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Peer Review Process



All papers submitted to the Journal are subject to peer review.


1. Forms of reviewing:

internal – reviewing by members of the editorial board;

external – reviewing by independent experts.


2. The editor-in-chief determines if the manuscript complies with the subject-matter of the journal and the layout requirements, and, in case of a positive decision, sends the article to two reviewers whose field of expertise is appropriate for suitable evaluation. In case the article does not correspond to the journal's profile or formal publication requirements, it can be rejected without further consideration.


3. The duration of the peer review process is up to 3 months from the date of receipt of the draft. Authors who receive a decision of minor revision or major revision have a month to resubmit the revised manuscript.


4. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent them are intellectual property of authors and contain the data which aren't subject to disclosure.


5. Reviewing procedure is anonymous both for the expert and author. The texts of negative reviews are sent to the authors without indicating reviewers' names and affiliations. Breach of confidentiality is possible in exceptional cases only (reviewer's claims of falsification, plagiary, etc.).


6. Reviewer fills a reviewer's form, containing questions concerning the general content of the paper, reliability of methodology and analytical procedures, validity and originality of conclusions. The review should also include a general assessment of the article and recommendations for its improvement. Depending on the results of reviewing the article can be rejected, sent back to the author for reworking or accepted for publishing.


7. If the reviewers point to the necessity to improve the article, the typescript is returned to the author for revision. As stated above, the revision is assumed to be done within one month. In this case the date of receipt is the date of submission of the revised article. The articles reworked by the authors are returned to the same reviewers for repeated reviewing.


8. In case of article rejection a notice is sent to the author with the explanation of the reasons of rejection and the text(s) of negative review(s).


9. After the editorial board accepts the article for publication, the executive editor sends a notice of this to the author.

