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Вы здесь: Главная / Издания / ПАЖМИ/PAJIS / Issues / Texts / Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022. No. 1. Contents.

Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022. No. 1. Contents.

Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. 2022. No. 1. 126 p.




Research papers


Shchelinsky V. E., Gaidalenok O. V.

Peresyp’. A new Early Acheulean site on the Taman peninsula, the Western Fore-Caucasus (a preliminary report)



Kobakhidze E. I.

Industry of the Ilskaya 1 site in the Kuban river basin (based on the materials from N. D. Praslov’s excavations in 1963 and 1967–1969).



Shumkin V. Ya., Derzhavin V. L., Khlobystin A. L.

Spitsbergen season of L. P. Khlobystin: materials to the biography of an outstanding student of antiquities of the Russian North.






Kuzmin Ya. V.

Chronology and periodization of the Stone Age of Kamchatka (in the light of the 2017–2021 publications): discussion.




Book reviews


Vishnyatsky L. B.

The first book on how Paleolithic children were born, grew up, got training and amused themselves (Nowell A. Growing Up in the Ice Age. Fossil and archaeological evidence of the lived lives of Plio-Pleistocene children. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2021. xii + 372 p.)



Kuzmin Ya. V.

Anatomically modern human dispersal in Asia during the Paleolithic: R. Dennell’s version (Dennell R. From Arabia to the Pacific. How Our Species Colonised Asia. London and New York: Routledge, 2020. xix + 365 p.)



Kuzmin Ya. V.

Biography of an iconic figure in world archaeology: the life and excavations of James Mellaart (Mellaart A. C. and other contributors, Baysal E. (ed.). James Mellaart: The Journey to Çatalhöyük. Istanbul: Archaeology and Art Publications, 2020. 476 p.)



