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International Conference "Antiquities of East Europe, South Asia and South Siberia in the context of connections and interactions within the Eurasian cultural space (new data and concepts)". Second circular


Dear participant of the conference!

thank you for your response to our invitation. Please note that in connection with new regulations set forth by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research the title, dates and format of the conference have been changed.

International Conference
"Antiquities of East Europe, South Asia and South Siberia in the context of connections and interactions within the Eurasian cultural space (new data and concepts)@ dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Russian academic archaeology,

will be held

from November 18th to 22nd, in St. Petersburg,
on the premises of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (Russian Academy of Sciences) and the State Hermitage

The program of the conference consists of two blocks of oral presentations:

Block I: «Ancient Central Asia in the Eurasian cultural context (new data and concepts)» dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of Vadim M. Masson

Dates: 18–20 November of 2019


Block II: «Connections, contacts and interactions between ancient cultures of Northern Eurasia and civilizations of the East during the Palaeometal period (IV–I mil. BC)» dedicated to the 80th jubilee of Vadim S. Bochkarev

Dates: 20–22 November of 2019



The abstracts will be published in two volumes prior to the conference.

The abstracts should be sent to the e-mail address of the relevant block. The deadline for submissions is June 1st, 2019. For the submission guidelines see Appendix 1.


In case you need a formal invitation to obtain travel orders (see Appendix 2) or visa (see Appendix 3 and Appendix 4), please, confirm your participation in the conference and send the filled forms to not later than September 1st, 2019.


Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by participants.