General information
1. The journal accepts papers, book reviews and analytical reviews devoted to major problems of prehistoric archaeology and related disciplines, or introducing important and previously unpublished materials.
2. The set of submitted materials should include:
- agreement form which can be downloaded from our web page and which should contain information about the author(s), paper abstract, keywords, figure and table captions, etc.;
- text with list of references (see below);
- illustrations and tables sent as separate files, with each file containing just one plate or table;
- files with raw data used to build graphs and diagrams (if applicable);
3. Manuscripts should be carefully prepared in accordance with the journal rules (see below), checked and submitted in final form.
4. Manuscripts should be sent via e-mail to, or delivered directly to the editorial office (St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, room 203). In the latter case the manuscript and accompanying materials are submitted on an optical carrier, with the author's name, phone number, e-mail address and the paper title marked on it.
5. Upon receiving a manuscript, confirmation will be sent to the submitting author. The manuscript will then be either accepted for consideration or, if it does not answer to editorial requirements, sent back to the authors for reworking. After the article has been preliminarily approved by the Editor, it will be peer-reviewed. Articles recommended by referees for publication undergo technical and, if necessary, literary editing and correcting. The final version of the article is sent to the author(s) for approval.
6. Each author (co-author) receives a free copy of the issue with his/her article.
7. The entire contents of the journal is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the Editorial Board. When citing, reference to the journal is obligatory.
1. Papers should be submitted in either English or Russian.
2. The size of the manuscripts (including tables, references and figure captions) should not normally exceed 60 000 symbols, but in some exceptional cases larger manuscripts can be considered.
3. References to illustrations should be placed in parentheses; in case a reference points to specific parts of an illustration their numbers should be given in italics and separated from the illustration number by a colon and a space. For example: (fig. 1: 3, 5, 7–9).
4. References to literature should be placed in parentheses and presented as follows:
if the publication has one author — (Smith 2016: 213);
two authors — (Smith, White 2004);
more than two authors — (Smith et al. 2007: fig. 33);
Note that there is no comma between the author's name and year of publication; page numbers are separated from the year by a colon and a space. Works of different authors should be listed in chronological order and divided by semicolon: (Hansen 1985; Brown 2001; Wright 2010). In case there are several works of the same author, they are ordered according to the date, and the works published in the same year are identified by lowercase letters — (Smith 2003; 2012a: 34; 2012b).
5. Footnotes should be consecutively numbered (1, 2, 3...), with footnote marks appearing right next to the words or sentences they refer to. At the end of sentences footnote marks are put before the dot.
6. Acronyms and abbreviations should be standardized, uncustomary abbreviations should be defined.
Illustrations should be submitted as separate TIFF or JPEG files, with each file containing just one plate or table. Do not insert them into the text. For TIFF black-white illustrations resolution should be 600 dpi, and for JPEG ones 300 dpi.
All illustrations, whether graphic drawings or photographs, are designated as «figures» with continuous numbering corresponding to the order they are referred to in the text. Each figure should have a joint name, with its different parts having their names too. (For example: Fig. 1. Stone inventory from layer 3 of Kostenki 14: 1 – core; 2 – burin; 3 – retouched blade). All textual explanations to illustrations should be given in figure captions to avoid the overburdening of the drawings.
All tables with textual data are designated as «tables» with continuous numeration, according to the order they are referred to in the text. Each table should be named (For example: Table 1. Information on the hearths of Kostenki IV).
List of literature should follow the main text (after a page break). It is arranged in alphabetical order, with right indentation for each paragraph. The works of the same author are listed in chronological order. All works included in the list of literature should be referred to in the text, and all works cited in the text should be included in the list of literature.
Each reference starts with the authors' surnames and space-separated initials, followed with the year of publication. The entry then continues with different formats for books, chapters in edited books and journal articles as follows:
Mellars P. 1996. The Neanderthal Legacy. An Archaeological Perspective from Western Europe.Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Hardin M. A. 1983. The structure of Tarascan pottery painting. In: Washburn D. K. (ed.). TheStructure and Cognition of Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 8–24.
Boëda E., Bonilauri S., Connan J., Jarvie D., Mercier N., Tobey M., Valladas H., Al Sakhel H.,Muhesen S. 2008. Middle Palaeolithic bitumen use at Umm el Tlel around 70000 BP. Antiquity 82, 853–861.
Estabrook V. H. 2009. Sampling Biases and New Ways of Addressing the Significance of Trauma in Neandertals. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Michigan.
Vaesen K., Scherjon F., Hemerik L., Verpoorte A. 2019. Inbreeding, Allee effects and stochasticity might be sufficient to account for Neanderthal extinction. PLoS ONE [online] 14(11): e0225117. Available from: