metal (Fig. 4, 1) showed that some of the daggers (Nos. 1–5, 10, 14–17, 19) were cast from arsenic bronze, some (Nos. 6–9, 12, 13, 19) were made from tin-arsenic bronze, dagger No. 18 was cast from tin bronze, whereas the metal of dagger No. 11 had an admixture of < 0.9 percent of arsenic. The composition of the metal is practically in no way correlated with the distinguished types of the daggers (Fig. 4, 2). The described daggers have numerous parallels at sites of the Northern and Southern Caucasus (Fig. 3, 4). On the basis of the attribution of analogous daggers, the blades from Yaryksu are datable to the late 2nd – early 1st millennium, namely to the 11th–9th centuries BC. In the territory of East Dagestan, in the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 1st millennium BC, the local metalworking production was taking place in a more archaic form than in the Central Caucasus. This is evidenced both by the archaic forms of the daggers and the predominance of the copper-arsenic bronze in the composition of their metal. Possibly, this fact was related with the remoteness of tin deposits and, on the other hand, with the abundance of the local deposits of copper ores.

Keywords: Northern Caucasus, Dagestan, Late Bronze Age, Koban culture, bronze daggers.


Бочкарёв В. С., Пелих А. Л. Находки металлических топоров-кельтов на Кавказе

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются топоры-кельты, найденные на Кавказе. Некоторые из кельтов являются прямым импортом, большинство их было произведено на месте. Однако своим происхождением кавказские топоры-кельты обязаны северному влиянию. Разработана и применена новая классификационная схема топоров-кельтов. Составлен список, в который вошли 54 топора-кельта и три кельта-тесла. Абсолютное большинство их кавказских находок происходит с Северо-Западного Кавказа. Наибольшее распространение на Северном Кавказе они получают в финале эпохи бронзы (XII–X вв. до н. э.).

Ключевые слова: топоры-кельты, Кавказ, прикубанский очаг металлургии и металлообработки, поздний бронзовый век.

Bochkarev V. S., Pelikh A. L. Finds of metal celts/axes from the Caucasus

Annotation: This work summarizes 54 finds of axes/celts from the Caucasus area. Distribution of the artefacts over sites of different type (Table 1) shows that the majority of the celts are single finds. In order to systemize axes/celts from the Late Bronze Age, a new classification scheme is introduced (Fig. 1). As the basis for distinguishing the types, a combination of three features is accepted: 1) the shape of the chamfer; 2) the number of the ears (from 0 to 2); 3) the positions of the ears (near the edge of the socket or below it). A list of celts found in the Caucasus was compiled (Fig. 2–7). Cartographic analysis has demonstrated that almost all the Caucasian finds of celts (except for one) come from the territory of the North Caucasus and the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Kray (Fig. 9; 10). Moreover, the majority of finds are reported from the North-Western Caucasus. Generally, two branches of the spread of the celts are traceable: the first is extended from Taman with one of the subbranches stretching along the Kuban River and its tributaries, while the other is stretched along the Black Sea coast. Thus celts from the Caucasus were typical exactly of the Kuban centre of metallurgy and metalworking in the Late Bronze Age. The majority of the celts discovered in the Caucasus can be systemized basing on the scheme of the development of the Bronze Age metalworking in the south of East Europe according to V. S. Bochkarev’s periodization scheme (Table 2). The first celts/adzes from the Northern Caucasus appear only in period IV whereas celts/axes of the same time period are still unknown in this region. A rather small group of celts/axes appears only in next period V. The most numerous group of axes/celts is found in the end of the Bronze Age. To the same time, also two celts/ adzes are dated. Thus it is quite clear that the widest distribution of this category of tools over the North Caucasus is attained during the concluding periods of the Bronze Age (12th–10th centuries BC). Celts are alien to the Caucasian metal production centres. They were borrowed from more northern regions — Ural-Volga area and the Lower Don region, as well as from the Northern Black Sea littoral. Some may have been brought from the Northern and Western Black Sea coast. The majority of the celts probably were manufactured in the North Caucasus, however their prototypes are derived from more northern and, particularly, north-western examples. The map of the distribution of the Caucasian celts (Fig. 9; 10) adjoins the area of the Crimean and, especially, Low-Dnieper finds. This fact possibly suggests that the main direction of the influence was from the Lower Dnieper and Northern Black Sea littoral via Crimea and Taman and further to the south and south-east. This sequence is confirmed by the results of the last investigations on the Taman Peninsula. These data have established that populations of the Sabatinovka and Belozersk cultures penetrated to Taman. Owing to the contacts between the local and newcoming populations, many types of metal artefacts of the Northern Black Sea type appeared in the Kuban hearth of metallurgy and metalworking while objects of the Kuban type appeared in Taman and Crimea.

Keywords: socket axes, Caucasus, Kuban centre of metallurgy and metalworking, Late Bronze Age.


Кияшко А. В., Ларенок О. П. О выделении керамики таманского типа финала среднего бронзового века

Аннотация. В статье на основе анализа находок на поселениях эпохи бронзы Таманского полуострова, большинство которых относится к финалу среднего бронзового века, выделен таманский тип керамики. Приведены характеристики такой посуды и основные мотивы ее орнаментации. Для изучения распространения таманского типа керамики и его происхождения проведен сравнительно-статистический анализ посуды синхронных поселений. Материалы эпонимных памятников культурных групп посткатакомбного времени Приазовья и Крыма (поселения Бабино III, Каменка, Ливенцовская крепость) сопоставлены с материалами недавно исследованных памятников Тамани и черноморского побережья Кавказа (Балка Хреева III, Дивноморское), на которых статистически доминирует керамика таманского типа. Высказано предположение о местных корнях керамики таманского типа, ее связи с наследием дольменной культуры Западного Кавказа.

Ключевые слова: финал среднего бронзового века, культурные круги Бабино и Лола, керамика таманского типа, валиковая рельефная орнаментация, дольменная культура Западного Кавказа, поселения Бабино III и Каменка, Ливенцовская крепость.

Kiyashko A. V., Larenok O. P .On distinguishing the Taman type pottery of the final of the Middle Bronze Age

Annotation: This paper singles out a Taman type of pottery on the basis of analysis of finds from settlement-sites of the Bronze Age on the Taman Peninsula. The majority of pottery of this type emerged in the final of the Middle Bronze Age. The category of pottery under consideration is represented by complete forms or fragments of flat-bottom pots of a medium or large size, with a medium-height or high rim, straight or outturned, occasionally flaring; a sloping shoulder and a smoothly profiled body. The decoration is formed of single or double rows of slanting stabs (or rounded pits i.e. fingerprint or nail impressions) in the place of transition from the neck to the body. Furthermore, notable is the absence of the relief roll decoration typical to the final of the Middle Bronze Age. The investigation of the spread of pottery of the Taman type, its origin and relation with the classical ribbed ware of the Babino culture decorated with a multi-cordon ornament was carried out using the method of comparative statistic analysis of the pottery from settlements of the period under study. The majority of them are type sites of the cultural groups of the post-Catacomb time in the Azov Sea littoral and Crimea: settlements of Babino III, Kamenka and Liventsovskaya fortress. The recently studied sites of Taman and the Black Sea Caucasian coast were compared with these type sites: Balka Khreyeva III and Divnomorskoye where pottery of the Taman type statistically predominates. This regular occurrence, as well as the presence of prototypes in the Caucasian pottery-making of the Middle Bronze Age, suggests local roots for the pottery of the Taman type and the latter’s links with the heritage of the dolmen culture of the Western Caucasus.

Keywords: final of the Middle Bronze Age, cultural circles of Babino and Lola, pottery of the Taman type, Reliefband (Valikovaya) ornamentation, dolmen culture of the Western Caucasus, archaeological sites of Babino III and Kamenka, Liventsovskaya fortress.





Трифонов В. А. Взгляды на периодизацию и хронологию майкопской культуры в исторической ретроспективе: от Н. И. Веселовского до А. А. Иессена

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается ранний этап изучения майкопской культуры и анализируются причины, по которым научное сообщество поддержало наиболее правдоподобную, но ошибочную линию в сравнительной типологии, в то время как верное решение было первоначально отвергнуто и признано справедливым спустя почти 50 лет.

Ключевые слова: Кавказ, эпоха бронзы, майкопская культура, Н. И. Веселовский, Д. Я. Самоквасов, А. А. Спицын, В. А. Городцов, А. М. Тальгрен, Б. В. Фармаковский, М. И. Ростовцев, Г. Чайлд, Г. Франкфорт, А. В. Шмидт, Ф. Ханчар, А. А. Иессен.

Trifonov V. A. Views on the periodization and chronology of the Maykop culture in historical retrospect: from N. I. Veselovsky to A. A. Yessen

Annotation: The paper considers the early stage of the study of the Maykop archaeological culture and analyzes the reasons why the scientific community supported the plausible but erroneous trend in comparative typology while the correct solution was initially rejected and recognized as true almost fifty years afterwards. The consequences of this historiographic episode are evaluated for the development of archaeology of the Caucasus and South of East Europe of the Bronze Age. The article traces the history of changing views on periodization and chronology of the Maykop culture, depending on which, over the past century, not only the ideas about the cultural and chronological systematization of the Bronze Age sites of the Caucasus and the adjacent East European steppe have noticeably changed, but, to a large extent, the reconstruction of the general network of cultural relations between Europe and the early civilizations of the Ancient East. The paper analyses the motives and goals of the main participants of the discussion on the Caucasian archaeology of the Bronze Age in the first half of the 20th century: N. I. Veselovsky, D. Ya. Samokvasov, A. A. Spitsyn, V. A. Gorodtsov, A. M. Tallgren, B. V. Farmakovsky, M. I. Rostovtsev, G. Childe, H. Frankfort, A. V. Sсhmidt, F. Hančar, A. A. Yessen.

Keywords: Caucasus, Bronze Age, Maykop archaeological culture, N. I. Veselovsky, D. Ya. Samokvasov, A. A. Spitsyn, V. A. Gorodtsov, A. M. Tallgren, B. V. Farmakovsky, M. I. Rostovtsev, G. Childe, H. Frankfort, A. V. Sсhmidt, F. Hančar, A. A. Yessen.


Иессен А. А. Тезисы доклада «Производство медных и бронзовых изделий в Причерноморских и Приазовских степях и вопрос об источниках снабжения металлом» (1941 г.) (Комментарии В. С. Бочкарёва)

Аннотация. Впервые публикуются ранее неизвестные тезисы доклада А. А. Иессена (1 февраля 1941 г., конференция в Институте археологии АН УССР, Киев). В комментариях к ним подчеркнуты идеи исследователя, которые не потеряли своей актуальности спустя многие десятилетия. Речь идет об упоминании ученым нижнеднепровского очага металлургии и металлообработки позднего бронзового века, а также высказанных предположениях А. А. Иессена о роли трипольского металлопроизводства в Восточной Европе, значении донецкого горно-металлургического центра, роли кавказской металлургии для степной зоны Восточной Европы, которые получили подтверждения в работах следующих поколений археологов.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, эпоха бронзы, Северное Причерноморье, очаг металлургии и металлообработки, идеи о происхождении металлопроизводства в Восточной Европе.

Iessen A. A. Theses of the lecture “Manufacture of copper and bronze objects in the Black Sea and Azov Sea steppes and the question about sources of the metal” (1941) (Comments by V. S. Bochkarev)

Annotation: Earlier unknown theses of the lecture by A. A. Iessen (February 1, 1941, conference in the city of Kiev, Institute of Archaeology AS UkSSR) are presented. In commentaries to them, the researcher’s ideas are highlighted which have not lost their importance after many decades. The issue concerned is the researcher’s mention of the Lower Dnieper hearth of metallurgy and metalworking in the Late Bronze Age, as well A. A. Iessen’s hypotheses on the role of the Tripolye metal production in East Europe, the importance of the Donets mining metallurgical centre and the role of the Caucasian metallurgy for the steppe zone of East Europe. These ideas have been proved in the works of the next generations of archaeologists.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, Bronze Age, Northern Black Sea littoral, centre of metallurgy and metalworking, ideas on the origin of metal production in East Europe.


Иессен А. А. [Майкопская культура и ее датировка] (Подготовка текста и вступительная заметка М. В. Медведевой)

Аннотация. Впервые вводится в научный оборот неопубликованная статья А. А. Иессена, посвященная проблемам хронологии памятников майкопской культуры. Текст рукописи обнаружен в научном архиве ИИМК РАН и является развернутой версией тезисов доклада «Майкопская культура и ее датировка» (1962 г.).

Ключевые слова: А. А. Иессен, майкопская культура, хронология эпохи бронзы Кавказа, история археологии, архивные документы.

Iessen A. A. [The Maykop culture and its dating] (Preparation of the text and introduction by M.V. Medvedeva)

Annotation: A. A. Iessen made an enormous contribution to studies of archaeological sites and the ancient history of the Caucasus of the Bronze Age. The documentary heritage of the scholar is kept at the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS and until now has not been published in full. In 2022, among the documents of K. Kh. Kushnareva, a typewritten rough copy of an unpublished paper of 1962 by A. A. Iessen was discovered where problems of the chronology of the Maykop archaeological culture were considered. This text turned to be an extended version of the A. A. Iessen’s lecture “The Maykop culture and its dating” delivered at the meetings devoted to the results of field investigations of 1961. Since that time, new sites have been discovered and studied, numerous new sources on the Bronze Age of the Caucasus have been accumulated and up-to-date natural scientific methods actively applied yielding broad possibilities for exact dating. Nevertheless, the discussion on the chronology and synchronization of the Maykop culture continues. In this light, it seems of importance to introduce in full into the scientific discourse A. A. Iessen’s work found at the Scientific Archives of IHMC RAS despite the fact that many its propositions went out of date. The text of the paper is here presented completely in the author’s version which, unfortunately, lacks the drawings and most of the references.

Keywords: A. A. Iessen, Maykop archaeological culture, chronology of the Bronze Age of the Caucasus, history of archaeology, archive documents.


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