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"Археологические вести". Спб., 2022. Выпуск 35. Аннотации

Археологические вести, Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. — Вып. 35 / [Гл. ред. Н. В. Хвощинская]. — СПб., 2022. — 284 c.: ил.


Очередной выпуск «Археологических вестей» посвящен памяти талантливого исследователя, старшего научного сотрудника Отдела истории античной культуры ИИМК РАН Евгения Яковлевича Рогова (1951–2001), безвременно ушедшего из жизни 20 лет назад. В 2021 г. ему исполнилось бы 70 лет. Круг научных интересов Е. Я. Рогова, как и ареал его археологических исследований, был чрезвычайно широк, что нашло отражение в тематике сборника. В него вошли статьи, написанные его друзьями, коллегами, а также молодыми исследователями античной культуры и археологии Северного Причерноморья. Они посвящены памятникам и находкам, датируемыми от эпохи ранней архаики до римского времени, а также важным проблемам развития античной культуры в регионе. В разделе «Новые открытия и исследования» представлены статьи, знакомящие читателей с результатами недавно проведенных исследований, а также предлагающие новые интерпретации ранее известных источников. Раздел «Актуальные проблемы археологии» содержит статьи, речь в которых идет о важных проблемах взаимодействия греческой культуры и культуры местного населения. Представлены также работы по истории науки.


The present issue of “Archaeological News” is dedicated to a memory of the talented scholar, senior researcher of the Department of History of Ancient Culture of IIMC RAS Eugenij Yakovlevich Rogov (1951–2001), who untimely deceased 20 years ago. In 2021 he could be 70 years old. A sphere of his scientific interests, as well as the area of his archaeological investigations, was an extremely wide, that affected the contents of the volume. It consists of the articles written by his friends, colleagues and younger researches of Classical culture and archaeology of the Northern Black Sea Region. They devote to sites and artifacts dated from the Early Archaic Period till the Roman Time, as well as to important problems of the development of the antique culture in the region. The series of works comprised in the section “New discoveries and studies” deals with the results of recent surveys and offers new interpretations of the sources known before. The section “Topical problems of archaeology” consists of articles deal with significant problems connected with the interaction between the Greek culture and cultures of local population. In addition, the book presents works on the history and organization of the archaeological science.


Вахтина М. Ю., Виноградов Ю. А. Спустя 20 лет. Вспоминая Евгения Яковлевича Рогова (28.05.1951–15.07.2001)

Аннотация. Заметка посвящена памяти Е. Я. Рогова (1951–2001), одного из самых ярких и талантливых сотрудников Отдела истории античной культуры ИИМК РАН.

Ключевые слова: Е. Я. Рогов, Отдел истории античной культуры ИИМК РАН, Панское-I, Козырка-12, Артющенко-2, Херсонес.

Vakhtina M. Yu., Vinogradov Yu. A. Twenty years later. Remembering Evgeniy Yakovlevich Rogov (28.05.1951–15.07.2001)

Annotation: This note is devoted to the memory of E. Ya. Rogov (1951–2001), one of the most remarkable and talented researchers of the Department of History of Classical Culture of IHMC RAS.

Keywords: E. Ya. Rogov, Department of the History of Classical Culture of IHMC RAS, Panskoye-I, Kozyrka-12, Artyushchenko-2, Chersonesos.


Всевиов Л. М. Библиография работ Е. Я. Рогова

Vseviov L. M. Bibliography of works by E. Ya. Rogov




Ильина Ю. И. Килики VII в. до н. э. на Березани (по материалам раскопок в 2004–2018 гг.)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена ранним образцам ионийских киликов с отогнутым краем из раскопок на Березани, проводимых экспедицией Государственного Эрмитажа в 2004–2018 гг. Чаши можно отнести к трем типам по классификации, которую разработал У. Шлотцхауер. Типы 5 и 8 известны ранее и соответствуют типам А-2 и А-1 по классификации Ф. Виллара и Ж. Валле. Тип 6, не имеющий соответствия в этой классификации и представленный единственным образцом, был выделен впервые.

Ключевые слова: Березань (Борисфен), килики с отогнутым краем ранних типов 5, 6, 8 по классификации У. Шлотцхауера.

Il’yina Yu. I. Kylikes of the 7th cen. BC on Berezan (after the materials of excavations in 2004–2018)

Annotation: The archaeological expedition of the State Hermitage Museum has been working for many years on Berezan Island. Finds of Ionian ware from one of the earliest Greek settlements in the Northern Black Sea littoral are of importance for studies of the process of colonization, trade contacts, manufacturing centres and styles of pottery. A special attention was paid to these materials since the beginning of the 20th cen. when their first findings became a subject of scrupulous studies. B. V. Farmakovskiy and E. R. Stern laid the foundations to investigation of the Ionian ware from the Northern Black Sea region. The first publication of Ionian pottery from excavations by E. R. Stern in 1904–1909 and 1913 was made by V. M. Skudnova and it introduced this important material into the scientific consideration. In her classification and dating, the researcher was basing on the system proposed by W. Schiering. In the 1980s, an analysis of the early painted ware from excavations on Berezan and at ancient settlements on the Lower Bug and Dnieper region was undertaken by L. V. Kopeykina on the basis of considerable volumes of the materials from Berezan excavations kept in a number of museums. These studies for a long time remained a single corpus of the early evidence for researchers of the Ionian painted ware. Now some definitions are corrected since our knowledge of the Ionian pottery has been considerably expanded in the course of archaeological investigations in Miletus and other Greek centres in Asia Minor and the previous classification has been made more advanced and precise. However, these studies were concerned mostly with painted ware while attention was paid only to single examples of Ionian kylikes of the subgeometric type with bird representations. Meanwhile, the Ionian kylikes constitute the most numerous and diverse material numbering by hundreds of items of different state of preservation. The kylikes from Berezan with the subgeometric painting representing birds have already been published. The present article is devoted to early examples of kylikes with an outturned rim which still have not been studied in detail. From the total number of the examples of this type only those examples are chosen which can be dated to within the 7th cent. BC (Fig. 1–6). They belong to three types after the classification developed by U. Schlotzhauer. Types 5 and 8 had been already known corresponding to types A-2 and A-1 according to the classification by F. Villard and G. Vallet. Type 6, having no correspondence to the classification by F. Villard and G. Vallet, was first identified and is represented by a single example. The finds from excavations of the State Hermitage Museum are more diverse in their types as compared with those from excavations by V. V. Lapin. Kylikes with an outturned rim are found in considerably less numbers than the early ones with a bowl of a hemispherical shape.

Keywords: Berezan (Borysthenes), Ionian cups; types 5, 6, 8 after U. Schlotzhauer, 2001.


Журавлев Д. В., Батасова А. В., Шлотцауер У. О системе обороны поселения Голубицкая 2

Аннотация. Статья посвящена исследованию оборонительного рва на поселении Голубицкая 2 на Таманском полуострове. Ров был сооружен вскоре после основания поселения, во второй четверти VI в. до н. э. Уже в последней четверти столетия были проведены работы по его ремонту. Со временем ров утратил свое значение и в III в. до н. э. был засыпан. Существование оборонительных сооружений на самом раннем этапе греческого присутствия в регионе однозначно свидетельствует о том, что никакой «мирной» колонизации не было.

Ключевые слова: Таманский полуостров, греческая колонизация, фортификация, оборонительный ров, вал.

Zhuravlev D. V., Batasova A. V., Schlotzhauer U. The fortification system of the settlement of Golubitskaya 2

Annotation: The fortification system of the settlement of Golubitskaya 2 represented by a ditch and the remains of a rampart is one of the earliest earthen defensive systems known in the Northern Black Sea region. These installations were investigated in 2007–2010 and 2014–2019 by the Bosporan Archaeological Expedition of the State Historical Museum and the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute. The total length of the ditch recorded by magnetic surveys is approximately 10 m and the depth is up to 2,8 m (Fig. 1). On the bottom of the ditch, a complex relief structure was built constituted by a virgin soil projection on both sides of which small ditches were arranged intended possibly for draining the excess of water (Fig. 2; 3). The finds from the lowest layer of the fill of the ditch are rare and their dates do not extend beyond the 6th cen. BC (Fig. 4; 5). In the last quarter of that century, the ditch was reconstructed and on its outside a counterscarp was constructed from earthfill. The materials from the fill of the ditch of that phase indicate that in the 6th–5th cen. BC it was regularly cleaned. Later this practice was abandoned and the ditch began to be gradually filled with cultural deposits. The upper horizon of the ditch is represented by a layer of light-grey ashy sandy loam formed from heaps of trash of the 3rd cen. BC. In 2018, pillar pits were found ranged along the inner edge of the ditch. This fact possibly indicates that initially there was a paling here which served as the krepis of the rampart (Fig. 6, 1, 2). The pillar pits are covered over by a stone wall on an adobe base which was constructed already after the partial filling of the ditch and did not have a defensive function (Fig. 6, 3). As to the existence of the rampart, there are only indirect indications of its presence because later it was destroyed and levelled by ploughing. Parallels to the objects of fortification of such a type are known not only in the Northern Black Sea littoral but also in the territories of the Balkan Greece and Magna Graecia. Their use at the earliest stage of the Greek presence in the region under consideration allows us to doubt a peaceful character of the colonization.

Keywords: Taman Peninsula, Greek colonization, fortification, defensive ditch, rampart.


Виноградов Ю. А. О находках зерновок злаковых на поселении Артющенко-1 (Таманский полуостров)

Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению находок обгоревших зерен злаковых, обнаруженных во время раскопок античного поселения Артющенко-1 на Таманском полуострове.

Ключевые слова: Боспор Киммерийский, сельские поселения, ямы, святилища, зерна злаковых.

Vinogradov Yu. A. Finds of corn seeds from the settlement-site of Artyushchenko-1 (Taman peninsula)

Annotation: During excavations of pits of the Archaic period (last third of the 6th – first third of the 5th cen. BC) large quantities of burnt grains of cereals have been found. They indicate that the inhabitants of the settlement grew mainly two types of crops — bare-grained wheat (Triticum aestivum s.l.) and scarious barley (Hordeum vulgare). It is well known that wheat was the main item of the Bosporan export to the Mediterranean. At the western outskirts of the settlement, a sanctuary dated to the Roman period was revealed. With its context, large quantities of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) are related. This cereal is not typical of Greek states of the Northern Black Sea area. It was grown by the agricultural population of the Ukraine forest-steppe.

Keywords: Kimmerian Bosporos, rural settlements, pits, sanctuaries, grains of Gramineae.


Гиблова А. А. Поселение Козырка 12 – южная в контексте развития хоры Ольвии

Аннотация. В настоящей статье представлены результаты анализа материалов, полученных в ходе работ Нижнебугской экспедиции ЛОИА АН СССР на поселении Козырка 12 – южная под руководством Е. Я. Рогова. Приведено описание строительных и хозяйственных комплексов памятника; определено его место в системе поселений ольвийской хоры позднеархаического – классического времени.

Ключевые слова: Нижнее Побужье, хора Ольвии, поселение Козырка 12 – южная, конец VI — первая треть IV в. до н. э.

Giblova A.A. Settlement of Southern Kozyrka 12 in the context of the development of the chora of Olbia

Annotation: The site of Southern Kozyrka 12 is situated nine kilometres to the north from the Olbian townsite and two km to the south from the village of Kozyrka in the Nikolayev Oblast (Fig. 1). During the years of investigations by the expedition headed by E. Ya. Rogov, an area of ca 2,100 m2 was excavated. Expansive numbers of artefacts had been collected (Fig. 2). Tragic circumstances resulted in the most of the materials having been unpublished. This paper is a continuation of the series of publications of the scientific reports on the excavations of 1990–1992 stored in the Manuscript Department of the Scientific Archives of the Institute of the History of Material Culture RAS. The site represents a separate oikos (homestead). Through the artefacts and changes of the house-building traditions, two periods of the occupation of the settlement are identifiable. Six earth dwellings of the 6th – first half of the 5th cen. BC and the series of household pits adjoining them are dated to the Archaic period (Fig. 1; 3, 4–7). The presence of structures of that period in the background of the general crisis of the chora in the second/third quarter of the 5th cen. BC is the main peculiarity of the site under consideration (Fig. 3, 6, 7). Only in the end of that century the transition to building of surface many-chamber houses with mudbrick walls on a stone socle begins (Fig. 2; 3, 1, 2). Simultaneously, the tradition of earth-embedded structures continued (Fig. 2; 3, 2). In general, the material culture and the character of the occupation of the settlement correspond to the common tendencies at settlements of the chora of Olbia. At the same time, of interest is the comparison of the settlement of Southern Kozyrka 12 with the site of Kozyrka 12 located on the opposite slope of the ancient balka (ravine). The coexistence at so a close distance of an earth-dwelling and surface house-building, as well as differing economic activities accompanied by a similar complex of artefacts allow us to suggest a differing social and economic status of these settlements within the system of rural surroundings.

Keywords: Lower Bug region, chora of Olbia, settlement of Southern Kozyrka 12, late 6th — first third of the 4th cen. BC.


Берлизов А. Н., Сударев Н. И. Погребальные обряды некрополей Виноградный 7 и Виноградный северо-восточный во второй половине VIV в. до н. э.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена особенностям некрополей Виноградный 7 и Виноградный северо-восточный в сопоставлении с другими погребальными памятниками региона. Результаты проведенного исследования позволяют предполагать более неоднородный состав населения, оставившего некрополи у поселения Виноградный, чем в некрополе Фанагории. Не менее пестрый состав, по-видимому, представлен в некрополях Волны 1 и Артющенко 2. Это дает возможность поставить вопрос о взаимоотношениях городского населения с населением сельской округи.

Ключевые слова: Азиатский Боспор, погребальные обряды, некрополи, древнее население, методы многомерного анализа, ГИС-технологии.

Berlizov A.N., Sudarev N. I. Burial rites at the necropoleis of Vinogradny 7 and North-Eastern Vinogradny in the second half of the 5th–4th cen. BC

Annotation: This paper is devoted to the peculiarities of necropoleis of Vinogradny 7, Vyshestebliyevskaya 21 and NorthEastern Vinogradny as compared with other funerary sites of the region. It was established that the rites at necropoleis near the settlement-site of Vinogradny were changing with time. These changes were taking place during two chronological periods: 1) late 5th — first half of the 4th cen. BC, and 2) second half of the 4th — the turn between the 4th and 3rd cen. BC. It was found out that this process was occurring synchronously at all the funerary sites considered in this study. The high variability of the burial traditions represented at the necropoleis near the settlement of Vinogradny, Volna 1 and Artyushchenko 2 suggests that the population of the chora was more open to the possible contacts with other groups including foreign ethnic ones (Fig. 1–3). The urban society, on the contrary, was more conservative. The most serious transformations in the rites at the urban necropolis of Phanagoria were related primarily with the funerary traditions of prosperous individuals. The rites of the common people were less subjected to changes in time. At the necropoleis near the settlement of Vinogradny and Volna 1, the appearance of new burial traditions was linked both with the ordinary and the prosperous population.

Keywords: Asiatic Bosporos, burial rites, ancient population, methods of multidimensional analysis, GIS technologies.


Бруяко И. В. Miscellaneous Romani (несколько редких находок римского времени из Картала)

Аннотация. В статье публикуются несколько вещей, обнаруженных в разное время при раскопках городища Картал на Нижнем Дунае. Все они датируются римским временем. Большинство являются редкими или вообще уникальными для данного региона находками.

Ключевые слова: римское время, городище Картал, фибула, конская упряжь.

Bruyako I.V. Miscellaneous Romani (several rare findings of the Roman period from Kartal)

Annotation: Here a number of rare objects are published which were found during excavation of the fortified settlement of Kartal on the Lower Danube. They all are dated to the Roman period and were revealed either within the limits of the fortress or in the area of its suburb. Among the objects published, of most note are items of a battle horse harness: a bronze pendant which ornamented the breast strap of the horse (Fig. 3, 1) and a saddle plate the set of which decorated the sweat cloth under the saddle (Fig. 3, 2). These two objects both are datable to the 1st cen. AD. An extremely rare and unique for the region of the Lower Danube and North-Western Black Sea littoral is the find of a bronze fibula with two bezels for colour inserts positioned on the back (Fig. 1, 4). This fibula can be attributed to the type of T-shaped brooches with two studs. The main area of the use of such fibulae is Britain while in East Europe they are practically unknown. The question is open, how this fibula occurred to be found on the Lower Danube. As a rare find, an anthropomorphic vessel can be considered of which a fragment was revealed at the site (Fig. 2, 2). The peculiarity of this vessel is in the fact that it is handmade although all its analogues known are represented by wheelmade wares. Also very rare is a part of a marble statuette depicting Aphrodite/Venus (Fig. 2, 1). Two objects are represented by bronze scoops which are items of accoutrements of Roman legionaries (Fig. 1, 1, 2). In addition, at the area of the Roman fortress also a grindstone was found with carved signs in the form of tamgas (Fig. 2, 3). The number of finds of this kind does not exceed ten items for ten years. Generally, the group of artefacts under consideration corresponds to the period of the occupation of a Roman fort at the fortified site of Kartal, i.e. the second half (end) of the 1st — first half (1st quarter) of the 3rd cen. AD.

Keywords: Roman period, hillfort Kartal, fibula, horse harness.


Виноградов Ю. А., Тюрин М. И., Лесная Е. С. Фрагмент формы для изготовления рельефной чаши из Южного пригорода Херсонеса

Аннотация. Статья посвящена публикации фрагмента формы для изготовления рельефных полусферических («мегарских») чаш из раскопок 2021 г. в Южном пригороде Херсонеса. Подобная находка зафиксирована в Северном Причерноморье за пределами Боспора впервые и, очевидно, свидетельствует о производстве рельефных эллинистических чаш в Херсонесе в конце II — начале I в. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Херсонес Таврический, формованные чаши (mouldmade bowls), формы (moulds), Южный пригород Херсонеса.

Vinogradov Yu. A., Tyurin M. I., Lesnaya E. S. Fragment of a mould for manufacturing of the relief bowls from the southern suburbs of Chersonesos

Annotation: Among the Greek cities of the Northern Black Sea littoral, the production of relief hemispherical mouldmade bowls has been until recently identified only at several Bosporan centres. In view of the absence of finds of moulds for manufacturing of such vessels, the question of the production of “Megarian” bowls in the Tauric Chersonesos remained open. In 2021, in the course of the rescue archaeological excavations conducted in the Southern Suburbs of Chersonesos, The Rescue Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of the History of Material Culture RAS in cooperation with a team from the State Museum-Preserve “Tauric Chersonese” there was found a fragment of a ceramic mould for manufacture of relief hemispherical bowls of the Bosporan type (Fig. 1, 1). The object is made from a dense ceramic mass with inclusions of glittering particles of mica, some red particles and lime; the colour of the clay varies from light grey (5Y 7/1) to orange (7.5Y 6/6) (Fig. 1, 2–4). This matrix was intended for manufacturing of long-petal bowls characteristic of the Bosporan workshops of the Mithridates’ time. The morphology and ornamentation of the object generally find close parallels among the materials from excavations of Pantikapaion. Finds of bowls of the Bosporan group of relief pottery are rather rare in Chersonesos and its close surroundings. At present, the authors are informed about only nine examples of similar ware (Fig. 2). The closest analogues to the decoration on the mould here published are represented on fragments of a bowl (Fig. 2, 5) from the fortified complex in Berman’s balka (rural house in ancient area 347). Apparently this vessel was manufactured using a matrix or a mould made using the same set of stamps. Thus our find is an evidence of the manufacture of relief mouldmade bowls of the Bosporan type in Chersonesos. Possibly, the initiative for the making of these bowls can have been issued from one of the Bosporan workshops; such an ergasterion quite probably was represented by the Pantikapaion workshop of Demetrios. It cannot be ruled out that some ware now attributed to workshops of Pantikapaion could have been produced at an ergasterion situated in Chersonesos. Like in Bosporos, the manufacture of bowls in Chersonesos probably was taking place in the final 2nd — first decades of the 1st cen. BC when the two centres both were part of the state of Mithridates VI.

Keywords: Tauric Chersonesos, mouldmade bowls, moulds, Southern Suburbs of Chersonesos.


Гаврилюк Н. А. Лепные кастрюли античных центров Северного Причерноморья (материалы к справочнику по лепной керамике)

Аннотация. Представлены характеристики лепных кастрюль из античных памятников Северного Причерноморья, рассмотрены лепные сосуды с выступом для крышки на внутренней поверхности венчика, двумя ручками на плечиках. Такие сосуды повторяют формы гончарных кухонных кастрюль. Определено происхождение и распространение кастрюль трех типов. Уточнена их датировка и обозначены хронологические рамки использования.

Ключевые слова: Северное Причерноморье, лепные кастрюли, хронология, генетическая группа.

Gavrilyuk N. A. Handmade saucepans from Classical centres of the Northern Black Sea littoral (materials for a handbook of handmade pottery)

Annotation: At present, there is a necessity for compiling a catalogue raisonné covering a computer museum space. Here, a variant of an information article for such a catalogue is considered through characteristics of handmade saucepans. The most important condition is that of the use of reliably dated sources examined by the researchers de visu. For this reason, the basis of the present paper is constituted by materials of the key sites in each region of the Northern Black Sea littoral. As the Lower Bug and Dnieper area is concerned, these sites are Borysthenes, Olbia and Tyras with their surroundings; in North-Western Crimea these are the ancient fortified settlements of Chayka and Kulchuk, in Bosporos there are materials from townsites of Nymphaion, Kytaion and Artesian. The saucepans are represented by wares of three types. Saucepans with horizontal handles (type 1) are distinctly profiled vessels with an ached outturned neck having a ledge for a lid on the inner surface, a bulging body and a flat bottom (Fig. 1). The subtype 1 of saucepans of type 1 is represented by saucepans-braziers with a squat body. Saucepans with appliqué horseshoe handles (type 2) are high vessels with a sharply outturned rim, a bulging shoulder and a rounded or flat bottom (Fig. 2). The saucepans with vertical handles (type 3) are represented by sharply profiled vessels with an archlike outturned neck, a ledge for a lid, evenly bulging body and a flat bottom (Fig. 3). The finds from excavations by V. V. Lapin of 1960–1980 allow us to date the emergence of saucepans in the Lower Bug region to the first half of the 6th cen. BC. In the 5th cen. BC, the squat saucepans appear. The saucepans with appliqué horseshoe handles (type 2) are dated to the 4th cen. BC — 3rd cen. AD; they are distributed throughout the entire Northern Black Sea area. The saucepans with vertical handles and a ledge for a lid (type 3) are characteristic of the Hellenistic period and are dated mostly to the 1st cen. BC — 3rd cen. AD. All the saucepans are comprised by the “Greek” genetic group of the handmade pottery from the Northern Black Sea littoral.

Keywords: Northern Black Sea area, handmade saucepans, chronology, genetic group.


Горончаровский В. А., Тихонова Т. С. Известняковый рельеф с изображением Кибелы и ее спутников из раскопок Горгиппии в 2020 г.

Аннотация. Статья посвящена обнаруженному в ходе охранно-спасательных раскопок раннеэллинистическому известняковому рельефу, где изображена богиня Кибела на троне и рядом с ней — Гермес и Геката. Эта находка дает возможность обратиться к вопросу о происхождении этого сюжета и датировке ранее известных рельефов с подобной трехфигурной композицией, происходящих с территории Боспорского царства.

Ключевые слова: Боспорское царство, Горгиппия, рельеф с изображением Кибелы, Гермеса и Гекаты.

Goroncharovskiy V. A., Tikhonova T. S. Limestone relief with a representation of Cybele and her companions from excavations of Gorgippia in 2020

Annotation: This paper is a publication of a votive relief of the late 4th — early 3rd cen. BC found during excavations at Gorgippia in the form of a naiscus with a representation of Cybele, Hermes and Hecate (Fig. 1). Of note is an inscription ΑΡΤΕΜΙ[– -] partly preserved beneath its fronton. Possibly this is the name of the dedicant. The very earliest joint images of the mentioned three divine characters are related with Athens of the late Classical and early Hellenistic epoch. It is apparently then that this scene began to be copied with slight alterations at Bosporos. This fact is not surprising taking in consideration the close trading and cultural connections of the “school of Hellas” with this region exactly in that period. The three-figure composition of the same type has already been encountered on pieces of art from the territory of the Bosporan Kingdom (Fig. 2; 3) but the relief here published is of special interest due to the fact that it is for the first time correlated with a definite archaeological context close to the time of the creation of the relief. All the reliefs with a representation of Cybele, Hermes and Hecate found in Bosporos before were dated through their deposition layer or simply stylistically to within the 1st cen. BC — 1st cen. AD. After the finding of the Gorgippian naiscus it becomes evident that at least some of them are more ancient than it has been supposed earlier, for otherwise it is difficult to explain the chronological gap between them.

Keywords: Bosporan Kingdom, Gorgippia, relief with a representation of Cybele, Hermes and Hecate.


Завойкин А. А. Оборонительные сооружения и некоторые проблемы исторической периодизации Фанагории VII вв. до н. э.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются открытые раскопками участки оборонительных стен Фанагории, относящихся к трем периодам ее истории. Древнейшие стены защищали апойкию около 530/20– 480 гг. до н. э. Фортификационные сооружения 30-х гг. — конца V в. до н. э. огораживали всю территорию города (около 60 га). Новые крепостные стены города были построены в III в. до н. э. и функционировали до середины I в. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Боспор, Фанагория, город, акрополь, оборонительные сооружения, хронология, периодизация.

Zavoykin A.A. Defensive installations and some problems of the historical periodisation of Phanagoria of the 6th–1st cen. BC

Annotation: This paper considers the excavated areas of the defensive walls of Phangoria related with three periods of the latter’s history within the context of the archaeological topography of the city. The goal of the article is not only in definition of the stages of the expansion of the city’s territory from the moment of the foundation of the colony but also an attempt to relate the construction or destroying of the defensive installations with the critical events in the history of the Phanagorian polis. In order to realize this task, the author paid much attention to problems of the chronology of the fortifications and compared their initial and final dates with synchronous facts known from other sources. The most ancient walls defended the apoike of Theos since the first decades after its foundation (ca. 530/20–480 BC) (Fig. 1, А; 2). These defensive walls were destroyed during war activities in the course of which also all other constructions in the “Upper Town” perished in fire (afterwards the acropolis of the city arose here). At the same time, in the first half of the 5th cen. there took place an expansion of the built-up area of Phanagoria. In the 430s BC, new defensive walls protected the territory of the considerably expanded town enveloping ca. 60 hectares (Fig. 1, Б; 3, I, Б, II, 2; 4, 2). In the late 5th — early 4th cen. BC they were destroyed after the military seizure of Phanagoria by the tyrant Satyros I of Pantikapaion and the inclusion of the polis into the composition of the Bosporan state. The city obtained the right to build new defensive walls only in the 3rd cen. BC (Fig. 1, В; 3, I, В, II, 3; 4, 3, 4). These walls defended Phanagoria up to the mid-1st cen. BC when the polis, having received from the Roman authorities the rights of autonomy and eleutheria, in 63 BC was again besieged and seized by the armies of the Bosporan king Pharnakos. The deprivation of the urban defensive walls by Phanagoria both in the late 5th and mid-1st cen. BC must have served as a warranty of the loyalty of the Phanagorian citizens towards the rulers of the Bosporan Kingdom.

Keywords: Bosporos, Phanagoria, city, acropolis, defensive walls, chronology, periodisation.


Зуев В. Ю., Сударев Н. И. Борисфенитское зеркало пятой серии из погребения в могильнике «Южный склон-4» на Тамани

Аннотация. Статья посвящена публикации бронзового зеркала из грунтового погребения 11 могильника городища VIV вв. до н. э. «Южный cклон-4» на Тамани, расположенного на правом берегу р. Кубань. Зеркало относится ко второму варианту пятой серии зеркал типа Борисфенита. На сегодняшний день в Северном Причерноморье известно 26 экземпляров таких зеркал. Согласно находкам из погребений с такими зеркалами, они датируются серединой VI в. до н. э. и являются импортом мастерских Борисфенского полиса в районе Нижнего Буга в различные провинции Скифии в архаическую эпоху.

Ключевые слова: Скифия эпохи архаики, полис Борисфен, Таманский полуостров, бронзовые зеркала борисфенитского типа.

Zuyev V. Yu., Sudarev N. I. Borysthenitic mirror of the fifth series from a grave at the burial ground of “Yuzhny Sklon-4” on the Taman Peninsula

Annotation: Bronze mirrors of the Borysthenitic type are widespread at sites of Scythia of the Archaic era in the second half of the 6th cen. BC. In the Asian Bosporus and the Northern Ciscaucasia, thirty-four mirrors of the Borysthenitic type have been today recorded belonging to five different series of the six known. Unfortunately, in most cases, these are accidental finds. The discovery of these mirrors in archaeological complexes, primarily in burials, is always an interesting event that enriches the picture of their distribution and clarifies the cultural context of each such find. This article is devoted to the publication of a complex of finds from burial 11 at the flat grave necropolis of the 6th–5th cen. BC. The settlement of Yuzhny Sklon-4, is located in the lower reaches of the Kuban River, on its right bank (Fig. 1; 2). The mirror from this complex belongs to the second version (with the trapezoidal top of the handle) of the fifth series of mirrors of the Borysthenitic type (Fig. 3). Twenty six copies of such mirrors are known in the Northern Black Sea region (Fig. 4). All of them are very similar to each other and were cast using the lost wax model. They were manufactured at a single bronze casting workshop of the polis of Borysthenes on the island of Berezan. Some mirrors of the second variant of the fifth series of the Borysthenitic type are very confidently datable according to the accompanying Greek pottery to the middle of the 6th cen. BC. In addition, some mirrors of this type are accompanied, especially in Transcarpathia (Fig. 5), by greyware pottery which is considered by J. Chochorovsky as imports produced by Ionian poleis of the Lower Bug region (Fig. 6). A comparison between these materials allows us to speak about dating of grave 11 of the “Yuzhny Sklon-4” burial ground to the middle of the 6th cen. BC and to regard the mirror from this burial among the imports of the products of the Milesian colony on the Taman Peninsula in the Archaic era.

Keywords: Scythia of the Archaic epoch, polis of Borysthenes, Taman Peninsula, bronze mirrors of the Borysthenitic type.


Коваленко М. А., Круглов А. В. Редкие металлические перстни из археологического комплекса «Усатова Балка»

Аннотация. Анализируется контекст находки двух перстней IVIII вв. до н. э. с редкой для Северного Причерноморья иконографией. В одном случае это изображение возничего на колеснице, в другом — кельтского воина с овальным щитом. Выбор сюжетов демонстрирует эллинизированные вкусы владельца первого перстня и, возможно, военно-административный статус обладателя второго.

Ключевые слова: археологический комплекс «Усатова Балка», «птолемеевские» перстни-печати, железные перстни, кельтский щит, колесница.

Kovalenko M. A., Kruglov A. V. Rare metal signet-rings from the archaeological complex of “Usatova Balka”

Annotation: This publication is devoted to two rare signet-rings found in 2011 during investigations of a settlement site of a complex chronological period of the early Iron age through the Medieval period, 8th century BCE to 12th century CE near the farmstead of Usatova Balka in Krasnodar Kray (Fig. 1). A comprehensive historical, numismatic and graphic material is attracted to analysis of the cultural context and dating of these finds. As the subject of the “charioteer” on the bronze signet-ring is concerned, it must be noted that this is a stable motif in the figurative art beginning from the Archaic epoch (Fig. 2). Stylistic peculiarities of this representation make it similar to the bronze rings/seals from the Maeotian cemeteries of the 4th cen. BCE. They are considered as products of Bosporan workshops but it cannot be ruled out that they were manufactured locally. The representation of a Celtic warrior with an oval shield on the bronze insert of the iron signet-ring is of particular interest in the discussion of signet-rings of the “Ptolemaic” type (Fig. 3). It can be considered as an element of the subculture of foreign mercenaries at Bosporos marking a certain military and administrative status.

Keywords: archaeological complex of “Usatova Balka”, “Ptolemaic” finger-rings, iron finger-rings, Celtic shield, chariot.


Монахов С. Ю., Кузнецова Е. В. «Мендейские» амфоры из Прикубанского некрополя: вопросы хронологии

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются тарные амфоры Менды II типа («на рюмкообразной ножке»). Для уточнения датировок сосудов привлекаются материалы 14 погребений Прикубанского некрополя, содержащие «мендейскую» тару, вместе с которой встречены амфоры Гераклеи, Фасоса, Синопы и аттические чернолаковые сосуды. Благодаря узко датированным комплексам удалось проследить эволюцию морфологии мендейских амфор в рамках двух вариантов — «портичелло» и «мелитопольского» — на протяжении 400– 340 гг. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: амфоры Менды, керамические комплексы, хронология.

Monakhov S. Yu., Kuznetsova E. V. “Mendean” amphorae from the Prikubansky necropolis: questions of the chronology

Annotation: Throughout the period of 400–350 BC, the polis of Mende of the Classical period produced transporting amphorae of two differing variants: “Porticello” and “Melitopol” types. The profiled parts of these vessels (rims and toes), as well as the clay of the amphorae are characterised by a wide diversity. Among the materials from the Prikubansky necropolis, there are several dozens of Mendean vessels found in burials together with containers from Thasos, Sinope, Herakleia and Attic black-glazed pottery. The presence of stamps on the amphorae has allowed us to define very narrow dates of the complexes under discussion. Seven of the considered assemblages included amphorae from Mende of the “Porticello” variant of the late 390s — 350s BC (Fig. 1; 2). During that period, a gradual rising of the height of the vessel was taking place by extending of the upper body and also through a slight decrease of the latter’s diameter. Still other seven assemblages included containers of the “Melitopol” variant (Fig. 3; 5). Of special consideration are burials No. 157 (Fig. 1, 5, 6) and No. 172 (Fig. 2, 6, 7) where vessels of the both two variants were found. Evidently, amphorae of the “Melitopol” type did not replace the “Porticello” variant but for some time, at least since the 380s BC, were produced synchronously to it. It may be asserted with confidence that containers of the “Porticello” variant were manufactured since the 390s up to the 350s BC (Fig. 4). As early as the late 390s or the very beginning of the 380s the production of vessels of the “Melitopol” variant started which ended in the 320s (Fig. 6). Among the materials from the Prikubansky necropolis there are no assemblages which could be dated to the 330s–320s BC. However finds from the Melitopol kurgan and the Oguz barrow suggest that the manufacture of containers was continuing in Mende (and in centres of the Mendean circle) also in that period.

Keywords: Mendean amphorae, ceramic complexes, chronology.


Снытко И. А., Бондаренко А. А. Гилея в сакральной истории народов Северного Причерноморья в античную эпоху

Аннотация. В предлагаемой статье рассматривается легендарная упоминаемая Геродотом область — Гилея. Приводятся материалы, связанные с Гилеей в территориальном, культурно-историческом и археологическом аспектах. Анализируются упоминания Геродота о древнегреческих святилищах в Гилее, его новеллы о Геракле и Анахарсисе, эпиграфические и археологические сведения. Рассматриваются новые находки из указанного региона, а также приводятся аналогии им из Ольвии и Скифских степей.

Ключевые слова: Ольвия, хора, Нижнее Побужье, Нижнее Поднепровье, Гилея, святилище, сакральная территория, алтарь.

Snytko I.A., Bondarenko A. A. Gyleya in the sacred history of the peoples of the Northern Black Sea region in the ancient era

Annotation: The proposed article discusses the legendary area mentioned by Herodotos. Materials associated with Gyleya in the territorial, cultural and historical and archaeological aspects are given. Mentions on the ancient Greek sanctuaries in the Gyleyan with a chorometh, its novels about Hercules and Anacharsis, epigraphic and archaeological information are analyzed. New finds are considered from the specified region (Fig. 3; 4), and the analogies of them from Olbia and Scythian steppes are considered. The sanctuary and Altars of Mother of God, Hercules and Borysthenes, about the existence of which are testifying to the ancient authors and epigraphic sources are mentioned. Data on the worship of Achilles and Apollo in this historical region are given. The attention is focused on the significance of the legendary area of the Gyleya, both for the Greeks of the Lower Bug region and for the barbaric tribes in the ancient era. It is assumed that in the VI–V cen. BC. the boundaries of the Greek and barbaric zones of control over the legendary region of Gilea were held between modern villages of fish and Ivanovka. Here, in Lake Rybalchansky, Pivniv and Ojigol (Fig. 2), in antiquity, one of the sleeves of the Dniper river, separating the Kinburn peninsula from the mainland. This watershed may have been the very boundary — the southeastern border of the Olbian policy in archaic and early classical periods. It was in these places that the founding of the Kinburn Peninsula, to the east and southeast of the former watershed, are located mounded groups (Fig. 1), which Scythian tribes could perceive as the graves of their ancestors and protect these sacred territories from the penetration of alien cults, which affected in the legend about Anaharsis. In the same area, weanly from the dry sleeves of the Dniper river, the Greek altars were also located, which may have been included in a single polis sacral complex with a Demeters church by the Hyppolai Cape mentioned by Herodot. These cult facilities labeled from the East — southeast territorial borders of the Olbian state as a sanctuary of extra-urban.

Keywords: Olbia, chora, lower Bug region, lower Dniper region, Gyleya, sanctuary, sacred territory, altar.


Кашаев С. В. Погребальные сооружения на некрополе Артющенко-2

Аннотация. Статья посвящена погребальным сооружениям грунтового некрополя Артющенко-2, расположенного в южной части Таманского полуострова. Некрополь функционировал в VII вв. до н. э. В работе представлен анализ погребальных конструкций, выделены основные типы и варианты.

Ключевые слова: античность, Северное Причерноморье, Таманский полуостров, грунтовый некрополь, могила, обряд захоронения, погребальные сооружения.

Kashaev S. V. Burial installations at the necropolis of Artyushchenko-2

Keywords: Classical period, Northern Black Sea region, Taman Peninsula, flat grave necropolis, grave, burial rite, burial installations.

Annotation: The flat grave necropolis of Artyushchenko-2 is situated in the southern part of the Taman peninsula. In the course of regular excavations in 2003–2021, an area of ca 5,500 sq m has been investigated, 223 burials have been discovered of which 18 were excavated to completion after modern clandestine diggers. The earliest interments found are dated to the turn of the 6th–5th cen. BC, the younger ones were made in the 3rd–2nd cen. BC. Generally, the necropolis is dated to the 5th–2nd cen. BC. The excavations succeeded to record funerary installations of differing major constructions: plain earthen graves without a covering (Fig. 1), fossae with a wooden stone or wood-and-adobe roofs (Fig. 2), adobe cists (tombs) (Fig. 3), niche graves (Fig. 4), baby burials in vessels (amphorae). All these types are typical of Bosporan necropoleis. The commonest type of burial installations is that of earth graves (with a covering or without it) — about 75 % of the total number of burials (of these, 15 % are graves without roofs, 45 % — fossae with a covering, and 15 % are unclear structures). The adobe tombs are second in number (10 %). The ratio of the niche burials is 4 %, that of the burials of babies in amphorae is 6 %, and “cenotaphs” amount to 5 %.


Терещенко А. Е., Горончаровский В. А. Митиленские следы в монетном деле Боспора Киммерийского

Аннотация. В представленной статье отмечается сходство многих сюжетов и отдельных персонажей, изображенных на монетах Феодосии, Нимфея, Пантикапея и Синдики с чеканкой лесбосской Митилены, что подразумевает весьма тесную культурно-экономическую и политическую связь этого полиса с Боспором Киммерийским.

Ключевые слова: Боспор, Митилена, монетная чеканка, боспорские полисы, монетные сюжеты.

Tereshchenko A.E., Goroncharovskiy V. A. The Mytilene traces in the coinage of the Cimmerian Bosporos

Annotation: It is already long ago that the researchers noted a remarkable similarity between the early coinage of the Lesbian Mytilene and Bosporan poleis. This is true both as separate figures and compositions are concerned and in relation to the coin subjects in general. In this connection, some researchers took notice of the complete subject identity of Nymphaion coins with the legend ΣΑΜΜА with one of the monetary types from Mytilene (cf. Fig. 1, 13 and 11А, 12А), as well as of hemiobols of the first “Sindic” series and Mytilene hektai of 454–428 BC of the type “protome of a goat right with the head turned backward / owl with spread wings enface” (see Fig. 1, 9 and 8А). In the Sindic emission, also some other coincidences can be found, in particular, of the type “head of Herakles — horse head” with the representation of “protome of horse — head of Herakles” on hektai of Mytilene (Pl. I, 10 and 9А). In addition, the presence of representations of a griffin is notable in both coinages (Fig. 1, 11, 12 and 10А). The evident conformity to the Mytilene typology of the 5th cen. BC is observed also in the minting of other poleis of the Cimmerian Bosporos, e. g. Theodosia (see Fig. 1, 1–3 and 1А–3А). Moreover, in the local minting, the subject and iconographic coincidences with Mytilene coinage are not limited to only the first issue (cf. Fig. 1, 4–8 and 4А–7А). It must be added that certain correspondence is present also in the coinage of Pantikapaion (cf. Fig. 1, 14–16 and 13А–15А). The connections of the Lesbian Mytilene with Bosporos hardly were limited to only a political and economical sphere. Considering the abundance of identical subjects in their coin typology, it is evidently possible to admit also cultural and religious contacts and this supposition requires a more detailed examination of the problem.

Keywords: Cimmerian Bosporos, Mytilene, Bosporan coinage, Bosporan cities, coin subjects.


Чистов Д. Е. Древнейшие антовые постройки Северного Причерноморья

Аннотация. Статья посвящена постройкам с антовым портиком VIV вв. до н. э., связанным с общественными центрами античных городов Северного Причерноморья. Сопоставление их размерных характеристик и архитектурных особенностей указывает на то, что большинство известных зданий этого типа выделяются из окружающей их рядовой городской застройки исключительно особенностями планировки, что препятствует их однозначной трактовке в качестве храмов.

Ключевые слова: храм в антах, Северное Причерноморье, античность, архаический период.

Chistov D. E. The earliest antae buildings in the Northern Black Sea littoral

Annotation: The emergence of the first public buildings in ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region must be dated to the beginning of the third quarter of the 6th cen. BC, although the most of the reliably recorded structures of this type are dated to not earlier than the last quarter of the same century. Archaic and early Classical buildings with antae have been by now revealed within the composition of the public centres of Borysthenes (Berezan settlement), Olbia, the Bosporan cities of Phanagoria and Nymphaion. These buildings have a number of features in common (Fig. 1, 1–7). Firstly, they are very small: the internal area of their naoi is close to the ordinary dimensions of separate rooms in multichamber dwelling houses of the same period. The thickness and construction of the walls of these buildings, and the width of the covered aisles (i. e., possibly, the construction of the ceiling) also do not essentially differ from the ordinary buildings. Only the temple of Apollo Hietros at the Western temenos of Olbia and, to a lesser degree, the temple at the Southern temenos, in terms of their dimensions and plan, can be compared with synchronous examples of the monumental sacral architecture of the West Pontic poleis (Fig. 1, 8–10). Exactly these had a stone entablature and, very probably, were covered with decorated tiled roofs. The purpose of the other antae buildings may be guessed only through indirect signs. The construction of the “sanctuary of Aphrodite” on the Berezan (Fig. 1, 1; 2) hardly can have served as a treasury of the temenos because of its isolated situation at a separate fenced area. However the almost square plan of the internal rooms and the untypical of the Archaic temples correlation between the length and width of the Berezan (E-1), Nymphaion (Fig. 1, 5; 3; 4) and Phanagorian (Fig. 1, 6) buildings do not exclude their use for some other public needs.

Keywords: temple with antae, Northern Black Sea littoral, Classical period, Archaic period.


Чореф М. М. Савмак или Савлак: к вопросу об атрибуции монет с ΣΑΥ на реверсе

Аннотация. После изучения монет с изображением Гелиоса на аверсе, приписываемых исследователями к выпускам Савмака или Савлака, нами был сделан вывод, что они эмитированы от имени первого из них в период поднятого на Боспоре восстания. Относительно недавно найденной монеты с хорошо читаемым ΣΑΥΛΑΚΟΥ на реверсе, полагаем, что это не подлинный артефакт, а современный новодел.

Ключевые слова: история, археология, нумизматика, Савмак, Савлак.

Choref M. M. Saumakos or Saulakos: on the issue of attribution of coins with ΣΑΥ on the reverse

Annotation: Our attention was attracted by coins attributed by researchers to the minting of Saumakos or Saulakos. They are notable for the fact that on their obverse is imprinted the image of Helios in profile or full face. We believe that these coins were minted at the Bosporan monetary yards during the Saumakos uprising. As for the possibility of their release on behalf of Saulakos, who allegedly ruled in Colchis in the second half of the 2nd cen. or in the third quarter of the 1st cen. BCE, there is no information about him in written sources. And this despite the fact that we know about the Caucasian dynasts who resisted Pompey during his campaign against the Bosporus. In the process of substantiating this thesis, we studied the so-called Saulakos coin, found in recent years near Feodosia, on the territory of the village of Kuru Bash. We believe that there is no reason to unite it into one group with the Saumakos releases. We judge by the fact that not the head of Helios is imprinted on its obverse, but a bust of Athena in a Corinthian helmet. We have good reason to doubt the authenticity of this Saulakos coin. After all, the inscription on its reverse, judging by the style, could not have been designed in the era of antiquity. We admit that we should be talking about a skillfully aged remake, made to deceive unlucky collectors.

Keywords: history, archaeology, numismatics, Saumakos, Saulakos.


Шауб И. Ю. Эроты феодосийских серег

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются образы крылатых юношей (условно называемых Эротами), которые фланкируют центральный сюжет, представленный на знаменитых феодосийских золотых серьгах. Е. Я. Рогов, посвятивший одну из своих работ установлению места производства этих серег роскошного стиля, предположил, что их создал выходец из Великой Греции. Анализ образов этих Эротов подкрепляет гипотезу исследователя, поскольку их женственное (присущее гермафродам) обличье является отличительной особенностью трактовки аналогичных крылатых персонажей на краснофигурных апулийских вазах. Орфико-пифагорейские верования, лежавшие в основе сюжетов их росписи, позволяют предполагать, что похожие идеи обусловили специфику образов Эротов феодосийских серег, а возможно, и представленный на них главный сюжет.

Ключевые слова: Эрот, античное ювелирное искусство, Феодосия, орфизм, апулийские вазы, Е. Я. Рогов.

Schaub I.Yu. Erotes of the Theodosian earrings

Annotation: The Erotes represented on the gold earrings (Fig. 1) found in 1853 in Theodosia have a hermaphrodite appearance. This feature makes them related with analogous winged figures extremely popular on the red-figure Apulian vases. Since in the basis of the painting subjects of these vessels there were the Orphic-Pythagorean beliefs, we can suppose that the same ideas determined the specifics of the treatment of the images of Erotes on Theodosian earrings. Thus E. Ya. Rogov’s hypothesis that these ornaments were created by a native of Magna Graecia receives a further confirmation.

Keywords: Erote, ancient jewellery art, Theodosia, Orphism, Apulian vases, E. Ya. Rogov.


Вахтина М. Ю. Об изображении на среднем фризе треугольной пластины из кургана Карагодеуашх в Прикубанье

Аннотация. В статье автор рассматривает сцену, представленную на среднем фризе золотой треу­ гольной пластины, украшавшей головной убор женщины, погребенной в кургане Карагодеуашх в Прикубанье, — колесницу, запряженную двумя конями, и изображение женщины (?), соотнесенное с нею.

Ключевые слова: курган Карагодеуашх, треугольная пластина, изобразительная система, колесница, стела из музея в Несебре.

Vakhtina M. Yu. About the representation on the middle frieze of the triangular plate from the kurgan Karagodeuashkh in the Kuban River region

Annotation: This paper considers the scene represented on a gold triangular plate which decorated the headdress of a woman buried in the western chamber of the tomb of the Karagodeuashkhjm in the Kuban River region (Fig. 1). The frieze is located in the frontal representation of a chariot harnessed with two horses; above, an anthropomorphic figure is depicted, apparently, driving or drawn by the vehicle (Fig. 2). Possibly, a quadriga was represented on the matrix used for manufacturing of the plate. As a subject analogous to this scene, a representation on a silver pendant from the necropolis of Duvanli can be adduced (Fig. 3). In the vase painting of the Classical period, quadrigas are encountered among the subjects depicting sovereigns of the underground world; these chariots also are found in the scenes of carrying off of Persephone by Hades (Fig. 3). After E. A. Savostina (Савостина, 1995. С. 117, 118), we suppose that on all the three friezes of the plate under consideration, one and the same woman is depicted. It is a goddess or a priestess the image of which in the notions of the ancient people was closely linked with that of the buried. The system of the ornamentation of the plate can be treated as the transfiguration of the deceased and her “movement” to the life after life. The scene represented on the middle frieze of the plate from Karagodeuashkh may be considered as an important element of that “route”. As its subject (and semantic) parallel the image on the funerary stele of Julia/ Hekate from Mesembria can be adduced (Fig. 4).

Keywords: Karagodeuashkh kurgan, triangular plate, visual arts system, chariot, stele from the museum in Nesebar.


Лимберис Н. Ю., Марченко И. И. Погребение с греческими импортами позднеклассического времени из могильника Старокорсунского городища № 2

Аннотация. Статья посвящена одному из погребений грунтового могильника, относящегося к Старокорсунскому городищу № 2, расположенному на правом берегу р. Кубань, к востоку от г. Краснодар. Этот памятник является эталонным для меотской культуры VI в. до н. э. — III в. н. э. Погребение кроме местной керамики сопровождалось привозными сосудами — аттическим чернолаковым канфаром и амфорой производства Икоса, которые позволяют ограничить хронологию комплекса в пределах середины — третьей четверти IV в. до н. э.

Ключевые слова: Прикубанье, меотская культура, грунтовый могильник, сероглиняная керамика, чернолаковый канфар, амфора, хронология.

Limberis N. Yu., Marchenko I. I. Burial with Greek imports of the Late Classical period from the burial ground of the Starokorsunskaya settlement no. 2

Annotation: The article is devoted to one of the burials of a burial ground, belonging to the Starokorsunskaya settlement no. 2, located on the right bank of the Kuban river, east of Krasnodar. Such assemblages are not inferior to the GrecoBarbarian necropolises of the Northern Black Sea region in composition and quantity of amphorae containers of various production centers-exporters. The black-glazed vessels that came with the amphorae, were a luxury item for the local population. In quantitative terms, it is much less than in the necropolises of Greek polisies, especially in the Maeotian sites, located far from the eastern borders of the Bosporus. The main component of ceramic assemblages of the 4th cen. BC there were vessels of local production. Burial no. 645з in addition to local molded and grey-clay pottery (Fig. 1) was accompanied by Attic black-glazed kantharos and the amphora made by Ikos (Fig. 2). These findings make it possible to narrowly date the burial within the middle — third quarter of the 4th cen. BC. Analysis of other known assemblages with amphorae from this center suggests that production of amphorae of Ikos of the second morphological group may have begun somewhat earlier than the middle of the 4th cen. BC, and could continue for some time in the last quarter of a century.

Keywords: Kuban region, Maeotian culture, burial ground, gray-clay pottery, black-glazed kantharos, amphora, chronology.




Коваленко А. Н. Проблемы хронологии Елизаветовского городища в дельте Дона: трансформация взглядов и современное состояние

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается эволюция взглядов нескольких поколений исследователей на основные проблемы хронологии Елизаветовского поселения и описывается современное состояние научных разработок в данной области. Значительное внимание уделено вопросам периодизации городища и хронологии Большой греческой колонии первой трети III в. до н. э., открытой в 1982 г. в верхних горизонтах культурных напластований этого памятника. Сделан акцент на существовании двух строительных периодов в истории этой боспорской колонии, следы которых были зафиксированы на нескольких участках ее застройки, расположенных в разных частях памятника. В научный оборот вводятся некоторые новые, не публиковавшиеся ранее, археологические материалы, полученные в ходе исследований Южно-Донской археологической экспедиции на Елизаветовском городище в последние годы.

Ключевые слова: Нижний Дон, Елизаветовское городище, Большая греческая колония, проблемы хронологии, периодизация, сырцово-каменные конструкции, стратиграфия.

Kovalenko A.N. Problems of the chronology of the Elizavetovskoye fortified site in the delta of the Don: the transformation of the views and the present situation

Annotation: This paper considers the evolution of the views of several generations of researchers on the main problems of the chronology of the Elizavetovskoye settlement and the present state of the scientific investigations in this sphere. A significant consideration is given to the questions of periodization of the fortified site and the chronology of the cultural deposits uncovered in 1982 in the upper horizons of this site which was a Great Greek colony of the first third of the 3rd cen. BC. A special attention is paid to the existence of two building periods in the history of this Bosporan colony which have been reflected at several areas of its buildings (Fig. 3-4) located in different sections of the site. Of great significance in studies of the chronology of the Elizavetovskoye townsite is the discovery of the remains of daubed wattle (turluk) structures in the area of the settlement (Fig. 2). These structures were possibly of a temporary character and preceded the construction of surface houses of the Great Greek colony with adobe walls built on stone foundations. Also there are scientifically described some new, unpublished earlier archaeological materials obtained in the course of investigations of recent years by the South-Don Archaeological Expedition at the Elizavetovskoye townsite. The presence of finds dated to the Late Bronze Age is noted among these materials (Fig. 1).

Keywords: Lower Don, Elizavetovskoye fortified site, Great Greek colony, problems of chronology, periodization, adobe and stone structures, stratigraphy.


Бутягин А. М. Стратегии греко-варварских взаимоотношений в основных античных центрах Северного Причерноморья: причины формирования

Аннотация. Статья посвящена проблеме различия в стратегии греко-варварских взаимоотношений основных античных центров Северного Причерноморья: Ольвии, Херсонеса и Боспорского царства. Причины такой ситуации следует искать в различном географическом положении и варварском окружении. В результате все выработанные стратегии позволяли грекам в течение длительного времени выживать в условиях меняющегося варварского окружения.

Ключевые слова: Северное Причерноморье, греко-варварские взаимоотношения, Ольвия, Херсонес, Боспорское царство.

Butyagin A.M. Strategies of the Graeco-barbarian interrelations in the major Classical centres of the Northern Black Sea littoral: the causes of their formation

Annotation: In the course of the Greek colonization of the Northern Black Sea littoral, three major regions arose here: the Olbian and Chersonesean states and the Bosporan Kingdom. These centres had to enter relations with the barbarian tribes surrounding them, primarily with the steppe nomads or groups close to the latter in culture. Within a similar external surrounding, each of these states had formed their own strategy of the Greek-barbarian relations. Olbia accepted the way of paying tribute and partial subjection to the nomads that resulted in the city’s periodically finding itself under a protectorate of barbarian rulers. Chersonesos attempted to resist the external perils by power. The Bosporan Kingdom had developed a unique way of the formation of the Greek-barbarian elite for a joint control of the Greek cities and local tribes. The theory of the establishment of an “Ionian” and “Doric” models of the colonization proposed before cannot exhaustively explain this phenomenon. Taking all these facts in consideration, the differences in the strategy of the Graeco-barbarian relations are to be explained through different geographic situation of the Greek states and the specifics of their barbarian environment. The Olbian state was open to attacks from the steppe, Chersonesos and its near chora were reliably protected by the mountains, while Bosporos could use the different situation on the Kerch and Taman peninsulas evading a situation of a “war on two fronts”. This resulted in choosing the most effective line of conduct enabling the Greek cities to preserve their culture in the conditions of a relative safety. Nevertheless, the pressure of different barbarian tribes compelled, in the long run, Olbia, Chersonesos and, to some extent, Bosporos to rely on a union with the Roman Empire. Such a situation demonstrates the flexibility of the external policy of the colonies adopting no ready schemes but choosing the best strategy in any particular situation.

Keywords: Northern Black Sea region, Graeco-barbarian relations, Olbia, Chersonesos, Bosporan kingdom.




Батасова А. В. Работы разведочного отряда Таманской экспедиции ГАИМК в 1931 г. на левобережье Старой Кубани

Аннотация. Статья посвящена введению в научный оборот результатов работ разведочного отряда Таманской экспедиции ГАИМК в 1931 г. На основании археологической карты и полевого дневника начальника отряда А. А. Иессена, сохранившихся в научном архиве ИИМК РАН, восстановлен маршрут экспедиции и приведено описание выявленных местонахождений памятников. В заключение представлены выводы, сделанные А. А. Иессеном по итогам работ 1931 г.

Ключевые слова: история науки, Таманская экспедиция ГАИМК, археологические разведки, Северное Причерноморье, Краснодарский край.

Batasova A.V. Works of the surveying team of the Taman Expedition of GAIMK in 1931 on the left bank of the old Kuban

Annotation: The Taman Expedition of GAIMK (State Academy of the History of Material Culture) was conducted in 1930– 1931 under the direction of A. A. Miller. It resulted in creation of an archaeological map of the Taman Peninsula. However, the results of the investigations of the riverine bank at the area extending from the Cossack village of Varenikovskaya to the village of Vityazevo by the surveying team have not been scientifically published. The task of this paper is to correlate the sites marked in the archaeological map (Fig. 1) with their description in the field diary by the head of the team A. A. Iessen. The studies by the team began from an investigation of the village of Varenikovskaya where the finds of the Romanperiod (no. 99) were noted. To theeastfromthis Cossack village, traces ofasettlement presumably ofthe Classical period were recorded under no. 100. Further on, the expedition surveyed the Semibratneye (Seven Brothers) fortified site (no. 101). In the surroundings of Mt Raznokol, the participants of the expedition revealed three sites with surface materials presumably of the Classical period (no. 102–104). To the north from the Cossack village of Dzhiginskaya were found two areas where fragments of Ancient Greek pottery were encountered (no. 105, 106). In vicinity of Utash (no. 107), fragments of Christian grave steles andarchitectural fragments of the Classical period in possession of two local residents were examined. It had been informed earlier about these artefacts. Among them, a marble cornice was revealed and drawn by A. A. Iessen (Fig. 2). Further on, the expedition investigated the bank in the direction toward the aul of Suvorovo-Cherkessky and the aul itself where several sites with Ancient Greek pottery were revealed (no. 108–109). On the way to the Cossack village of Blagoveshchenskaya the participants of the expedition examined a tomb in which fragments of a grave stele (Fig. 3) were found. In the village Blagoveshchenskaya they succeeded also to reveal remains of a settlement-site of the Classical period (no. 111). The area extending along the eastern shore of the Vityazevsky liman became the final point of the surveys. Here a chain of sites with materials predominantly of a Roman period was revealed (no. 112–115). The evidence obtained allows us to fill the current historiographic gap and to supplement the archaeological map of that region.

Keywords: history of science, Taman Expedition of GAIMK, archaeological surveys, Northern Black Sea littoral, Krasnodar Kray.


Павличенко Н. А. Российская эпиграфика после В. В. Латышева (1921–1941). II. Лапидарные надписи

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается история изучения северопричерноморских лапидарных надписей в России в два десятилетия между датами смерти В. В. Латышева и С. А. Жебелёва — 1921–1941 г. В это время прекратилось их систематическое изучение и издание. Многие новонайденные эпиграфические памятники оседали в музейных фондах, и лишь небольшая их часть издавалась сотрудниками южнорусских музеев или работавшими на памятниках исследователями.

Ключевые слова: В. В. Латышев, С. А. Жебелёв, российская эпиграфика, лапидарные надписи, II том IOSPE.

Pavlichenko N. A. Russian epigraphy after V. V. Latyshev (1921–1941). II. Lapidary inscriptions

Annotation: This paper considers the history of the studies of lapidary inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea littoral in Russia in 1921–1941, i. e. during the two decades between the deaths of V. V. Latyshev and S. A. Zhebelev. After the flourishing of the ancient epigraphy in the late 19th — early 20th cen. related primarily with energetic researching and publishing activities of V. V. Latyshev, the ancient epigraphy in Russia returned to almost the same state in which it had been remaining before the beginning of his work. Lapidary inscriptions were actively used as a narrative source for the history of the Northern Black Sea area but their systematic annual publication ceased during that period. The majority of the revealed epigraphic monuments remained among the museum collections while only few of them were published by curators of the South-Russian museums who worked as researchers at archaeological sites and after photographs or rubbing squeezes made by some others experts in the Greek and Roman antiquities from Petrograd / Leningrad and Moscow.

Keywords: V. V. Latyshev, S. A. Zhebelev, Russian epigraphy, lapidary inscriptions, II volume of IOSPE.


Кашуба М. Т., Вахтина М. Ю. Поселение бронзового века Ярылгачское Восточное (Тарханкут) по данным 1975 г.

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются материалы охранно-спасательных работ, проведенных на поселении Ярылгачское Восточное на Тарханкутском полуострове в 1975 г. Материалы для изучения in visu на сегодняшний день оказались недоступными, но сохранившиеся в полевом отчете рисунки керамики и кремневых изделий подтверждают отнесение поселения к среднему и позднему бронзовому веку.

Ключевые слова: Северо-Западный Крым, Тарханкут, поселение Ярылгачское Восточное, средний и поздний бронзовый век, охранно-спасательные работы 1975 г., керамика, кремневые изделия.

Kashuba M. T., Vakhtina M. Yu. Bronze Age settlement Yarylgachskoye Vostochnoye (Tarkhankut peninsula) according to 1975 data

Annotation: The settlement of the Bronze Age Yarylgachskoe Vostochnoye on the Tarkhankut peninsula is known in the specialized literature according to brief information. A field report on the rescue excavations which were carried out at the site in 1975 is kept in the Scientific Archive of the Institute of the History for Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It contains plans, drawings of ceramics and flint items, which are published in this article (Fig. 1–5). The authors made a comparison of these finds with the materials of the Late Bronze Age known for the Tarkhankut peninsula, obtained during large excavations on the settlements of Burun-Eli I and Bai-Kiyat, as well as those from the rescue excavations on Skalistoe 2, Tarkhankut-18, and Tarkhankut-22a. Though the materials of Yarylgachskoe Vostochnoye are now unavailable for in visu study, the analysis of the preserved drawings confirms the dating of the settlement to the Middle and Late Bronze Age.

Keywords: Northwestern Crimea, Tarkhankut peninsula, settlement Yarylgachskoye Vostochnoye, Middle and Late Bronze Age, rescue excavations in 1975, ceramics, flint artifacts.




Рогов Е. Я. Великое перенесение того, что осталось от греков и римлян, из палаты № 6 в Авгиевы конюшни

Rogov E. Ya. The great transfer of what was left of the Greeks and Romans, from ward number 6 to the Augean stables


Список сокращений

List of abbreviations