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Conference «Radiocarbon in archaeology and paleoecology: past, present, future»

Dear colleagues!

Institute for the History of Material Culture RAS, Herzen State University, Samara State Social-Pedagogical University, Institute of Archaeology RAS and Institute of Geography RAS invite you to participate in the conference devoted to anniversary of the senior researcher, Dr. Ganna Zaitseva.

G.I. Zatseva from 1989 to 2000 was the head of the Lab of Archaeological Technology IHMC RAS and she is leading of the radiocarbon group in the IHMC RAS more than 40 years. For this period the department attained a high international level and has the leading position among international leaders. The sphere of G.I. Zaitseva science interests in radiocarbon dating covers both archaeological and paleoecological directions of different epochs. Therefore in the frameworks of conference there will be considered the topics including the problems of archaeological chronology, the reconstructions of paleo conditions of Anthopogeny of Eurasia and new methods and approaches in radiocarbon dating.


The conference will at 23-25 November 2020 in the Institute of History for Material Culture RAS.
P.S. If the second COVID-19 wave begins in Autumn, the conference will be held in an online format of Zoom conference.

Participants pay themselves for travel and accommodation. All reports will be published in the Materials of Conference.

Applications for participation should be send before 15 August 2020 via e-mail: radiocconf20@gmail.com

The Application must include:
1. First and last name, affiliation, position.
2. Theme of report.
3. Contact phone number and e-mail address.

The Materials of Conference: File format – doc or docx
Times New Roman, size – 12 pt Margins – 2 сm

Line spacing – single.
Volume: 2000 characteristics with spaces.

An example of article preparation for the Materials of Conference you can find in the Journal of Russian Archaeology. The deadline of thesis application is 15 September 2020.

The program conference will send in the second information letter.

Organization committee



Nataliia Burova +79219049330

Marianna Kulkova +79219052303