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Cultural geography of the Paleolithic of the East European Plain: from the Micoquian to the Epigravettian


Institute of Archeology of Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences

Peter the Great's Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences

Department of Education and Science of Bryansk Region

Bryansk State University

Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore



Conference / Field Workshop:

«Cultural geography of the Paleolithic of the East European Plain:

from the Micoquian to the Epigravettian»


Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Fëdor Mikhailovich Zavernyaev



Dear colleagues!

In November 2019, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fëdor Mikhailovich Zavernyaev, a scientist from the Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore. He was a pioneer and the discoverer of the numerous Paleolithic sites in the village of Khotylevo, in the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation, including the largest – Khotylevo I and Khotylevo 2. The conference

«Cultural geography of the Paleolithic of the East European Plain: from the Micoquian to the Epigravettian» will be devoted to Zavernyaev’s work.

Over the past 25 years of intensive research into the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe, a large volume of archaeological material has accumulated, asking for a continuous re-evaluation of the archaeological record. Questions of the chronology and periodization of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the East European Plain have been substantially revised. The technological direction in the analysis of stone and bone industries, which allowed us to approach the problems of the definition and genesis of archeological cultures and traditions, has been significantly developed. There has been a radical change in research approaches to the analysis of the spatial structure of settlements. The recent developments give cause to discuss the study of the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Eastern Europe with the use of comparative material in a broad chronological and territorial context.

During the conference, issues of a paradigm shift will be discussed regarding the conceptions of cultural communities in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the East European Plain and neighboring territories. The attempt to identify large communities of trans-European (transcontinental) distribution will be given special attention.

Main topics for discussion:

1) Chronostratigraphic correlations of sediments of alluvial and loess-paleosol series of the Valdai epoch (Weichselian) on the East European Plain;

2) Variability within large cultural communities and options for modeling their development processes

3) Issues of reconstruction of paleoclimatic changes, correlation of socio-cultural and natural factors in the development of large cultural communities of the European continent in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic


Preliminary dates of the conference/field workshop: from 10thto 16th September 2019

The program of the conference/field seminar will include acquaintance with the main areas of the Middle Paleolithic sites of Khotylevo I and Betovo, the Upper Paleolithic sites of Khotylovo 2, Khotylovo 6, and Yudinovo

The work of the conference/field workshop will be organized in two sessions and a seminar. The sessions will be devoted to the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Central and Eastern Europe. During the sessions, the participants will get acquainted with the


archaeological sites and present their oral reports. During the workshop, the participants will get a close look at the collections of the Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore and take part in experiments of local Upper-Desna flint-knapping.

Each day of the conference/field workshop will be completed with a poster session on the relevant topic.

The working languages of the conference/field workshop are Russian and English.

The abstracts and the guide-book will be published before the beginning of the conference/field workshop (the abstracts will be published in the original language).

The participants’ presentations will be published after the end of the conference.

The deadline for applications for participation in the conference/field workshop is February 28th, 2019 (six months prior to the conference).

The deadline for submission of abstracts for advance publication is April 30th, 2019 (four months before the conference/field workshop).

The organizing committee reserves the right to place podium submissions into the poster session.

The Organizing Committee of the Conference:


Institute of Archeology of Russian Academy of Sciences:

Prof. Hizry A. Amirkhanov (Chairman of the Organizing Committee),

Dr. Konstantin N. Gavrilov (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee);

Institute for the History of Material Culture of Russian Academy of Sciences:

Prof. Sergei A. Vasil’ev (Chairman of the Organizing Committee)

Dr. Aleksander K. Otcherednoy (Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee)


Andrei V. Panin (Institute of Geography of RAS),

Gennady A. Khlopachev (Peter the Great's Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS),

Department of Education and Science of Bryansk Region,

Aleksander E. Shinakov (Bryansk State University)

Vladimir P. Alekseev (Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore)

Information support:

Russian platform dedicated to human evolution Antropogenez.ru

Secretaries of the Organizing Committee:

Dr. Daria K. Es’kova (Institute of Archeology of RAS)

Dr. Ksenia N. Stepanova (Institute for the History of Material Culture of RAS)

Location of sessions:

Crystal Hall of the Government of Bryansk Region

Youth Center in the village Khotylevo

Bryansk State University

Bryansk State Museum of Local Lore


Addresses of the Organizing Committee:

117036, Moscow, Dmitry Ul’janov Street, 19, Institute of Archeology of RAS;

191186, Sankt-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, Institute for the History of Material Culture of RAS, Paleolithic Department

The Second Circular will be sent at the end of December, 2018


Sincerely yours,

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Dr. Konstantin N. Gavrilov

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Dr. Aleksander K. Otcherednoy


E-mail: desna2019@gmail.com


Registration form



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