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Dear Colleagues,

Recent discoveries in the Paleolithic of Northern Eurasia raise researchers’ interest in discussing issues related to the study of bifaces. Those include the use of computer-based methods, the role of bifaces in tracing the spread of cultural complexes and groups in the Lower, Middle and Upper Paleolithic.

The Institute for the Material Culture History, Russian Academy of Sciences, is happy to invite all interested scholars to participate in the work of the conference "BIFACES IN THE PALEOLITHIC: METHODOLOGY, GEOGRAPHIC AND CULTURAL VARIABILITY", which will be held at the Institute, December 5-7, 2022.

Бифас из ашеля Франции, Музей Метрополитен

The work of the conference will be organized into the following sections:

  1. Methodological approaches to the study of bifaces. The role of morphological, technological, use-wear and experimental approaches in the study of bifaces. The use of the evidence-based interpretation as an alternative to formal typology. Application of dynamic reduction analysis to the study of bifacially worked pieces. Identification of heat treatment and study of interrelationships between the raw materials used and the morphology of bifaces (Convener E.Yu. Giria).
  2. Bifaces in the Lower Paleolithic. The identification of the Early Acheulian industries. The variability of bifaces in the Lower Paleolithic. The interrelationship between the Acheulian industries of Western Eurasia and East Asian industries with bifaces. The role of bifaces in the Lower to Middle Paleolithic transition (Conveners E.V. Belyaeva and S.A. Kulakov).
  3. Bifaces in the Middle Paleolithic. “Keilmesser” backed knives. The role of bifacial pieces in tracing the spread of the Eastern Micoquian. (Convener A.K. Ocherednoy).
  4. Bifaces in the Upper Paleolithic. Morphological variability of bifaces at different stages of the Upper Paleolithic development in Europe. Bifaces in the Szeletian, Streletskian and Gravettian industries. Bifaces in the Upper Paleolithic of Siberia (Convener A.A. Bessudnov).


The agenda of the conference will be as follows. Each of the sections above mentioned will begin with 3-4 reports dedicated to the problems chosen by the conveners. The reports will be followed by short presentations and lithic collection demonstration. The work of sections will be concluded by a general discussion.

Member of the Organizing Committee

Vasiliev S.A., Professor, Head of the Paleolithic Department and Scientific Director, Institute for the Material Culture History – Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Vishnyatsky L.B., Professor, Institute for the Material Culture History

Kulakov S.A., Professor, Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History

Belyaeva E.V., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History

Giria E.Yu., Ph.D., Experimental and Use-Wear Laboratory, Institute for the Material Culture History

Ocherednoy A.K., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History

Bessudnov A.A., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History

Zheltova M.N., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History, Secretary of the Organizing Committee

Stepanova K.N., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History; Institute of History, St-Petersburg State University

Tkach E.S., Ph.D., Paleolithic Department, Academic Secretary, Institute for the Material Culture History

Kiseleva A.M., Paleolithic Department, Institute for the Material Culture History

Lada A.R., Department of treatment and digital processing of archaeological materials, Institute for the Material Culture History

Korneva T.V., Department of treatment and digital processing of archaeological materials, Institute for the Material Culture History

Ivanov Ya.D., Department of Archaeology, Saint-Peterburg State University


The organizing committee kindly asks all those who wish to participate in the meeting to fill the application form attached by July 1, 2022, at https://clck.ru/h3X9E

Please accompany your application with a short abstract of your presentation (up to 500 characters) and the name of the section you wish to attend.

The conference will be held in an online/offline format with the presentation of sessions at the Zoom platform. All further information concerning the conference program will be forwarded to you in the second information letter. The conference proceedings will be published in the journal "Prehistoric Archaeology. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies".


Looking forward for your applications,

Organizing Committee

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