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Unknown "Archaeological Map of the Black Sea Region" by Irina V. Fabricius (archival documents, interdisciplinary research, modern interpretations)

The project is dedicated to the fundamental problem of preserving the archaeological heritage of the Black Sea region. In the process of its implementation, a search and a comprehensive study of the unpublished archaeological and documentary heritage of the Northern Black Sea region is carried out based on the analysis of information from the manuscript of I.V. Fabricius "Archaeological map of the Black Sea region" (1936-1938), kept in the personal fund of the researcher in the Scientific Archive of the Institute for the Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. "Archaeological Map..." became the first large-scale scientific systematization and interpretation of a huge array of materials accumulated by the 1940s. by domestic scholars who investigated the steppe and forest-steppe regions of the Dniester region - the Dnieper region. When compiling a map and describing the monuments of the region I.V. Fabricius used materials on its archeology, collected by the first director of the Kherson Archaeological Museum V.I. Goshkevich, and also completed with her data. As a result of the work done, I.V. Fabricius in April, 27th 1945 defended her Ph.D. thesis "Archaeological map of the Black Sea region of the Ukrainian SSR" at the Institute of the History for the Material Culture of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and planned to publish it in three editions, but in 1951 only the first volume was published. It covers the territory between the Dniester and the Southern Bug, the rest of the materials (the Interfluve of the Southern Bug - the Dnieper; the Dnieper with its estuaries and the left bank to the Perekop meridian) have not yet been published. The most important task of the project is the publication of all parts of the "Archaeological Map ..." with the involvement of additional archival sources and the expansion of the list of monuments of the Black Sea region on the basis of the richest documentary complex of Russian archeology from the collections of the Institute of Archeology of Crimea RAS and the Institute of Archeology of Crimea RAS. Previously unknown handwritten and illustrative materials related to the compilation of the map by I.V. Fabricius and with the study of the monuments of the Black Sea region at the end of the 19th - the first half of the 20th century within the framework of the activities of the Imperial Archaeological Commission and the Academy of the History of Material Culture. Collections from excavations of individual outstanding monuments of the Bronze Age - the Middle Ages will also be studied by modern natural scientific methods. In the process of work, the array of received data is planned to be combined into a GIS-database.
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