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Instructions for contributors



Instructions for contributors


Editorial policy

1.1. These rules define the character of interaction between the contributors, reviewers and editorial board, and regulate the publication process.

1.2. No publication fee is required for accepted papers.

1.3. The materials that have been published earlier or are under consideration in other journals will be rejected without consideration.

1.4. Manuscripts should be carefully prepared in accordance with the journal rules (see section 3), checked and submitted in final form.

1.5. Manuscripts should be sent via e-mail to zapiski@archeo.ru or L_kirtcho@mail.ru, or delivered directly to the editorial office (St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, room 311). In the latter case the manuscript and accompanying materials are submitted on an optical carrier, with the author's name, phone number, e-mail address and the paper title marked on it.

1.6. Upon receiving a manuscript, confirmation will be sent to the submitting author. The manuscript will then be either accepted for consideration or, if it does not answer to editorial requirements, sent back to the authors for reworking.

1.7. After the article has been preliminarily approved by the Editor, it will be peer-reviewed.

1.8. Articles recommended by referees for publication (section 4) undergo technical and, if necessary, literary editing and correcting. The final version of the article is sent to the author(s) for approval.

1.9. The author and journal sign an agreement (sent to the author via e-mail) of free use of the data submitted for publication. Upon filling and signing the original of Agreement, the author should send it to the editorial office via either e-mail or regular mail.

1.10. Each author (co-author) receives a free copy of the issue with his/her article.



2.1. Manuscript, illustrations and tables should be submitted in electronic form only.

2.2. Text is submitted as a separate rtf. file. The name of the file should include the name(s) of the author(s) and first words of the paper title. For example: Иванов_Поясные_накладки.rtf.

2.3. The author's working address (with zip code), position held and academic degrees (if available) and e-mail address should be indicated at the end of the text (after a page break).

2.4. Pages are to be numbered (bottom, right). Please do not use any specialized formatting, hyperlinks and automatic division of words.

2.5. Abstracts, keywords, figure and table captions are provided in Russian language only as a separate rtf. file. Do not insert them into the text. The name of the file should include the author's name and short description of the materials contained. For example: Иванов_рез_рис_кл_сл.rtf.

2.6. Illustrations (with graphical information) should be submitted as separate TIFF or JPEG files, with each file containing just one plate or table. Do not insert them into the text. The name of each file should include the author's name and illustration number. For example: Иванов_рис_01.tif.

2.7. Tables (with textual information) should be submitted as separate Word or RTF files. Do not insert them into the text. The name of each file should include the author's name and table number. For example: Иванов_табл_01_05.doc.

2.8. Letters sent via e-mail should not exceed 20 Mb (including attached files). To send bigger volumes of information the contributors are advised either to contact the editorial office for transferring the files through FTP server or use file hosting service. It is the contributors' responsibility to carry out a virus check of their files and optical media (if any) before submitting them to the editors.


Manuscript preparation


3.1. The articles submitted for consideration should include:

3.1.1. RTF file containing the text of the article with the list of references;

3.1.2. separate RTF file containing the abstract, keywords, figure and table captions;

3.1.3. TIFF or JPEG files containing illustrations;

3.1.4. RTF files containing tables.

3.2. All graphic files should be submitted in black and white only. Contributors are urged to adhere to the following recommendations:

3.2.1. Graphics should be supplied as high resolution (600 dpi for scanned line arts, and 300 dpi for scanned tone arts and photographs) uncompressed TIFF files.

3.2.2. Digital photographs are accepted in their original format (cropped and framed if necessary).

3.2.3. Maximum size of illustrations is 120 × 190 mm.

3.3. Articles should normally be up to 12 pages for theoretical and review works, and up to 7 pages for the other publications, including tables, illustrations and lists of references.

3.4. Text should be 12-point Times New Roman, with 1,5 line spacing, aligned justified (left and right margin 2,5 cm, top and bottom margin 2,5 cm). First line indents (1,25 cm), quotation marks (« »), inner quotation marks (“ ”), brackets ( ), inner bracets [ ] and other signs should be uniform throughout the whole text.

3.5. All materials are published in Russian. The editors take responsibility for translating abstracts, keywords, and captions to illustrations and tables into English. It is incumbent on the contributors to provide the English equivalents of special terms and names, including the desirable transcription of their own names.

3.6. Translated terms and names:

3.6.1. Foreign names, when mentioned for the first time, should be followed by their original spelling enclosed in brackets (with the exception of commonly known names and names referred to in the list of literature). The same applies to Russian abbreviations of the names of foreign institutions, universities, etc.

3.6.2. Newly introduced or rarely used translations of foreign terms should be accompanied by their original equivalents (enclosed in brackets).

3.7. Footnotes should be consecutively numbered (1, 2, 3...), with footnote marks appearing right next to the words or sentences they refer to. At the end of sentences footnote marks are put after the dot.

3.8. Acronyms and abbreviations should be standardized, uncustomary abbreviations should be defined. Abbreviations consisting of several words should be space-separated, for example: (I тыс. до н. э.).

3.9. All illustrations, whether graphic drawings or photographs, are designated as «figures» with continuous numbering corresponding to the order they are referred to in the text. Each figure should have a joint name, with its different parts having their names too. For example: Fig. 1. Comb from barrow No. 1 of the Yaloman cemetery: 1 – details preserved; 2 – reconstruction of the comb

3.10. All textual explanations to illustrations should be given in figure captions to avoid the overburdening of the drawings. Figure captions should correspond to the content of the drawings. Captions accompanying the drawings of artifacts should include information about the raw material they are made from! For example: Fig. 1. Inventory of burial No. 3: 1 – spearhead; 2 – knife; 3 – jar; 4 – bead. 1, 2 – iron, 3 – ceramics, 4 – glass
Each illustration is submitted as a separate graphic file. All figure captions are provided in a separate file. The responsibility for the quality of drawings and photographs rests with the authors.

3.11. All tables with textual data are designated as «tables» with continuous numeration, according to the order they are referred to in the text. Each table should be named, for example: Table 1. Information on the hearths of Kostenki IV
To save space in columns it is allowed to use abbreviations, the meaning of which should be explained in notes to the tables. All tables (including their names, ordinal numbers, notes) are submitted in a separate file.

3.12. Citing references in the text:

3.12.1. Works printed in Cyrillic should be referred to as follows: «Fragment of a bracelet with an identical composition was found at the settlement of Nastas'ino» (Сарачева, Сапрыкина 2004: 53, рис. 90, 9)».

3.12.2. Initials of the cited authors and page numbers are required for direct quotations. For example: «M. P. Gryaznov noted: “Vessels of the same form are found on the right bank of the Yenisey in the Tuba river basin” (Грязнов 1968: 188)».

3.12.3. Works printed in Latin characters should be referred to as follows: (Owens 1991) or «... after Yamanouchi (Yamanouchi 1964: fig. 42)...».

3.12.4. Works of the same author should be listed in references in chronological order, for example: (Gaidukevich 1949; 1981), using letters to differentiate the works published in the same year, for example: (Nowakowski 1995a; 1996b).

3.12.5. Works of different authors should be listed in chronological order and divided by semicolon, for example: (Hansen 1985; Паромов 1998; Тункина 2003).

3.12.6. Joint works of more than two authors are cited with the use of acronyms «и др.» or «et al.» following the name of the first author: (Александровский и др. 1998; Cruz-Uribe et al. 2003).

3.12.7. References to Internet resources, as well as to unpublished works and works in press should be avoided.

3.13. List of literature should follow the main text (after a page break). It is arranged in alphabetical order, with right indentation for each paragraph. The works of the same author are listed in chronological order. Works printed in Cyrillic go first, followed by works printed in Latin characters. All works included in the list of literature should be referred to in the text, and all works cited in the text should be included in the list of literature.

3.14. In the list of literature authors' surnames (without initials) should be shown in regular and followed with a space and the publication year, dash, authors' surnames with initials shown in italics with space-separated initials, publication name, editor's surname with initials (for collection of articles), place, name of the publisher, publication year, total number of pages (for examples see Appendix).

3.15. Works of the same author published in the same year should be designated by letters.

For example:

Егоров 1985а – Егоров В. Л. Граница Руси с Золотой Ордой в XIII–XIV вв. // ВИ. 1985. № 1. С. 16–29.

Егоров 1985б Егоров В. Л. Историческая география Золотой Орды в XIII–XIV вв. М.: Наука, 1985. 245 с.

3.16. Names of works published in languages other than Russian should be given in full accordance with the original (including the positioning of capital and small letters). Neither comma between the author's surname and initials nor symbol «&» should be used.

For example:

Singer, Wymer 1982 – Singer R., Wymer J. The Middle Stone Age at Klasies River Mouth in South Africa. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. 312 p.

3.17. Issue numbers of Russian and foreign journals are designated by symbols «№» and «Nо.», respectively. Volume and issue numbers and corresponding figures should be space-separated.

For example:

«Т. 29. № 2» или «Vol. 29. Nо. 2».

3.18. Moscow and St. Petersburg should be abbreviated as М. and СПб., respectively.

3.19. Abstract:

The abstract should reflect the main results of the work. Its normal size is between 2/3 and 1 pages. The texts to be translated into English (abstract, keywords, figure captions) are to be submitted in one RTF file. In addition, this file should contain (after a page break) the desired transliteration of the authors' names, special terms and specific expressions used in the article. It is advisable that the abstract contains references to the tables and illustrations.

3.20. Keywords

Up to 15 keywords, reflecting the topics discussed in the article, chronology and cultural affiliation of the materials under study, etc.

3.21. Translation and transliteration of bibliography:

In addition to its original version, the Cyrillic bibliography should be translated into English and transliterated by Latin characters. If the cited work has an English title (abstract), authors are requested to adduce this title in round brackets after the Cyrillic title.

3.22. Absolute dates:

For radiocarbon and other absolute dates the authors should specify on which kind of materials they were obtained. The radiocarbon dates are cited as follows: measured value ± standard deviation (laboratory code and sample number). Symbol ± should be space-separated from both sides. The name of the calibration program (if any) and calibration confidence interval should appear after the sample number.

3.23. Offprints

No offprints are provided. All articles can be downloaded as PDF files from our website


Reviewing procedure


4.1. Upon receiving a manuscript, confirmation is sent to the submitting author (usually via e-mail).

4.2. The author's name and other personal data are removed prior to the forwarding of a manuscript to reviewers.

4.3. Forms of reviewing:

4.3.1. internal – reviewing by members of the editorial board;

4.3.2. external – reviewing by independent experts.

4.4. Completed reviews are submitted either in the form of scanned copies via e-mail or sent on paper by regular mail. Reviewer fills a reviewer's form, containing questions concerning the general content of the paper, reliability of methodology and analytical procedures, validity and originality of conclusions. The review should also include a general assessment of the article and recommendations for its improvement.

4.5. Depending on the results of reviewing the article can be rejected, sent back to the author for reworking or accepted for publishing.

4.6. If the reviewer points to the necessity to improve the article, the typescript is returned to the author for revision. The revision is assumed to be done within one month. In this case the date of receipt is the date of submission of the revised article. The articles reworked by the authors are returned to the same reviewers for repeated reviewing.

4.7. In case of article rejection a notice is sent to the author with the explanation of the reasons of rejection and the text of negative review.

4.8. In case the article does not correspond to the journal's profile or formal publication requirements, it can be rejected without further consideration.

4.9. No substantial changes or additions are possible after the material has been accepted for publication. If the author does wish to introduce substantial modifications, the publication can be postponed.

4.10. The date of receipt is the date when the final version of the article was accepted for publication.

4.11. Publication can be postponed if the respective issue is overfilled.

4.12. After the editorial board accepts the article for publication, the responsible secretary sends a notice of this to the author.

4.13. Reviewing procedure is anonymous both for the expert and author. The texts of negative reviews are sent to the authors without indicating reviewers' names and affiliations. Breach of confidentiality is possible in exceptional cases only (reviewer's claims of falsification, plagiary, etc.).

4.14. Manuscripts of all reviews are retained in Editorial for a period of 5 years.

4.15. Upon request of the The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and another government agencies, the copies of reviews may be forwarded to them.


Examples of end references



Author's surname(s) without initials (space) year – author's surname(s) with initials. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Total number of pages.


Смекалова, Дюков 2001 – Смекалова Т. Н., Дюков Ю. Л. Монетные сплавы государств Причерноморья. Боспор, Ольвия, Тира. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2001. 204 с.


Collection of articles


First words of the book title (followed by ellipsis)... year – full name of the book / Editor's surname with initials (ed.). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Total number of pages.


Проблемы археологии Евразии / Мунчаев Р. М. (ред.). Тула: Гриф и Ко, 2002. 356 с.


Book chapter


Author's surname(s) without initials (space) year – author's surname(s) with initials. Title of the article // Editor's surname with initials (ed.). Name of the book. Place of publication: Publisher, year. Page numbers.


Моргунова 2002 – Моргунова Н. Л. Проблемы изучения ямной культуры Южного Приуралья // Мунчаев Р. М. (ред.). Проблемы археологии Евразии. Тула: Гриф и Ко, 2002. С. 104–116.


Journal article


Author's surname(s) without initials (space) year, dash, author's surname(s) with initials. Title of the article // Name of the journal. Year. Volume. Number (issue). Page numbers.


Корзухина 1958 – Корзухина Г. Ф. О памятниках «корсунского дела» на Руси: По материалам медного литья // Византийский Временник. 1958. № 14. С. 129–137.

Черных, Орловская 2004 – Черных Е. Н., Орловская Л. Б. Радиоуглеродная хронология древнеямной общности и истоки курганных культур // Российская археология. 2004. № 1. С. 84–99.


Conference proceedings


Author's surname(s) without initials (space) year – author's surname(s) with initials. Title of the article // Editor's surname with initials (ed.). Name of the conference (Place and date of the conference). Place of publication: Publisher, year. Page numbers.


Черленок, Осташинский 2013 – Черленок Е. А., Осташинский С. М. Раскопки навеса Мешоко в 2011–2012 гг.: задачи, методы, предварительные результаты // Алёкшин В. А., Бессуднов А. А. (ред.). Актуальная археология: археологические открытия и современные методы исследования: Тезисы науч. конф. молодых ученых Санкт-Петербурга (Санкт-Петербург, 22–23 апреля 2013 г.). СПб.: ИИМК РАН, 2013. С. 44–45.


Dissertation abstract


Author's surname without initials (space) year – author's surname with initials. Title of the work (followed by colon): Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Place of publication, year. Total number of pages.


Моргунова 1997 – Моргунова H. Л. Население юга лесостепи Волго-Уральского междуречья в эпохи неолита–энеолита–ранней бронзы: Автореф. дис. … д-ра ист. наук. М.: ИА РАН, 1997. 32 с.


Archive materials or manuscripts


Archaeological reports or dissertations:

Author's surname without initials (space) year – author's surname with initials. Title of the work // The official name of the archive. Archive fund. Inventory list number. Document number.


Шумкин 1994 – Шумкин В. Я. Отчет о работах Кольской экспедиции за 1994 г. // НА ИИМК РАН, РА, ф. 35, оп. 1, д. 22.

Кирчо 1980 – Кирчо Л. Б. Культура ранней бронзы Южной Туркмении (вопросы происхождения по материалам керамических комплексов): Дис. … канд. ист. наук // НА ИИМК РАН, РА, ф. 35, оп. 2-д, д. 271.

Other archive sources:


НА ИИМК РАН, РА, ф. 35, оп. 5, д. 60.

РГАВМФ, ф. 410, оп. 2, д. 1528.