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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / Археологические вести / Annotations of issues / "Археологические вести". Спб., 2024. Выпуск 42. Аннотации

"Археологические вести". Спб., 2024. Выпуск 42. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Институт истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 42 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2024. — 276 c.: ил.


В выпуск 42 журнала «Археологические вести» включены статьи по различным аспектам и проблемам археологии. Один из разделов, в который вошли материалы по археологии Сибири, посвящен юбилею известного исследователя сибирских древностей Н. А. Боковенко. В разделе «Новые открытия и исследования» представлены работы, вводящие в научный оборот материалы археологических памятников различных исторических эпох, а также статьи, связанные с анализом отдельных категорий находок. В публикациях, включенных в рубрику «Актуальные проблемы археологии», обсуждаются вопросы использования естественно-научных методов в археологии при изучении ранненеолитической керамики Карелии и состава металлических предметов эпохи архаики на Таманском полуострове. В одной из статей рассматриваются этапы развития и международные связи поселения на Рюриковом городище во времена викингов. Также представлены статьи по истории и организации науки и заметки о проведенных конференциях. Среди авторов — ученые из Казахстана и различных центров России: Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Петрозаводска, Пензы, Кемерово, Новосибирска, Иркутска, Тобольска, Красноярска, Симферополя, Краснодара, Ростова-на-Дону.


Issue 42 of the journal “Archaeological News” includes articles on various aspects and problems of archeology. One of the sections, which includes materials on the archeology of Siberia, is dedicated to the anniversary of the famous researcher of Siberian antiquities N. A. Bokovenko. The section “New discoveries and studies” presents works that introduce materials from archaeological monuments of various historical eras into scientific circulation, as well as articles related to the analysis of individual categories of finds. The publications included in the section “Actual Problems of Archeology” discuss the use of natural scientific methods in archeology in the study of Early Neolithic ceramics of Karelia and the composition of metal objects of the Archaic era on the Taman Peninsula. One of the articles examines the stages of development and international relations of the settlement at the Ryurikovo gorodishche during the Viking times. Also presented are articles on the history and organization of science and notes on conferences held. Among the authors are scientists from Kazakhstan and various centers of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Penza, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Tobolsk, Krasnoyarsk, Simferopol, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don.


Наши юбиляры
Our Heroes of the Day


К 90-летию Николая Кузьмича Анисюткина

Celebrating N. K. Anisyutkin’s 90th anniversary


Вахтина М. Ю., Виноградов Ю. А. К 70-летию Владимира Анатольевича Горончаровского

Vakhtina M. Yu., Vinogradov Yu. A. Celebrating V. A. Goroncharovsky’s 70th anniversary


К 75-летию Н. А. Боковенко
To the 75th Anniversary of N. A. Bokovenko


Кашуба М. Т., Килуновская М. Е.  Междисциплинарный симпозиум СТЕК № 3: Культурные процессы в эпоху бронзы и раннего железа в степной Евразии

Аннотация. В работе представлена основная проблематика, связанная с анализом и интерпретацией культурных процессов эпохи бронзы и раннего железного века в степной Евразии, которые были обсуждены на Междисциплинарном научном симпозиуме СТЕК № 3, посвященном 75-летию Н. А. Боковенко.

Ключевые слова: Северная Евразия, степной пояс, эпоха бронзы, железный век, археологические источники, СТЕК («сырье — технология — культура»), Н. А. Боковенко, история археологической науки.

Kashuba M. T., Kilunovskaya M. E. Interdisciplinary Colloquium STEK No. 3: Cultural processes in Bronze and Early Iron Age in steppe Eurasia

Annotation: The article examines the issues relating to the analysis and interpretation of cultural processes in the Eurasian steppes during the Bronze and Early Iron Age, raised in papers and discussions at the multidisciplinary symposium STEK No. 3, celebrating the 75th anniversary of N. A. Bokovenko. The topic covers a wide variety of his scholarly interests relating to cultural and historical processes in the steppe regions from Europe to South Siberia, eastern and southwestern Central Asia. The speakers concentrated on multidisciplinary approaches to archaeological cultures spanning the interval from the first half of the third to the first half of the first millennium BC. During the two-day conference (March 2 and 4), 27 papers were presented, authored by more than fifty specialists from twelve cities and five countries (Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Mongolia). There were extended discussions, both inside and outside the conference premises. Three papers have already appeared (Идэрхангай и др., 2023; Кашуба, Кулькова, 2023; Килуновская и др., 2023), and most are published in the present issue.

Keywords: Northern Eurasia, steppe belt, Bronze Age, Iron Age, archaeological sources, STEK (raw materials — technology — culture), N. A. Bokovenko, history of archaeological science.


Григорьева О. В., Лазаревская Н. А., Медведева М. В. Полевая работа Н. А. Боковенко в документах и фотографиях научного архива ИИМК РАН

Аннотация. В научном архиве ИИМК РАН хранится значительное количество документов, отражающих полевую и научную работу Н. А. Боковенко за 1970–2010-е гг. Полевые отчеты, дневники, чертежи и фотографии достоверно представляют экспедиционную деятельность ученого. Основной массив материалов связан с работами Средне-Енисейской археологической экспедиции.

Ключевые слова: Н. А. Боковенко, полевая деятельность, архивные документы, археология Сибири, Средне-Енисейская экспедиция, ИИМК РАН.

Grigoryeva O. V., Lazarevskaya N. A., Medvedeva M. V. N. A. Bokovenkos fieldwork in documents and photographs at the IIMK RAS archives

Annotation: The Scientific archive IIMK RAS own numerous documents concerning N. A. Bokovenko’s field and scholarly studies over the period of 1970–2010. Field reports, diaries, drafts and photographs mirror his field activities. The principal corpus relates to the work of the Middle Yenisei Archaeological Expedition.

Keywords: N. A. Bokovenko, fieldwork, archival documents, archaeology of Siberia, IIMK RAS Middle Yenisei Archaeological Expedition.


Советова О. С. Николай Анатольевич Боковенко — исследователь Тепсейского археологического микрорайона

Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу деятельности археолога Николая Анатольевича Боковенко и его вкладу в изучение Тепсейского микрорайона. Перечислены памятники, в раскопках которых он принимал участие, результаты его разведок по выявлению новых археологических объектов, приведены наблюдения исследователя за переработкой береговой линии.

Ключевые слова: Н. А. Боковенко, Тепсейский археологический микрорайон, Минусинская котловина, комплекс памятников под горой Тепсей, наскальное искусство.

Sovetova O. S. Nikolai Anatolyevich Bokovenko and his excavations in the Tepsey archaeological microregion

Annotation: The article focuses on Nikolai Bokovenko’s contribution to the study of the Tepsey archaeological microregion in the Krasnoturansk District of the Krasnoyarask Territory, specifically on his field studies in the 1970s –1990s. In this area, over 13 years, the Krasnoyarsk Archaeological Expedition carried out salvage excavations in the zone of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir construction. At first N. A. Bokovenko worked under the supervision of his mentor, M. P. Gryaznov, and later he himself headed the Middle Yenisei Expeditions from the Institute of Archaeology in Leningrad. Sites of various types, relating to different periods, were excavated and surveyed, and efforts aimed at preserving the cultural legacy of the region were undertaken. In various years, Bokovenko carried out extensive work in the Tepsey microregion, revealing unexplored sites, monitoring the river’s edge and registering the collapse of many areas with archaeological remains. Another research area was rock art. Bokovenko initiated a discussion around the age of a group of petroglyphs representing horsemen, challenging the view that they were medieval. In various parts of the microregion, new petroglyphs and entire unique compositions were discovered. Regrettably, only separate scenes were published, but at present, thanks to preserved photographs, a chance remains to monitor the condition of these works of rock art.

Keywords: N. A. Bokovenko, Tepsey archaeological microdistrict, Minusinsk Basin, complex under Mount Tepsey, rock art.


Всевиов Л. М. (Составитель) Список печатных работ Н. А. Боковенко

Vseviov L. M. (Compiler) List of N. A. Bokovenko’s publications


Боковенко Н. А. Циклизм в археологии (по материалам древних скотоводов Евразии)

Аннотация. Цикличность, присущая природным явлениям, оказывала влияние на древние культуры в степях Евразии. Определенный цикл прослеживается в процессе формирования транспорта (повозка — колесница — всадник), который начался в Восточной Европе, затем прослеживается в Приуралье и Казахстане, далее — в Центральной Азии и с миграцией сако-скифов возвращается в Восточную Европу; в типологическом анализе отдельных компонентов культуры кочевников; в специфических формах погребального обряда с мумификацией, которые отражают мифологему древних сообществ: умирания и нового возрождения.

Ключевые слова: скотоводы, кочевники, миграции, хунну-гунны, Центральная Азия, Восточная Европа, повозка, колесница, погребальный обряд, мумификация, конское снаряжение, котлы.

Bokovenko N. A.  Cyclicity in archaeology: The early pastoralists of Eurasia

Annotation: Cyclicity is typical of both natural phenomena and ancient cultures of steppe Eurasia, which adapted to environmental zones and cycles. In the 4th and 3d millennia BC, the Yamnya cultural and historical community (CHC) formed in Eastern Europe. Its principal subsistence system was transhumance. Further domestication of animals and invention of carts caused a greater mobility of pastoral communities and the extension of their habitats. Within Yamnaya CHS, a funerary rite originated, in which a cart was placed in the grave together with the deceased person. In the early 2nd millennium BC, in the Ural and in Kazakhstan, people associated with the Andronovo CHC began to place chariots in graves, and in the early 1st millennium BC, in Central Asia, thanks to the invention of bronze bits and cheek-pieces and the taming of the horse, a transition to to horse-riding occurs. From that time on, certain groups of armed horsemen begin migrating westwards, to Eastern Europe (fig. 1). Cyclic processes can be traced in the evolution of all the components of the early nomadic culture. This can be described as a cyclicity of optimal solutions. Examples of such solutions include the appearance of certain elements of culture such as a certain type of horse harness, weapons, artistic motif, design, etc. (fig. 2), which were evidently the most expedient and meaningful under the given social level and which, thanks to greater communication and a certain perceptive level, spread quite rapidly. This is true of cultural universals marking a certain stage. Their initially wide spatial distribution gives way to shrinkage, whereby certain elements, traits, and types become regional, and cultural forms are reinterpreted according to local traditions and are subsequently modified, leading to secondary spread. Then these processes are reiterated, wide distribution of types is followed by localization, and variety is replaced by uniformity. Mechanisms of spread may be different in each specific case (migrations, cultural ties, trade relations, etc.). Cyclicity in funerary rite (death followed by revival), known in many world cultures, is widespread and features prominently in nomadic cultures of of the Sayan-Altai, where mummification is an important element of the funerary rite (fig. 3; 4). Periodic migrations of Central Asiatic nomads (Saka-Scythians, Xiongnu-Huns, Turks, Tatar-Mongols) westwards, well known from written sources, are often underrepresented by archaeological materials, which hampers an adequate understanding of ethno-cultural processes in Eurasia. For instance, continuity between Asian Xiongnu and European Huns has been questioned by specialists. The typological analysis of bronze cauldrons, one of the characteristic elements in the culture of those peoples, allows us to trace specific sources and routes of this migration. This is supported by the analysis of other cultural components typical of those ethnic groups (arrowheads, ornaments, etc.). Optimal forms of cyclic economic activity such as annual transhumance along certain routes, developed by ancient pastoralists, have become fixed in nomadic cultures and are still practiced today.

Keywords: Pastoralists, nomads, migrations, Scythians, Xiongnu-Huns, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, cart, chariot, funerary rite, mummification, horse harness, cauldrons.


Бочкарёв В. С. О современном состоянии проблемы определения понятия «археологическая культура»

Аннотация. В современной археологии отсутствует единое общепринятое определение понятия «архео­ логическая культура» (АК). В данной работе представлен обзор различных определений АК, предложенных как в нашей, так и в зарубежной литературе. Отмечаются их преимущества и недостатки. В итоге пред­ лагается обновленная версия определения АК. Также затрагиваются некоторые другие проблемы, связанные с концепцией АК, в частности пределы использования этого понятия.

Ключевые слова: теоретическая археология, археологическая культура (АК), определения понятия, пре­ делы использования понятия АК.

Bochkarev V. S. On the present state of the problem of the definition of “Archaeological culture”

Annotation: The discovery of archaeological culture (further AC) became one of the largest achievements in archaeology. Owing to this category, new possibilities arose for the organisation of the archaeological finds, study of their connections, and definition of stable territorial and chronological groups of sites. Simultaneously new perspectives appeared concerning cultural and chronological interpretation of the data. Finally the conception of AC became one of the basic paradigms of the modern archaeology. From that time, the prehistory started to be considered as a multilayer mosaic of different cultures. Their change was interpreted as the dynamics of the cultural and historic process. However, during last decades the interest for AC in the national and, especially, foreign archaeology has degraded. More attention began to be paid to the natural scientific methods of studies. Their role can possibly even rise due to the wide use of data of other sciences. There are some obstacles in the way of the further development of the conception of AC. One is in the absence of the commonly accepted definition of this notion. Now there are thirty of them. The present study presents a critic review of the basic definitions among them. Their merits and demerits are demonstrated. As the result, the standard definition by J. Clark has been accepted. As it seems, it characterises most precisely the essence of AC. At the same time it also needs some correction in the light of new evidence. The present author proposes an updated variant of the definition of AC.

Keywords: theoretic archaeology, archaeological culture (AC), definition of a notion, limits of the implementation of the notion of AC.


Марсадолов Л. С. Микроэволюция псалиев коня и контакты евразийских кочевников в Х–VIII вв. до н. э.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются микроэволюционные конструктивные изменения псалиев по материалам жилищ на поселениях Торгажак, Каменный Лог I в Хакасии и кургана Аржан-1 в Туве. Варианты псалиев из разных срубов Аржан-1 свидетельствуют о контактах племен Тувы с Алтаем, Минусинским краем, Монголией, а также, возможно, Синьцзяном и Ордосом. Х–VIII вв. до н. э. были периодом поиска в Евразии оптимальных форм конского снаряжения, чем и вызвано такое разнообразие псалиев.

Ключевые слова: кочевники, конь, псалии, эволюция, Евразия, курган Аржан-1, контакты.

Marsadolov L. S. The “microevolution” of cheek-pieces and the contacts of Eurasian nomads in the 10th–8th centuries BC

Annotation: Horse harness items are very informative with regard to the study and reconstruction of not merely subsistence, but also ethnic, political, regional, and social history of the nomadic tribes of Eurasia in the 2nd and 1st millennia BC. At present, changes of horse harness in nomadic cultures of the 1st millennium BC can be analyzed along two main directions — macroevolution and microevolution. Important microevolutionary processes can be reconstructed mostly through a detailed study of minor changes of cheek-pieces. Such an analysis was undertaken using materials from various dwellings at Kamenny Log and Torgazhak in Khakassia (figs. 1; 2). In Eurasia, the search for an optimal equipment for horse-riding proceeded over a long period from the 10th to the 6th cen. BC, which accounts for a marked variation of cheek-pieces (fig. 3). The benchmark for dating and correlating archaeological finds associated with early Eurasian nomads is provided by the reliable date of the large mound Arzhan-1 in Tuva, established by several methods – around 800 BC. Cross-parallels allow us to assess both the relative chronology of sites and their absolute dates based on the types of cheek-pieces and artistic imagery (fig. 4). In this article, I analyze the cheek-pieces from Tuva, Altai, the Minusinsk Basin, Mongolia, Xinjiang, Ordos, etc. A conclusion is made that representatives of all those regions could have taken part in the funeral of the “tribal union” chief (fig. 4).

Keywords: Nomads, horse, cheek-pieces, evolution, Eurasia, Arzhan-1 mound, contacts.


Самашев З., Жунисханов А., Ержанова А., Половцев М. Комплекс поселений раннего железного века Акбауыр в Восточном Казахстане

Аннотация. В статье опубликованы первоначальные результаты изучения поселенческого комплекса раннего железного века Акбауыр, расположенного на территории Уланского района Восточно-Казахстанской области Республики Казахстан. По результатам лабораторно-аналитических исследований выяснено, что хозяйственная деятельность была основана на горном деле, металлургии и металлообработке; комплекс датируется периодом с конца эпохи бронзы до середины І тыс. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: ранний железный век, поселенческий комплекс, Акбауыр, система жизнеобеспечения, архитектура, артефакты.

Samashev Z., Zhuniskhanov A., Erzhanova A., Polovtsev M. Akbauyra group of Early Iron Age sites in Eastern Kazakhstan

Annotation: Since 2019, stationary excavations have been ongoing at the Akbauyr group of sites in the Ulan district of the Eastern Kazakhstan Region, Republic of Kazakhstan. To date, nine settlements have been revealed. The findings allowed us to revise the issues relating to the Early Iron Age subsistence systems and economic activities. A conclusion was made that the dwelling complex of Akbauyr reveals features shared by all similar complexes, and specific ones, determined by environmental factors and cultural processes in the region. We describe artifacts — numerous fragments of clay vessels, stone tools (hoes, pestle, grinders, hammer, milling-stones, paint-grinders, fragment of casting mold), bone tools (awls, scrapers, burnishers, borers, adzes, etc.), and other utensils. Based on these finds we argue that Akbauyr was a specialized metallurgic center of the western Altai mining area, where local ores were employed and metal was produced not only for local use but also for export.

Keywords: Early Iron Age, Akbauyr group of sites, subsistence strategy, architecture, artifacts.


Бусова В. С., Баринов В. В., Кулькова М. А., Мыглан В. С., Сычева О. В., Тайник А. В., Филатова М. О. Разрушенный горн на берегу реки Кара-Дыт в Южной Туве: от углей до крицы

Аннотация. В 2022 г. отдельным отрядом ТАЭ ИИМК РАН была обнаружена производственная зона, расположенная на р. Кара-Дыт. Из раскопанного на ней горна были взяты образцы шлаков и древесного угля. Древесные угли были перекрестно датированы между собой и сведены в одну древесно-кольцевую хронологию длительностью 125 лет. Радиоуглеродный анализ дал дату: 352–441 гг. н. э. Данные химического состава шлаков позволили установить, что для выплавки железа использовались магнетитовые руды.

Ключевые слова: шлак, уголь, горн, металлургия, радиоуглеродное датирование, дендрохронология, кокэльская культура, Тува, Южная Сибирь.

Busova V. S., Barinov V. V., Kulkova M. A., Myglan V. S., Sycheva O. V., A. V.Tainik, Filatova M. O. A destroyed smelting furnace on the Kara-Dyt River, Southern Tuva: From charcoal to puddle

Annotation: We outline the findings of a multidisciplinary study of the remains of a destroyed smelting furnace for producing iron, situated on the Kara-Dyt River in Tuva, Russia (figs. 1; 2). Excavations at the Kara-Dyt site have been carried out since 2019. In 2022, southeast of it, 197 m downstream, accumulations of slag were discovered. A test pit was dug, revealing remains of a puddling furnace with slag and charcoal inclusions (fig. 3). The charcoal was analyzed at the Siberian Dendrochronological Laboratory using a new method of sample preparation. The estimates were cross-dated and summarized in a tree-ring sequence spanning a period of 125 years (figs. 4; 6; tab. 2). According to radiocarbon analysis, the furnace dates to 352–441 CE (fig. 5). Chemical analysis suggests that iron was smelt from magnetite ores (tab. 1). Radiocarbon estimates correspond to the Kokel culture, enabling us to match them with findings from the Kara-Dyt II site, the cultural attribution of which remained disputable because the habitation layer was redeposited. The use of science-based methods allowed us to introduce new data and to test our methodology of analyzing charcoal, opening up new prospects in studying climatic changes and cultural legacy of the past.

Keywords: Slag, melting furnace, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, Kokel culture, Tuva, South Siberia.


Новые открытия и исследования
New Discoveries and Studies


Бердникова Н. Е., Золотарев Д. П., Бердников И. М., Шегутов И. С., Щетников А. А., Филинов И. А., Лохов Д. Н., Липнина Е. А., Маликов Д. Г., Никитёнок В. В., Воробьева Г. А. Археологические комплексы местонахождения Китойский Мост в контексте верхнего палеолита Байкало-Енисейской Сибири

Аннотация. Представлены результаты мультидисциплинарных исследований нового геоархеологического объекта Китойский Мост в долине р. Китой (юг Байкало-Енисейской Сибири), которые позволили выявить уникальность отложений местонахождения, особенности палеогеографических ситуаций и три культуросодержащих горизонта в сартанских отложениях (МИС 2). Наиболее представительным является культуросодержащий горизонт 1 (средний сартан), материалы которого имеют широкие аналогии в синхронных комплексах Байкало-Енисейской Сибири.

Ключевые слова: Байкало-Енисейская Сибирь, верхний плейстоцен, поздний этап верхнего палеолита, терминально-краевой принцип расщепления, клиновидные нуклеусы, радиоуглеродное датирование.

Berdnikova N. E., Zolotarev D. P., Berdnikov I. M., Shegutov I. S., Shchetnikov A. A., Filinov I. A., Lokhov D. N., Lipnina E. A., Malikov D. G., Nikityonok V. V., Vorobyeva G. A. Archaeological assemblages of the Kitoiskii Most site in the context of the Upper Paleolithic of Baikal-Yenisei Siberia

Annotation: The results of multidisciplinary studies of the new geoarchaeological site Kitoiskii Most in the valley of the Kitoi River (southern Baikal-Yenisei Siberia) are presented. The deposits at this site were studied using pedolithological method and a set of analytical techniques within a multi-proxy records. It has been established that the deposits exposed to a depth of 13 m belong to the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene (MIS 5e — MIS 1). Four buried soils were recorded in them. The most informative in archaeological terms are the MIS 2 deposits associated with the Sartanian cryochron. For the first time, a special type of subaerial deposits, niveo-aeolian, formed in the cryo-arid climate in the range of ~17,0–14,7 ka cal BP has been identified. The most representative cultural horizon 1 (dated in the range of ~18,3–17,9 ka cal BP) is confined to the Middle Sartanian Malta soil, which, unlike the synchronous geoarchaeological objects of the region, is located at a significant depth (up to 5,0 m). In the Early Sartanian sediments, two more levels with few finds were recorded (horizons 2 and 3). Natural scientific data and archaeological materials were analyzed. Based on the analysis of reliable radiocarbon dates and analogies, the age of the buried soils was established. In the upper sandy sedimentary unit, the soil of the BøllingAllerød warming (~14,7–12,8 ka cal BP) and the Malta soil of the Middle Sartanian (~18,6–17,6 ka cal BP) were identified. In the lower aleurite stratum, there is Karginian soil (MIS 3) with ambiguous dates from ~42,5 to 36,0 ka cal BP, as well as the Kazantsevo soil (MIS 5e) with an age of ~115–104 ka cal BP. Archaeological materials from cultural horizon 1 have features characteristic of synchronous assemblages of Baikal-Yenisei Siberia, including the technology of microblade knapping (Saikai technique). Their proximity is also indicated by the features of the spatial localization of the Kitoiskii Most site. It is concluded that the Kitoiskii Most is, on the one hand, a unique site, and on the other hand, it complements the ensemble of Middle Sartanian assemblages in the region. The results of its studies allowed us to detail the paleogeographical conditions of the Sartanian cryochron and obtain new information about the features of archaeological assemblages of the late stage of the Upper Paleolithic in Baikal-Yenisei Siberia.

Keywords: Baikal-Yenisei Siberia, Upper Pleistocene, late stage of the Upper Paleolithic, terminal-edge knapping principle, wedge-shaped cores, radiocarbon dating.


Ставицкий В. В., Морозов В. В. Энеолитические погребения Панфиловской стоянки во Владимирской области

Аннотация. В статье анализируются стратиграфия и культурно-хронологическая принадлежность погребений Панфиловской стоянки. Первое погребение исследовано в 1924 г. В. А. Городцовым, который предположил, что оно было разрушено при строительстве землянки и перезахоронено. Второе погребение выявлено в 1946 г. Е. И. Горюновой на полу землянки и отнесено ею к волосовской культуре. Хронология первого погребения не установлена, второе, по предположению авторов, было совершено носителями имеркской культуры.

Ключевые слова: Панфиловская стоянка, энеолит, волосовская культура, имеркская культура, энеолитические погребения.

Stavitskiy V. V., Morozov V. V. Eneolithic burials at Panfilovo, Vladimir Oblast

Annotation: The Panfilovo site is situated near the eponymous village of the Murom District, Vladimir Oblast, on a floodplain dune of the left bank of the Ilemna River, a left tributary of the Oka (fig. 1). It was excavated by V. A. Gorodtsov (1924), E. I. Goryunova (1946), and I. K. Tsvetkova (1950). Three dwellings and two burials have been revealed (fig. 2). We analyze the stratigraphy, cultural attribution, and age of these burials. The first of them was excavated by V. A. Gorodtsov in 1924. He suggested that it had been destroyed during the construction of a pit-dwelling and that the remains were reburied. He estimated the age of the burial within a broad interval from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. The other burial, in the prone extended position, was found by E. I. Goryunova in 1946 on the floor of the pit-dwelling. She attributed it to the Volosovo culture (fig. 3). The paleoanthropologist M. M. Gerasimov believed that it might have been associated with migrants from the Dnieper to the Oka. According to E. L. Kostyleva and A. V. Utkin, none of the burials relates to the dwellings, and both date to the final stage of the Volosovo culture. However, the position of the buried individuals (prone extended) is typical of various groups of the Neolithic and Eneolithic population of the Volga-Oka area, and outside the archaeological context it cannot provide an unambiguous clue to cultural affiliation. The analysis of stratigraphy of burials in the cultural layer and dwelling pits and the analysis of pottery (fig. 4; 5) suggests that the Panfilovo burials, excavated by E. I. Goryunova, are associated with the Imerka culture of the second half of the 3rd millennium BC.

Keywords: Panfilovo site, Eneolithic, Volosovo culture, Imerka culture, Eneolithic burials.


Савельев Д. О., Смекалова Т. Н., Борисов А. В. Первые результаты междисциплинарного исследования поселения эпохи бронзы Тюмень-5 в Северо-Западном Крыму. Анализ кремневого материала

Аннотация. В статье представлены предварительные результаты анализа кремневого материала, полученные при междисциплинарном исследовании поселения бронзового века Тюмень-5. Поселение было открыто в 2012 г. по данным дистанционного зондирования и пеших разведок на северном берегу озера Сасык-Сиваш, в месте впадения в него обводненной Тюменьской балки, на ее левом берегу. В 2023 г. проведены магнитная и прецизионная топографическая съемки, точечное археологическое зондирование со сбором образцов культурного слоя для дальнейших геохимических анализов и радиоуглеродной датировки. Анализ кремневого и керамического материала дает возможность отнести поселение к эпохе средней–поздней бронзы. Комплексное археологическое исследование этого поселения с применением естественно-научных методик продолжается.

Ключевые слова: Крым, Сакский район, озеро Сасык-Сиваш, Тюменьская балка, магнитная съемка, космические снимки, средний бронзовый век, поселение Тюмень-5, кремневые орудия, пластинчатые сколы, фрагменты бифасов, микролиты, орнаментированные лепные сосуды.

Savelyev D. O., Smekalova T. N., Borisov A. V. First findings of a multidisciplinary study of a Bronze Age site Tyumen-5, northwestern Crimea. Analysis of lithics

Annotation: In 2023 archaeological surveys were carried out at the Tyumen-5 settlement (Republic of Crimea), using magnetic and topographic mapping (fig. 2). Surface finds include fragments of decorated vessels, a biface, fragments of a stone axe (fig. 3, 1–5). To assess the age, stratigraphy, and boundaries of the site, five test pits were dug (fig. 2). They revealed numerous artifacts (altogether 130), most of which are lithics. Artifacts are described according to 20 cm thick layers because there is no distinct stratigraphy. In the first layer, 35 artifacts were found, among them 15 flint tools (fig. 3, 6–13). Finds from the second layer (20–40 cm) are represented by 49 artifacts (19 lithics, 17 fragments of animal bones, and 13 fragments of handmade pottery). Flint items are the most expressive (fig. 4, 1–4). The number of finds from the third layer is 46, among them are 32 flint tools (fig. 4, 5–9; fig. 5, 1–5); one piece of charcoal, one quartzite core (fig. 5, 7), 11 fragments of pottery, and a bone of an animal. Most of the site area within test pit 4 is destroyed by coastal erosion. The settlement may have included a local prominence, situated north of test pits 1 and 5. By the present time, virtually all soil has been washed off from that prominence. The lithics, too, may have been transported to the area covered by test pits 1 and 5 due to erosion. In the test pits, where the erosion has not destroyed the entire buried soil, traces of a dark humic soil are traceable at the depth of 20–35 cm. This may indicate more humid conditions under which this layer was deposited. Our preliminary conclusions regarding the lithics from this site need to be tested by means of experimental use-wear analysis. The artifacts suggest that the Tyumen-5 settlement dates to the Middle or the beginning of the Late Bronze Age.

Keywords: Crimea, Saki District, Lake Sasyk-Sivash, Tyumen gully, Middle Bronze Age, Tyumen-5 settlement, flint tools, blades, bifaces, microliths, decorated handmade ware.


Павличенко Н. А., Соков П. В., Цинько А. С. Комплекс с гераклейской амфорой на поселении Крымское-3

Аннотация. В статье представлен обзор комплекса с гераклейской амфорой с клеймом нового гераклейского эпонима Мирилла с поселения Крымское-3 в Краснодарском крае.

Ключевые слова: эллинистический период, Боспор, хора, амфоры, клейма, Гераклея Понтийская, керамика.

Pavlichenko N. A., Sokov P. V., Tsinko A. S. Complex with a Heraclean amphora at Krymskoe-3

Annotation: Archaeological excavations at Krymskoe-3 in the Krasnodar Region have upheld the earlier proposal that this area was an eastern fringe of the settlement, and the chronological limits of the site were extended from the 5th cen. BC to the first centuries of AD. In the upper strata of the settlement, a few artifacts dating to the first centuries AD were found. The lower strata contained a material of the Late Classical and Hellenistic period, including amphorae, a small sample of gray-clay and red-clay table ware, and of handmade vessels. The maximal number of items was discovered within feature 1 — a ground pit. This material dates to the last third of the 4th cen. BC. Especially interesting is a Heraclean amphora. It has a conical body, a high neck, and a sharp bend between the shoulder and the body. Amphorae of the biconical type, to which this specimen belongs, were manufactured over most of the 4th cen. BC, from the 380s to the 320s. The stamp on the amphora mentions a hitherto unknown eponym Mirillus and the manufacturer Iakchos, well known from stamps of the V chronological group, suggesting that Mirillus too belongs to this group and that his activities date to the mid-340s — mid-320s BC.

Keywords: Hellenistic period, Bosporus, chora, amphorae, stamps, Heraclea Pontica, Pontic ceramics.


Медникова Е. Ю. Исследование методом полиполяризации некоторых штукатурок и строительных растворов Великого Новгорода

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются результаты анализов штукатурок под живопись и двух строительных растворов из церквей Великого Новгорода, проведенных на оптико-электронной полиполяризационной системе, разработанной в ИИМК РАН.

Ключевые слова: оптико-электронная полиполяризационная система, анализ, Великий Новгород, штукатурки под живопись, строительные растворы, моллюски, ракушки.

Mednikova E. Yu. Polypolarization study of certain stuccos and mortars from Veliky Novgorod

Annotation: The paper presents the results of the analysis of building and painting mortars from Novgorod using an optoelectronic polypolarization system designed at the Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS. Findings demonstrate that mollusc shells with molluscs had been added to the building and painting mortars used in the construction of Novgorod churches.

Keywords: Opticoelectronic polypolarization system, analysis of construction mortars and painting mortars in Novgorod, mollusc shells.


Ениосова Н. В., Лубкова Т. Н., Николаева И. Ю., Покровская Л. В., Сингх В. К. Булавка с головкой в виде павлина из раскопок Великого Новгорода

Аннотация. Статья посвящена находке булавки с головкой в виде павлина из раскопа Троицкий XVI в Великом Новгороде. Женское украшение относится к немногочисленным заколкам с горизонтальным стержнем и зооморфным изображением. Мотив павлина является редким для новгородского прикладного искусства и отражает символическое восприятие мира, присущее жителям средневекового Новгорода. Концентрация однотипных булавок с изображением павлина в Новгороде свидетельствует о местном производстве этих изделий в конце XII — первой половине XIII в.

Ключевые слова: Великий Новгород, Троицкий раскоп, прикладное искусство, образ павлина.

Eniosova N. V., Lubkova T. N., Nikolaeva I. Yu., Pokrovskaya L. V., Singh V. K. Pin with peacock-shaped head from excavations in Veliky Novgorod

Annotation: The article addresses a rare type of women’s ornaments from Novgorod — pins with horizontal shanks and zoomorphic heads shaped as peacocks. The group includes three specimens from the Troitsky and Nerevsky sites, and one found by chance. We discuss the symbolic meaning of the peacock in the Christian context and in folk beliefs, routes whereby this motif had been introduced to the applied art of Novgorod, technology of manufacture, and origin of metal. The fact that peacock pins concentrate in Novgorod and belong to the typically local type of ornaments, and the use of cheap lead-tin alloy metals and alloys imitating silver indicate local manufacture in stone molds in the late 12th — early 13th cen.

Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, Troitsky site, applied art, peacock motif.


Кладченко О. В. Керамические курительные трубки из аула Тереклыкой (поселения Волна 12) на Таманском полуострове

Аннотация. В ходе исследований поселения Нового времени Волна 12 было найдено 389 курительных трубок балканского, турецкого, крымского, венецианского производства, а также изделия из неустановленных центров. Многообразие обнаруженных форм резко отличает поселение Волна 12 от других современных ему сельских памятников Крыма и Тамани. Полученная информация расширяет данные письменных источников об ассортименте трубок, ввозимых на Таманский полуостров.

Ключевые слова: «турецкая» курительная трубка, Османское время, Таманский полуостров, археология Нового времени.

Kladchenko O. V. Clay tobacco pipes from the Tereklykoy village (Volna 12 site) on the Taman Peninsula

Annotation: During the research of the Modern times settlement Wave 12, 389 smoking pipes of Balkan, Turkish, Crimean, Venetian production, as well as products from unidentified centers were found. The diversity of the discovered forms sharply distinguishes the settlement of Volna 12 from other contemporary rural monuments of the Crimea and Taman. The information received expands the data of written sources on the range of tubes imported to the Taman Peninsula.

Keywords: “Turkish” tobacco pipes, Osman period, Taman Peninsula, archaeology of Early Modern remains.


Балюнов И. В. Арсенал ручного огнестрельного оружия города Тобольска в конце XVIXVII в. (по материалам археологических и письменных источников)

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы данные различных источников о ручном огнестрельном оружии тобольского гарнизона с конца XVI — XVII в. В культурном слое г. Тобольска встречаются редкие детали фитильных замков, известно несколько находок костяных пластин, которые можно предварительно определить как элементы декора лож аркебуз и пистолетов XVII в. с колесцовыми замками. Известны многочисленные находки деталей ударно-кремневых замков.

Ключевые слова: Тобольск, оружие, пищаль, мушкет, замок, кремень.

Balyunov I. V. The arsenal of hand firearms of the city of Tobolsk at the end of the 16th — 17th centuries (based on archaeological and written sources)

Annotation: At the end of the 16th–17th cen. Tobolsk was the largest military garrison in Siberia. There is practically no information in the scientific literature about the quality and size of the city’s weapons stocks, and in addition, there are no studies where the dynamics of the development of hand firearms of the Tobolsk arsenal could be traced. The surviving sources allow us to compile an approximate list of hand-held firearms used by military personnel in Western Siberia during this period. In the cultural layer of Tobolsk there are rare details of matchlocks, several finds of bone plates are known, which can be preliminarily identified as decorative elements of arquebus boxes and pistols of the 17th cen. with wheel locks. However, food flints are much more common. There are finds of screws from percussion mechanisms, a lead gasket that served to fix the food flint between the trigger lips. At least since the late 30s of the 17th cen., flintlock rifles have been spreading, which do not immediately begin to occupy leading positions. The creation of foreign regiments in the 60s of the 17th cen. entailed additional supplies of muskets with jags for infantry, carbines and pistols for reiters. Existing data allow us to prove that in the 17th cen. in Tobolsk, weapons with shock-flintlocks gradually replaced matchlock guns, but the latter could have been in use at the very beginning of the 18th cen.

Keywords: Tobolsk, weapons, pishchal, musket, gun lock, flint.


Колпакова Ю. В., Бельский С. В., Данилов Г. К. Коллекция нательных крестов из Архангельской области Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамеры) РАН: состав и особенности

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты изучения коллекции из 111 предметов с христианской символикой, в том числе 109 нательных крестов, одного наперсного креста и одного дорника, поступивших из Министерства культуры РФ в МАЭ им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамеру) после изъятия по решению суда у грабителей археологических памятников. Предметы происходят из Архангельской области. Кресты типологизированы, даны их предположительные датировки по аналогиям, проведен рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ состава сплавов 29 изделий.

Ключевые слова: нательные кресты, голгофские кресты, наперсные кресты, дорники, рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ, Кургомень, Холмогоры.

Kolpakova Yu. V., Belsky S. V., Danilov G. K. Collection of baptismal crosses from the Archangel Region at Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), Saint-Petersburg: Composition and peculiarities

Annotation: We analyzed 111 artifacts with Christian symbols (mostly baptismal crosses), belonging to a collection of 337 artifacts handed over to the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) by the RF Ministry of Culture after being confiscated from looters оf archaeological sites. They originate from the Middle Dvina (Archangelsk Oblast). We present their typology and tentative dates based on parallels. There are two Old Russian baptismal crosses with enamel and 107 late medieval and early modern ones; a fragment of a pectoral cross and a seal-pendant with the Calvary cross. 15th–16th cen. crosses (six-pointed with a carinate tip of the lower arm) are represented by only three specimens. Three of the 17th–19th cen. crosses are trapezoid, representing Calvary crosses in haut relief, some are four-armed with orthogonal tips (these include 12 so-called men’s crosses and 44 “leaves” or women’s crosses; 21 spec. have split tips and some have “rays of glory”). A few specimens show Calvary crosses and some have carinate tips. Other crosses include a rare specimen with a crucifix, and fragments of modern type crosses. Regrettably, the crosses are undocumented, otherwise they could have served as reliable chronological indicators. Twenty-nine specimens were subjected to X-ray fluorescence analysis. Most specimens are made of stannic-plumbic bronzes with or without some arsenic and antimony (CuSnPb — 8 spec.), or of multi-component bronze (CuSnZnPb+As — 6 spec.), and of plumbic brass (CuZnPb — 7 spec.). One specimen is made of brass with a high content of copper. Copper alloys have a high content of admixtures. Silver, used in four crosses, is an alloy of Ag + Cu with minor components.

Keywords: Baptismal crosses, Calvary crosses, pectoral crosses, seals, X-ray fluorescence, Kurgomen, Kholmogory.


Рогожинский А. Е., Калдыбаева Г. А. Казахские тамга-петроглифы Чу-Илийского междуречья: датировка, локализация, идентификация

Аннотация. В статье изложены результаты изучения тамга-петроглифов казахов в междуречье Или и Чу на юго-востоке Казахстана, где сосредоточены и тамги средневековых кочевников, и более поздние. Те и другие встречаются чаще возле зимовок. Письменные источники позволяют идентифицировать тамги казахов, объяснить причины их широкого применения «земельной теснотой» среди кочевников в связи с ростом оседлого населения района на рубеже XIX–XX вв. Предполагается, что концентрация здесь же средневековых тамг связана с ростом оседлого населения в IX–XII вв.

Ключевые слова: тамга-петроглиф, Чу-Илийское междуречье, казахи, кочевники, Средневековье, Новое время.

Rogozhinskiy A. E., Kaldybayeva G. A. Kazakh petroglyphic tamgas of the Chu-Ili watershed: Age, locations, identification

Annotation: Petroglyphic tamgas are rock carvings of emblematic symbols used by medieval nomads and by Kazakhs of recent centuries. They are especially numerous in southeastern Kazakhstan, in the Chu-Ili watershed. Over a hundred petrpglyphs showing tribal and social emblems of mid-19th — early 20th cen. Kazakhs, carved on rocks near winter camps, along horse paths and routes whereby domestic animals were driven. Tamgas are rare in the alpine summer pastures. The contexts of medieval nomadic tamgas are similar, and they often co-occur with those of Kazakhs. Written and ethnographic sources suggest that petroglyphic tamgas marked tribal and social groups of Kazakhs. These sources help to understand why new signs appear in related groups. The key factor behind the use of petroglyphic tamgas by Kazakhs on a mass scale was scarcity of land for pastures experienced by nomads after the influx of migrants to Jetysu in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The concentration of such signs in the Chu-Ili watershed in the Middle Ages may be also due to urbanization and the growing share of the agricultural population of Jetysu during the Karluk-Karakhanid period (800–1200).

Keywords: Petroglyphic tamgas, Chu-Ili watershed, Kazakhs, nomads, Middle Ages, Early Modern Age.


Актуальные проблемы археологии
Actual Problems of Arch


Герман К. Э., Кулькова М. А. Петрографические исследования ранненеолитической керамики сперрингс Карелии: итоги и перспективы

Аннотация. В статье анализируются результаты петрографических исследований в 2018–2021 гг. 90 фрагментов керамики с памятников культуры сперрингс. Керамика изготавливалась преимущественно из жирных и тощих глин смектитового и гидрослюдистого состава с примесью дресвы в тесте. Небольшим количеством представлены фрагменты с примесью в тесте песка, что может указывать на влияние традиций изготовления ямочно-гребенчатой керамики, и шамота — на влияние технологии производства гребенчатой керамики типа Тудозеро V, представленного на поселениях Юго-Восточного Прионежья.

Ключевые слова: ранний неолит, керамика сперрингс, петрографический анализ, Онежское озеро, Прибеломорье, Приладожье.

German K. E., Kulkova M. A. Petrographic analysis of Early Neolithic Sperrings ceramics from Karelia: Findings and prospects

Annotation: The Sperrings ceramics is the earliest in Karelia, dating to late 6th — early 5th millennium BC. Its typical decorative designs consist of imprints of vertebrae of freshwater fish, retreating incised lines, and conical pits as an additional element. Despite an extensive scholarship, no pertrographic studies of Sperrings ceramics have been carried out yet. Petrographic analyses of 90 fragments of vessels from 33 Sperrings sites, conducted in 2018–2021 at the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogic University in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, have made it possible to separate ten groups of vessels differing in the composition of clay and temper. The findings suggest that the Sperrings ceramics were mostly made of high-quality smectite, smectite-hydromicaceous and smectite-chlorite loam (Ткач и др., 2022. С. 35). Most samples are tempered with grit of crystalline rocks, and a minority of fragments contain sand and grog. Samples from the early Sperrings site of Orovnavolok VIII are tempered only with grit, and those from the late site of Derevyannoye Ia contain both grit and sand. The technology of ceramic manufacture, then, was gradually changing — a new temper, sand, appeared, possibly under the influence of the pit-and-comb tradition, introduced by 4th millennium BC migrants to Karelia. The few instances of grog-tempered samples among the Sperrings ceramics may have been an effect of the earlier comb pottery manufactured in southeastern Lake Onega area (sites such as Tudozero V and Kemozerо III). The proportion of grog-tempered ceramics in that area amounts to 5 % (Иванищева и др., 2016. С. 90–93).

Keywords: Early Neolithic, Sperrings ceramics, petrographic analysis, Lake Onega region, White Sea coast, Lake Ladoga region.


Сапрыкина И. А., Сударев Н. И., Мимоход Р. А. Цветной металл конца VIV в. до н. э. из грунтового могильника Волна 1 по данным рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа (РФА)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена результатам исследования методом РФА химического состава 148 металлических предметов из погребений конца VI — V в. до н. э. грунтового могильника Волна 1, расположенного в юго-западной части Таманского полуострова. Получены данные по номенклатуре металлов и сплавов, циркулировавших на территории Азиатского Боспора в период его активного освоения греческими поселенцами.

Ключевые слова: Азиатский Боспор, грунтовый могильник Волна 1, архаическое время, цветной и драгоценный металлы и сплавы, РФА.

Saprykina I. A., Sudarev N. I., Mimokhod R. A. Late 6th — 5th cen. BC base and precious metal from the flat-grave burial ground Volna 1 according to X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis

Annotation: The study describes the chemical composition of base and precious metals from the early burials at the Archaic and Classical era burial ground Volna 1 (excavations by R. A. Mimokhod and P. S. Uspensky in 2016–2018). The sample from late 6th — 5th cen. BC burials consists of 148 items, for which chemical composition of metal was assessed by the XRF method without standards. Most samples stem from burials of the second quarter — end of the 5th cen. BC. The following changes in the composition of metals and alloys were traced: in the second and third quarters of the 5th cen., many artifacts made of high-quality silver appear; in the second half of the 5th cen. electrum admixed with silver becomes more common and the number of artifacts made of stannic bronze sharply increases relative to the late 6th — early 5th cen. BC (fig. 1). Tentatively, several sources of alloys can be established in terms of recipes and micro-admixtures: most samples are alloys common in the Kuban and Caucasian metallurgic centers (fig. 2); there are a few imported Greek metal artifacts, and two hypothetic groups of metals which could stem from certain regions of the western Pontic (tentatively referred to as “Scythian” and “Thracian”). The only reliable fact is the use of alloys, which were subjected to repeated melting and blending.

Keywords: Asian Bosporus, Volna 1 flat-grave burial ground, Archaic Period, base and precious metals and alloys, XRF analysis.


Плохов А. В., Хвощинская Н. В. Рюриково городище эпохи викингов (к вопросу о топографии, планиграфии и международных связях)

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются вопросы топографии поселения на Рюриковом городище в эпоху викингов. На основе стратиграфии и керамического материала выделяются основные этапы развития в освоении новых участков и плотности застройки. Особое внимание уделяется роли Городища в торговле и международных связях.

Ключевые слова: Рюриково городище IX–X вв., топография, планиграфия, этапы развития, международные связи.

Plokhov A. V., Khvoshchinskaya N. V. Rurik’s Hillfort of the Viking Age (topography, horizontal distribution of finds, and foreign relations)

Annotation: During the Viking Age, Rurik’s Hillfort occupied the hill itself and a low promontory. In the southwestern part of the hill, there was a fortress consisting of an earthen and wooden rampart encircled by a moat (~1.5 ha). The construction time according to dendrochronological estimates is 858–862. Part of the settlement was situated outside the encircled area. As to the boundaries of the medieval settlement, regrettably, part of it was lost forever, especially due to the construction of Sievers’s channel. The study of the horizontal distribution of finds and the analysis of ceramics allows us to establish three tentative stages in the history of Rurik’s Hillfort during the Viking Age: (1) second half of the 9th cen.; (2) late 9th — first third of 10th cen., and (3) second third of 10th — early 11th cen. Among the finds from the first stage, there are a few complexes with handmade pottery, situated inside the fortress along the early medieval fortification line. The second stage is represented by pits in the central part of the site, dug into the virgin soil. In their lower part, only fragments of handmade pottery were found. This was the time of intense construction, extending to the entire area encircled by the moat. Also, the settlement expanded beyond the fortification line, which had been largely destroyed by the late 9th cen. The promontory too was used for construction. Structures of that period perished during the fire, which apparently occurred around 930. The third stage, spanning the second third of the 10th — early 11th cen., is represented by structures and pits, which contained both handmade and early wheel-thrown pottery. Most of those features likely date to the middle and third quarter of the 10th cen. They fall within the earlier settlement boundaries. The study of ceramics suggests that around 980, a heavy fire occurred, destroying many living and utility structures. The possible reason was feud between Yaropolk and Vladimir. After the fire, life in the hillfort becomes much less intense, and in the early 11th cen. it virtually ceases until the second half of this cen. Rurik’s Hillfort was built in the mid-9th cen. at the crossroads of two key early medieval routes of Eastern Europe — one from the Baltic to the Volga, the other ”from the Varangians to the Greeks“, primarily as a major intermediate point controlling and supplying the vivid trans-European trade, which is clearly evidenced by the material culture of this settlement over its entire lifetime during the Viking Age. Numerous imports, coins and weighing instruments attest to the settlement’s wide foreign ties with the Arab Orient, Byzantine Empire, Western and Eastern Europe.

Keywords: Ruric’s Hillfort, 9th–10th centuries, topography, horizontal distribution of finds, stages of evolution, foreign relations.


История науки
History of Science


Городцова Ю. Н. Роль А. А. Спицына в археологическом изучении Тамбовской губернии

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются направления работы Александра Андреевича Спицына с материалами Тамбовской губернии — уточняются сведения по проведенным им на данной территории полевым исследованиям, а также приводятся данные о сборе, систематизации и введении в научный оборот собранной информации об археологических памятниках и находках.

Ключевые слова: А. А. Спицын, Тамбовская губерния, мордовские древности.

Gorodtsova Yu. N. A. A. Spitsyn’s role in the archaeological study of the Tambov Province

Annotation: The article discusses the key directions in A. A. Spitsyn’s archaeological work in the Tambov Province: excavating, collecting and classifying findings, editing publications, and organizing cooperation with the local archival commission. Spitsyn carried out field studies in the Tambov area twice, in 1892 and 1895. During the first season, he excavated cemeteries around the villages of Pichpanda, Serpovoye, and Davydovskoye. During the second season, he excavated more than a hundred burials at the Koshibeyevo cemetery. He collected data relevant to the ethnic attribution of the Lyadino cemetery and its date. As a result, he published the summarizing work by V. N. Yastrebov, based on materials from this cemetery. A separate direction of Spitsyn’s project was the publication of evidence concerning fortified settlements and kurgans, collected in 1873. In 1903, materials from all twelve Tambov districts appeared in Transactions of the Archaeological Commission. By that time, archaeological statistics had been reflected in the 1873 and 1884 publications. The comparison of all those publications suggests that Spitsyn’s summary is the most complete. This article analyzes archival data from Spitsyn’s collection in the IIMK RAS archives, in a handwritten version of the review of Tambov antiquities, and in his 74 cards with detailed descriptions of archaeological sites and artifacts found by chance. These materials remain the first summary of information on archaeological sites of the Tambov Province. Also, the present article touches upon Spitsyn’s logistic efforts, relating to his participation in provincial archaeological conferences. The present author subscribes to Spitsyn’s critical attitude to these meetings.

Keywords: A. A. Spitsyn, Tambov province, Mordovian antiquities.


Дрёмова П. С., Межурецкий А. А. К истории коллекции археологических находок из раскопок Земляного городища Старой Ладоги в собрании Тихвинского музея

Аннотация. В статье представлены результаты изучения архивных и музейных материалов, связанных с участием тихвинских школьников-краеведов во главе с И. П. Крупейченко в работах Староладожской археологической экспедиции 1957−1959 гг. Рассмотрена история появления коллекции предметов из раскопок Земляного городища в собрании Тихвинского музея. Дан статистический анализ вещевого материала, и обозначены перспективы работы с ним.

Ключевые слова: Старая Ладога, Тихвинский музей, И. П. Крупейченко, музейная коллекция.

Dremova P. S., Mezhuretsky A. A. On the history of a collection of archaeological finds from the Earthen hillfort at Staraya Ladoga at the Tikhvin Museum

Annotation: We describe the participation of Tikhvin schoolchildren-amateurs engaged in local studies – in excavations conducted by the Staraya Ladoga Archaeological Expedition headed by V. I. Ravdonikas. High-school children, instructed by the teacher of history I. P. Krupeychenko (1912–2007), took part in these excavations for the first time in 1957. Over three field seasons they worked together with professional archaeologists (fig. 1; 2; 4). Children’s inquisitiveness and enthusiasm were mentioned by the expedition leadership, specifically in field reports. After the finds had been analyzed at the end of the year, some were handed over to the school museum (now they are owned by the Tikhvin Museum). Initially, the collection consisted of 433 artifacts, but only 286 have been preserved to the present day. The statistics relating to them are presented in the table. Most are represented in the State Catalog of Museum Collections of the RF (URL: https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/, accessed 28.11.2023). These are artifacts made of organic and non-organic materials. They fall within the broad interval between the 8th and 17th cen., which is explained by the methodology of excavations at the Earthen Hillfort of Staraya Ladoga in 1957–1959. The small trench became deeper and deeper until it reached the virgin soil level. This means that over three field seasons the entire habitation layer was completely explored within a restricted area. The collection at the Tikhvin Museum, then, represents the entire cultural sequence. The principal categories of artifacts in the collection are spindle whorls made of clay, bone, and chert, chert whetstones and grinders, needles and borers, bone unilateral combs (see Давидан, 1962. С 100, 101,рис. 3, for parallels), wrought nails, beak for walking on ice, boat rivet, etc. More than a half of the artifacts are glass beads. There are also beads made of cornelian, quartz, crystal, and amber. The study of the collection has just started and will continue. The urgent task is to publish it.

Keywords: Staraya Ladoga, Tikhvin Museum, I. P. Krupeychenko, museum collections.


Конончук К. В. Надежда Эрастовна Успенская (1862–1942). Страницы биографии

Аннотация. В статье на основе широкого круга источников воссозданы основные этапы жизни и трудового пути хранителя Склада древностей Академии истории материальной культуры Надежды Эрастовны Успенской (1862–1942). Установлено, что к моменту начала академической карьеры в 1919 г. она имела существенный опыт работы с археологическими материалами. Ее знания при организации деятельности Склада древностей в 1920–1929 гг. позволили сохранить для науки большое количество археологических коллекций.

Ключевые слова: Н. Э. Успенская, РАИК, РАИМК, ГАИМК, Склад древностей, история археологической науки в СССР.

Kononchuk K. V. Nadezhda Erastovna Uspenskaya (1862–1942). Episodes of a Life

Annotation: Nadezhda Erastovna Uspenskaya (1862–1942) was born into a noble family, which, in the early1800s, settled in Odessa. In the summer of 1880, she married the outstanding Byzantinologist F. I. Uspensky, and this event determined the entire course of her life. From 1895 to 1917. Uspenskaya was a volunteer at the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople, headed by her husband. This stage of her career is underrepresented in documents since she had never been the institute’s staff member. In 1919, Nadezhda Erastovna became associated with the Russian Academy for the Study of Material Culture. Over most of her career at the Academy, she served as curator of the Antiquarium, coordinating registration and storage of archaeological materials and their transfer to museums. Largely due to her activities, it was possible to preserve the antiquities acquired by the Imperial Archaeological Commission. After her retirement from the Academy for the History of Material Culture in late 1929, Nadezhda Erastovna continued working there as a volunteer. She assisted Academician V. I. Vernadsky in editing articles, took part in the Commission’s work on the history of the humanities. Her principal efforts, however, centered on the impressive scholarly legacy of her husband, who died in 1928. As a result, in 1938, Uspenskaya became engaged with the USSR Academy of Sciences Archives, where she left materials relating to the history of her family (fig. 1). They include a photograph showing a person, who may be Nadezhda Erastovna herself (fig. 2). She died in January 1942 during the most devastating period in the Siege of Leningrad. The present article employs a variety of historical sources, most of which are unpublished. Among them are letters, diaries, memoirs and documents of the Academy for the History of Material Culture. As a result, it was possible to reconstruct N. E. Uspenskaya’s biography in the context of dramatic processes involving the entire Soviet archaeology.

Keywords: N. E. Uspenskaya, RAIK, RAIMK, GAIMK, Antiquarium, history of archaeology in the USSR.


Организация науки
of Science



Васильев С. А., Степанова К. Н. Путь от «Моста в каменный век» к «Археологическому мосту»: опыт трех лет работы совместного семинара ИИМК РАН, кафедры археологии СПбГУ, Государственного Эрмитажа и Музея антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамеры) РАН

 Ключевые слова: археология, образование, семинар, эпоха камня

Vasilyev S. A., Stepanova K. N. Way from “The Bridge to the Stone Age” to “The Archaeological Bridge”: The work of the joint seminar of IIMK RAS, SPB State University Department of Archaeology, State Hermitage, and Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS

Keywords: archaeology, education, seminar, the age of stone




Стоянов Е. О., Кутимов Ю. Г. Совместное заседание ученого совета, отдела археологии Центральной Азии и Кавказа и отдела истории античной культуры ИИМК РАН, посвященное юбилею В. П. Никонорова (20.10.2023)

Ключевые слова: археология, военное дело, история, В.П. Никоноров, конференция, Средний Восток

Stoyanov E. O., Kutimov Y. T. Joint sitting of the Research Council, the Department of Archaeology of Central Asia and Caucasus, and the Department of the History of Classical Culture of IIMK RAS, celebrating V. P. Nikonorov’s jubilee (20 October 2023)

Keywords: archaeology, military affairs, history, V.P. Nikonorov, conference, Middle East


Васильев С. А. Международная научная конференция «Время переходов: смена эпох и культур в палеолите» (Санкт-Петербург, 4–6 декабря 2023 г.)

Ключевые слова: археология, конференция, палеолит

Vasilyev S. A. International Conference Time of Transitions: The Interchange of Ages and Cultures in the Paleolithic (Saint-Petersburg, 4–6 December 2023)

Keywords: archaeology, conference, Paleolithic


Ad Memoriam


Петрухин В. Я., Флёров В. С. Памяти Анатолия Захаровича Винникова (1940–2024)

Ключевые слова: археология, история, Воронежский государственный университет, А.З. Винников, раннее средневековье

Petrukhin V. Ya., Fleerov V. S. In memory of Anatoly Zakharovich Vinnikov (1940–2024)

Keywords: archeology, history, Voronezh State University, A.Z. Vinnikov, early Middle Ages


Список сокращений

List of abbriviations