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Project participants

Head of the project:
M.T. Kashuba. PhD (kandidat nauk) in History, Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Archeology of Central Asia and the Caucasus, IIMK RAS 
Project participants: 
M.Yu. Vakhtina, Ph.D. (kandidat nauk) in History, Senior Researcher, Department of the History of Ancient Culture, IIMK RAS
M.V. Medvedeva, Ph.D. (kandidat nauk) in History, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific Archive of the IIMK RAS 
A.V. Batasova, Ph.D. (kandidat nauk) in History, Junior Researcher, Department of the History of Ancient Culture, IIMK RAS
O.V. Grigorieva Researcher at the Scientific Archives of the Institute of Materials Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 
V.N. Kuznetsova, Ph.D., junior researcher at the Scientific Archive of the IIMK RAS 
P.S. Dremova, laboratory assistant at the Scientific Archive of the IIMK RAS, student of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University
E. O. Stoyanov Junior Researcher, Department of Archeology of Central Asia and the Caucasus, IIMK RAS 
N.N. Chemodurov, head of the scientific archive of the IA Crimea RAS, postgraduate student of the Department of World History and Archeology of the Faculty of History of the Tauride Academy of KFU. IN AND. Vernadsky